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Historical Sources Central Sources for Understanding Jesus Josephus Tacitus Pliny Suetonius.

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Presentation on theme: "Historical Sources Central Sources for Understanding Jesus Josephus Tacitus Pliny Suetonius."— Presentation transcript:

1 Historical Sources Central Sources for Understanding Jesus Josephus Tacitus Pliny Suetonius

2 Classical Sources — Josephus: Antiquities of the Jews (94 CE) — References to Jesus, John the Baptist, and others

3 Josephus — Jewish historian — Mentioned Jesus in his writings toward the end of the first century — Discusses disturbances that were caused by the Jews during the time Pontius Pilate was governor of the region of Judea. — These disturbances centered around a man named Jesus and his followers. — Identifies Jesus as “a wise man… a doer of wonderful works, a teacher of men who receive the truth with pleasure.” — Would have had no reason to accept the historical reality of Jesus

4 Classical sources — Tacitus: History (105 CE) — References to a “Christus, the founder of the name,” and his death by Pontius Pilate. — References to Nero’s famous early persecution of Christians.

5 Classical sources — Roman historian — Referred to Jesus in his account of a fire that burned Rome in the year 64 C.E. — Had no great love for that strange group of people called Christians

6 Classical Sources — Pliny the Younger: Letters to Trajan (110 CE) — References to the early Christian sect and early persecution under Emperor Trajan.

7 Classical Sources — Governor of one of the Roman provinces in Asia Minor — He wrote to the emperor Trajan for advice on what to do about the Christians. — The Roman officials were always concerned about the growth of any political or religious sect

8 Classical sources — Suetonius: Twelve Caesars (120 CE) — References to expulsion of “Jews of Rome” because of riots instigated by “Chrestus”

9 Classical sources — Roman historian and a lawyer. — Compiled biographies of several Roman emperors. — He stated that Claudius expelled the Jews from Rome because of the riots they were constantly causing “on the instigation of Chresturs.” — Scholars agree that Chrestus refers to Christ

10 — All of these men were non-Christians. — Through their writings they support the historical existence of Jesus

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