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The K to 12 Curriculum and Capacity Building for Teachers

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1 The K to 12 Curriculum and Capacity Building for Teachers
Brenda B. Corpuz, Ph.D

2 K to 12 Launched officially in Malacanan Palace , April 26, 2012
Official Launching K to 12 Launched officially in Malacanan Palace , April 26, 2012

3 Updates Trainers’ Training for Grade 1 Teachers – April 23-27 , 2012 –
Trainers’ Training for Grade 7 - April May 4 , Teachers’ Training - May, 2012 - Grade 1- c/o DepEd - Grade 7 – c/o 50% DepEd and 50% TEIs

4 Schools Modeling Grades 11-12
University of Makati Ateneo de Naga Phil. Women’s University Identified schools per region (mostly techvoc)

5 Grades 11-12 Modeling Schools
Those offering post secondary courses With MOA with a college/university With strong LGU support Have linkage with industry

6 Relevant Teacher Education
Teacher Education Curriculum K to 12 Curriculum

7 Senior High School – Grades 11 and 12
BSEd – Adequate? BEEd

8 English-Oral communication Englsh or Filipino for Specific Purposes
Proposed Subjects for Grades 11 and 12 Grade 11 Grade 12 English-Oral communication Englsh or Filipino for Specific Purposes Filipino:Retorika Literature ( Phil Lit , 1st sem ; World Lit, 2nd sem) Math for Specific Purposes 1 Math for Specific Purposes 2 Life Sciences Physical Sciences Contemporary Local Issues Contemporary Global Issues Philosophy of the Human Person Career Pathways ( Student’s Choice) -Entrepreneurship -TechVoc -Academics - Sports and Arts - Journalism

9 Transition Grade 11 – 2016-2017 – No First Year College
Grade – No Second Year College The instructors/professors of General Education subjects in college are expected to teach Grades 11 and 12 .

10 Transition Teachers teach the way they were taught.
Not all Gen Ed teachers are Education graduates – no preparation in Principles and Methods of Teaching; Assessment, etc.

11 Gen Ed Instructors /Professors
Need to go through capacity building /Certificate of Teaching - Philosophy of Education - Adolescent Development - Principles and Methods of Teaching - Assessment plus 6 units more These may be offered by the College of Education

12 The Licensure Examination for Teachers
A license for teaching is required of basic education teachers ( R.A. 7836) . A license is an asset.

13 K to 12 Curriculum Model Academic Specialization Grades 11-12 (New HS Years 5-6) Science, Math, English, Contemporary Issues and Specializations Grades 9-10 (New HS Years 3-4) Core Learning Areas plus elective TLE Grades 7-8 (New HS Years 1-2) Core Learning Areas and exploratory TLE Grades 1-6 Core Learning Areas; Mother Tongue until Grade 3; Science starting Grade 3; Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan starting Grade 4 Kindergarten Learning Domains Technical-Vocational Specialization Sports and Arts Specialization Offers tracks that lead to specializations in Academics, Tech-Voc, and Sports & Arts Core Academic Areas include Math, Filipino, English, Araling Panlipunan, Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao, and MAPEH (Music, Arts, PE and Health). Technology and Livelihood Education or TLE areas and techvoc specializations will be consistent with TESDA training regulations and efforts on ASEAN and APEC mutual recognition. A K to 12 student will go to Kindergarten at 5 years then successfully transition to Grade 1 where the curriculum will include Mother Tongue to facilitate student learning. Science as a separte subject will commence in Grade 3, but science concepts and skills will be integrated in other subjects like Health under MAPEH, Math, and Languages in Grades 1 to 2. Edukasyong Pangtahanan at Pangkabuhayan or EPP starts in Grade 4. The K to 12 student will graduate from the critical primary grade levels (where dropout is highest) due to effective teaching and a decongested curriculum. The student will enter intermediate grades (Grade 4) successfully transitioning from Mother Tongue to Filipino and English. S/he will then be exposed to exploratory TLE tracks by Grade 7 (HS Year 1), and will be eligible for COC and can build on competencies to acquire up to NC II. By Grade 11 (HS Year 5), the K to 12 student may choose from an academic, technical-vocational, or sports and arts track depending on their interest, the community needs, and assessment results. By Grade 12 (HS Year 6) graduation, the K to 12 graduate has mastered core competencies that will allow for lifelong learning and the choice to go to work, higher education, middle-level skills development, or entrepreneurship.

14 Academic Track

15 Readiness of BSEd graduate??? Specialization- Academic track

16 For Specializations in Academic Track
Grade 11-12 Teacher specialization - Graduate studies (vertical) ; additional specialization ( horizontal)


18 Tech-Voc Electives


20 Exploratory Courses- TLE Grades 7 and 8
BSEd major in TLE?

21 TLE Courses TLE courses are based on Training Regulations of TESDA . Teaching of TLE specializations ( Grades 9 and 10) requires teachers with at least NC II

22 For TLE Teachers The attainment of NC 2 must be built in in the academic preparation of the TLE teachers

23 Mother Tongue as a Subject
BEEd and BSEd???

24 Mother Tongue as Medium of Instruction
Teacher Preparation???

25 Mother Tongue as a specialization for BEEd?
Or 18 units of Mother Tongue?

26 Mandatory Kindergarten (R.A.10157)
BS Pre-school ; BS in Early Childhood Education BEEd with Specialization in Pre-school

27 Accelerated Teacher education Program
Madrasah Education in Elementary Public Schools (2005) Teacher Education- Accelerated Teacher education Program

28 “ Every child a reader” by Grade 1.
Developmental Reading – BEEd (6 units) ??? Need for Specialists in Reading BSEd- 3 units???

29 BEEd Content Courses – MAPEH , adequate???
MAPEH starting Grade 1 BEEd Content Courses – MAPEH , adequate???

30 The Imperative for K to 12 Improve teaching through the use of enhanced pedagogies (e.g. spiral progression in Science & Math, integrative approach

31 Discipline-based Approach
First Year – Integrated Science Second Year - Biology Third Year – Chemistry Fourth Year – Physics

32 Living Things & Their Environment Force, Motion and Energy
Content and Connections Living Things & Their Environment Characteristics Structure and Function Processes Interactions Force, Motion and Energy Movement Effects of Force Forms of Energy and Transformation Science Content (G3-10) Earth and Space Surroundings: Land, Water, Air, Weather and Climate Solar system Matter Diversity of materials Properties and Structure Changes Interactions

33 Discipline-based approach
First Year – Elem Algebra Second Year – Intermediate Algebra Third Year – Geometry Fourth Year – Trigonometry

34 K – Algebra, Geometry , Statistics and Probability
Grades Grades 4-6 Grades 1-3 K – Algebra, Geometry , Statistics and Probability

35 Integrative Approach Integration of Science content, processes and values in all subjects possible

36 AusAid Study Recommends articulation of subject matter within and across learning areas which is found to be wanting in the Philippine basic education curriculum

37 Basic Science Processes Integrated Skills Higher Order Thinking Skills
Formulating hypothesis Fair testing - Identifying variables - Controlling variables Collecting and organizing data Interpreting data Making conclusions Observing Asking questions Measuring Classifying Inferring Finding patterns Predicting Communicating Critical thinking Creative thinking Problem solving Decision making (Real-life context) STE Literacy Skills Scientific Inquiry Skills

38 Analytical observation and evaluation
Scientific Attitudes and Values Intellectual honesty Accuracy Objectivity Perseverance Active listening Responsibility Sense of initiative Independent learning Analytical observation and evaluation Sound judgment and logical reasoning Informed /data-based decision making

39 Integrative Approach Science concepts & skills are integrated in Health, Languages, Math, and other subjects in Grades 1-2 Read contents of the slide

40 Advantages of Spiral Progression
Avoids disjunctions between stages of schooling Allows learners to learn topics & skills appropriate to their developmental/cognitive stages Strengthens retention & mastery of topics & skills as they are revisited & consolidated

41 Teacher Preparation Spiral Progression Approach
BSEd major in Bio Sciences /Physical Sciences ???

42 Constructivist Approach
Less Teacher talk More student talk

43 Constructivist Approach
Teacher tells Students construct knowledge with teachers facilitating

44 Constructivist approach
Teacher gives meaning Learner makes meaning

45 Constructivist Approach
Reflective learning Promotes self-assessment


47 Effective Communication Skills Learning and Innovation Skills
21st Century Skills Effective Communication Skills Learning and Innovation Skills Info, Media and Technology Skills Life and Career Skills

48 Viewing as a 5th macro skill in the languages; ICT
Info, media and technological literacy

49 “Netizen” “Webinar”

50 “Digital native” “Digital immigrant”

51 Learning and Innovation skills
1) creativity and curiosity; 2) critical thinking problem solving skills and 3) risk taking

52 Effective communication skills
The following skills must be taught: 1) teaming, collaboration and interpersonal skills; 2) personal, social and civic responsibility 3) interactive communication, 4) local, national and global orientedness

53 Life and Career Skills flexibility and adaptability
leadership and responsibility social and cross-cultural skills initiative and self-direction productivity and accountability ethical, moral and spiritual values

54 Demand for holistic and constructivist teaching
Community Involvement Co-curricular activities

55 Learning Area Time Allotment G 1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 Grade 7-10(Weekly) MT 50/50 50 Fil 30/30 30 4 hrs Engl __/30 Science - Math AP 40/40 40 3 hrs EPP/TLE MAPEH 4hrs EsP 2 hrs 240/270 310 360 29 hrs.

56 Time Allotment The total time daily does not include off-school learning experiences that teachers may require outside of school hours This is for the production of products and performances as evidence of transfer of learning

57 Teacher preparation to include Community involvement
Organizing , advising co-curricular organizations

58 Assessment Assessment Authentic Traditional

59 Under the K to 12 curriculum, pupils will be assessed at four levels and shall be weighted as follows: (DepEd Order No. 31, s. 2012) Level of Assessment Percentage Weight Knowledge 15% Process or Skills 25% Understanding(s) 30% Products/Performances 100%

60 The levels are defined as follows:
1. Knowledge – refers to the substantive content of the curriculum, the facts and information that the student acquires 2. Process – refers to cognitive operations that the student performs on facts and information for the purpose of constructing meanings and understandings

61 The levels are defined as follows:
3.Understandings – refers to enduring big ideas, principles and generalizations inherent to the discipline, which may be assessed using the facets of understanding a. Explanation – give examples, make insightful connections b. Interpretation – make it personal through images, anecdotes, analogies c. Application – can adapt/transfer understanding into real contexts

62 3.Understandings d. Perspective – understand different points of view, sees the big picture e. Empathy – understand and value the perspectives/point of view of others f. Self-Knowledge – show metacognitive awareness, perceive the prejudices and habits mind that shape and impede self understanding

63 4. Products/Performances – refers to real-life application of understandings as evidenced by the student’s performance of authentic tasks. It considers children’s MI.


65 Report Card (DepED Order No. 31, s. 2012)
At the end of the quarter, the performance of students shall be described based on the following levels of proficiency: Level of Proficiency Equivalent Numerical Value Beginning 74% and below Developing 75-79% Approaching Proficiency 80-84% Proficient 85-89% Advanced 90% and above

66 Definition of Levels of Proficiency
Beginning – The student at this level struggles with his/her understanding; prerequisite and fundamental knowledge and/or skills have not been acquired or developed adequately to aid understanding. Developing – The student at this level possesses the minimum knowledge and skills and core understandings, but needs help throughout the performance of authentic tasks

67 Definition of Levels of Proficiency
Approaching Proficiency – The student at this level has developed the fundamental knowledge and skills and core understandings and, with little guidance from the teacher and/or with some assistance from peers, can transfer these understandings through authentic performance tasks.

68 Definition of Levels of Proficiency
Proficient – The student at this level has developed the fundamental knowledge and skills and core understandings and, and can transfer them independently through authentic performance tasks.

69 Definition of Levels of Proficiency
Advanced – The student at this level exceeds the core requirements in terms of knowledge, skills and understandings and can transfer them automatically and flexibly through authentic performance tasks.


71 Ulat Tungkol Sa Pag-unlad ng Marka
Larangan ng Pag-aaral Markahan Huling Marka Pasya 1 2 3 4 Filipino P A Promoted English Mathematics Science Araling Panlipunan (AP) Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) MAPEH

72 Assessment of Learning 1 Assessment of Learning 2

73 Implications to Teacher Education
Prepare teachers to develop the holistically developed child equipped with 21st century skills ready for work , for middle level skills development , for higher education

74 The K to 12 teacher- Multi-specialist

75 Implication to Teacher Education
The ideal K to 12 Teacher Has self direction and sense of initiative Engages in CPD/CPE Has high EQ Is grounded on spiritual and moral values

76 Implication to Teacher Education
The K to 12 Teacher Multi-literate Multi-specialist Multi-lingual Equipped with 21st Century Skills Lifelong learner

77 The K to 12 Teacher ICT competent – Digital native not a digital immigrant Innovative Flexible/adaptable Accountable for results Effective Communicator

78 The Philippines must catch up with the rest of the world.
World Economic Forum Global Competitiveness Report Country and Overall Rank 2008 2009 2010 2011 Singapore 5 3 2 Malaysia 21 24 26 Brunei Darussalam 39 32 28 Thailand 34 36 38 Indonesia 55 54 44 46 Vietnam 70 75 59 65 Philippines 71 87 85 Cambodia 109 110 97 In ASEAN: 5th in Quality of Education Last (8th)* in Quality of Science & Math Education and Capacity for Innovation Let me begin by saying that the imperative for reforms all across the education sector is perhaps best underscored by the 2011 Global Competitiveness Report from the World Economic Forum. While we moved 10 spots up to a rank of 75th out of 142 countries in the overall rankings, we continue to lag behind nearly all ASEAN countries except for Cambodia (while Laos, Myanmar, and Timor-Leste are not included in the survey). In education, we ranked 5th out of 8 ASEAN countries surveyed in Quality of Education (ahead of Cambodia, Vietnam, and Thailand), and 8th or last in Quality of Science & Math Education and Capacity for Innovation. Plugging input gaps will go a long way towards improving education outcome, but that in itself is not enough. The Department believes that we must transform our basic education system so that it adequately responds to local needs while allowing our graduates to maximize opportunities beyond our shores. This is what K to 12 is all about. *Laos, Myanmar, and Timor-Leste are not included in the survey.


80 “ We look back with appreciation to our brilliant teachers but with gratitude to those who touch our hearts.” – Carl Jung

81 God bless us all!

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