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Nineteenth-Century American Music Education. Historiography of music education in 19 th -century America European influence on American music and music.

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Presentation on theme: "Nineteenth-Century American Music Education. Historiography of music education in 19 th -century America European influence on American music and music."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nineteenth-Century American Music Education

2 Historiography of music education in 19 th -century America European influence on American music and music education as an extension of European traditions Lowell and Luther Mason, J. G. Schmauk, Eleanor Smith (1898), and others travel to Europe, consult with Europeans, apply European education to music education in America 19th-century Americans finding their own forms and styles of musical expression distinct from European. William Billings (shape-note), Stephen Foster, Charles Ives Both perspectives valid; affirm key historical America vs. Europe debate

3 Lowell Mason (1792-1872)

4 The benefits of music education in the 19 th century Moral: corruption, social ills, and industrialization Patriotic: Americanization, nation-building, acculturation Religious: church musicians and textbooks, church and school music Social: Community-building Debate: music education useful or a frill, ornamental Intellectual: thinking and feeling Physical: breathing, hearing, speech

5 Music education in the Victorian Era Music as a moralizing force, a antidote to social ills Lowell Mason & music education in Boston public schools. Also, Horace Mann on moral education Music education in Milwaukee (late-19 th century) Louisville, Kentucky (1844-1879)

6 Gender, class and music education Godey's Lady's Book (published between 1830- 1898) Music and femininity, refinement, virtue, domesticity Boys bands Teachers of music in the 19 th century Philadelphia, Boston, Milwaukee, North Carolina

7 Dolton School Boys Band, 1860s

8 Music education and religion Moravians (1750-1830) German Mennonites in Kansas Psalters and Protestants: William Billings, Charles Aiken, singing schools, and monitor schools Church musicians as music textbook writers and educators Boston (Lowell Mason 1792-1872) and Philadelphia (Johann Gottfried Schmauk) Rural resistance to patriotic music education, favoring religious music education (1900-1925) Religious songs in public schools Louisville, Kentucky and Kansas

9 Music education and social ameliorization, worker pacification Music in schools, schools/churches, and community 19th-century Kansas Community-based music education as social ameliorization and worker pacification The industrializing South

10 Experiments in Music Education Music in Special Education before 1930 Music as a diagnostic and educational tool for the hearing and speech impaired Music Education for the Hearing Impaired 1848: William Wolcott Turner and David Ely Bartlett Music Education at the Dewey School Calvin Brainerd Cady (1851-1928): Thought and feeling in the study of music Child-Study Movement & G. Stanley Hall Darwin's Origin of Species (1859) and empirical psychology (1860s and 1870s) Yields to the progressive education movement

11 Music education and diversity: the 19 th century and the Progressive Era Early multicultural approaches (1900-1916) Diversity and cultural pluralism: folk music Black/White music education, music groups North Carolina (19th-century) and Kansas City (1905-54) non-segregation and “separate but equal” Americanization, acculturation in music education Boston in the 19 th century (Luther Mason) Kansas Territory/State in the 19 th century Rural reformers (1900-1925)

12 Systematizing teaching methods Music teachers' associations Philadelphia, Ohio, Indiana Textbooks, music readers, journals (1900-02) Summer school for music supervisors (Hosea Holt), Normal schools for music teachers (Silver Burdett's American Institute of Normal Methods, 1884), and collegiate institutions for training music teachers (Julia Crane, Potsdam, NY, 1884) National Education Association Department of Music Education survey, 1889.

13 Tambourine class, 1867

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