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Use of administrative data to measure international migration Experience of the Republic of Moldova Valentina Istrati, head of demography statistics and.

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Presentation on theme: "Use of administrative data to measure international migration Experience of the Republic of Moldova Valentina Istrati, head of demography statistics and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Use of administrative data to measure international migration Experience of the Republic of Moldova Valentina Istrati, head of demography statistics and population census division Workshop on Migration Statistics (Minsk, 28 ‑ 29 May 2015)

2 Sources The State Register of Population Data base of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Data base of the Bureau of Migration and Asylum Administrative data Population Censuses Household serveys Data produced at NBS

3 Sources SourcePeriodicityMain characteristics of migrants State Register of PopulationHalf yearlyDsitribution of the emigrants by sex, date of birth, age gropus, marital status, education, country of destination Minister of Interior,quarterlyImigrants: citizenship, nationality, reason of stay. Repatriate: sex, nationality, country Refugees: sex, some age groups, country Border policeSome online dataData on the crossing of the state border, indicating the period of absence in the country Population censusesEvery 10 yearsDetailed information in the territorial aspect of certain characteristics: gender, age, marital status, level of education, the causes of migration, duration of absence, country etc. Labour Force SurveyQuarterly and annually Data disaggregated by sex, age, education level and area Labour force migration 2008, 2012 Additional socio-demographic characteristics related to labour migrants, in order to understand the reason of migrating abroad, the methods of emigration, legal status in destination country, problems abroad, training, activity and status in employment, employment contract and social protection, etc. Household Budget SurveyQuarterly and annually The reason of absence in household- at work abroad. Features: gender, age, level of education., marital status, duration of absence, the country, remittances

4 Disaggregation level on migration statistics Breakdown of immigrants by citizenship, nationality and purpose of arrival Repatriates by country Emigrants by destination, by gender, age group, marital status, education level Migration of population abroad for contract-based employment, by sex, in territorial aspect Distribution of refugees, beneficiaries of humanitarian protection and asylum seekers by country of origin, by sex and age groups

5 Data quality Due to the presence of the border with Transnistria, the persons that are traveling through the Transnistrian Ukrainian border are not registered. The absence of an effective registration system, which would have encouraged citizens to report change of residence in accordance with the accepted rules. The differences in methodological approaches in counting for population (definitions, sample)

6 Dealing with illegal migration Much attention is paid to reduce illegal migration flows: Is tightening the control over the activities of recruitment agencies involved in hiring persons abroad. Is developed appropriate automated information system. Are signed agreements on readmission with countries such as the Czech Republic, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Ukraine, Norway, Italy and others. Exchange of information between countries.

7 Practical use of collected information on migration 1.To develop appropriate policy programs a.The national program of economic support for young people whose purpose is to facilitate access for young entrepreneurs to financial resources needed for the opening and development of their own businesses, and encouraging young people to create and develop new businesses. This program aims to enable young people to start their own business in Moldova, and not to leave for work abroad. b.Currently, the work in progress is government "program to attract remittances into the economy" - a new tool to attract investment and remittances for the development of rural areas and the creation of new enterprises. The program provides for the mobilization of human and financial resources of Moldovan migrants and their direction in the economic development of the Republic of Moldova. c.To develop a strategy of demographic security of the Republic of Moldova 2.The Ministry of Economy - for the calculation and analysis of poverty 3.The Ministry of Education - registration of children left without parental supervision 4.The ministries involved - in the framework of the exchange of information through the automated information-integrated system SIAMA 5.UNICEF, UNECE, Eurostat, ILO and others. International organizations 6.The scientific community, mass-media.

8 Acces to information on migration Operational information and analytical notes are posted on the official webpage of NBS: under the heading Press releases. Publications:  Population and Demographic Processes in the Republic of Moldova  Population of the Republic of Moldova by age and sex in territorial aspect as of January 1  Women and Men in Moldova  other statistical publications: Statistical Yearbook, Territorial Statistics, Statistical pocket-book "Moldova in figures", Women and Men in Moldova, Socio-Economic Situation in Moldova, etc. Access to publications:  electronically, on the official website of the NBS, under the heading Products and services / Publications  on paper - in NBS library (see more details at  or can be purchased at the NBS office (see details on, Publications heading

9 Migration in 2013

10 Part of emigration from the country is compensated by the repatriation and immigration. According to information from the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2013 in the country were repatriated 323 persons. Distribution of the repatriates according to nationality is as follows: Moldovans - 50.5%, Ukrainians - 22.6%, Russians - 16.1%, Gagauzians - 5.3%, Bulgarians - 3.7%, Belarusians - 0.6%. Most returnees have arrived from Russia and Ukraine, 59.8% and 32.5% respectively. During 2013 3,349 immigrants arrived Moldova, of which 8 persons were granted permanent residence permit and 3341 persons - fixed term permits. After the arrival they are characterized as follows: the study - 21.2%, work - 31.7%, family immigration - 32.0% and 15.1% other causes.

11 Main conclusions Evaluation of irregular migration is the most problematic for demographers in all countries due to the fact that the category of migrants is not included in the register and censuses and surveys do not provide full coverage. The development of new methodologies, to have comparability at international level, that is the implementation of the notion of “usual residence” not only at the census by NBS, but also by other data producers. Sample surveys of households continue to be considered as a means of filling the existing gaps in the data available to measure migration and remittances. Communication on the international level is extremely important for a better understanding of the quality of national statistics. There should be mechanisms of realization of such an exchange on a regular basis. To date - it is the most effective method.


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