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Opener: 8/20 - #5 COPY the questions on your own sheet of paper. **skip a couple lines between each one** 1.How did Egyptians view afterlife? 2.What was.

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Presentation on theme: "Opener: 8/20 - #5 COPY the questions on your own sheet of paper. **skip a couple lines between each one** 1.How did Egyptians view afterlife? 2.What was."— Presentation transcript:

1 Opener: 8/20 - #5 COPY the questions on your own sheet of paper. **skip a couple lines between each one** 1.How did Egyptians view afterlife? 2.What was a pharaoh? 3.What was built during the Old Kingdom?

2 Ancient Civilizations of North Africa & Southwest Asia - #6 Directions: Fill in your graphic organizer by writing the key information that is in bold.

3 The most advanced stage of human social development and organization

4 What do they have in common?

5 Civilizations of Mesopotamia Fertile Crescent, “land between the rivers”

6 Mesopotamia Location: The Sumerians were among the first societies to develop in this area between the Tigris and the Euphrates Rivers. Agriculture: They raised crops year- round. They made efforts to improve water distribution to the land in order to create more fertile land.

7 Mesopotamia Record Keeping (Writing System): They created a form of writing called cuneiform. – They would carve wedge-shaped symbols on wet clay tablets; then they would baked the tablets in order to harden them.

8 Egypt Location: Egyptian civilization grew along the Nile River. Agriculture: Because of the climate and irrigation techniques developed, the Egyptians could have 2-3 harvest per year.

9 Egypt They built pyramids as tombs for their leaders.

10 Egypt Record Keeping (Writing System): The developed a 365-day calendar. The developed a form of picture writing called hieroglyphics.

11 Label and color {+ key} the early civilizations on your map:

12 Ethnic Groups of North Africa & Southwest Asia What is an ethnic group? An ethnicity, or ethnic group, is a group of people sharing a common and distinctive culture, religion and language.

13 Arabs Arabs are the primary (largest) ethnic group in the entire region Religion - Islam (Muslims) Language - Arabic

14 Bedouins Bedouins are nomads in the deserts of NA & SWA. They are considered to be “true Arabs”. Speak Arabic Nomads - people who live in different locations, moving from one place to another

15 Persians Persians are a non-Arab ethnic group Persians primarily live in Iran (and some of Afghanistan) Persians are primarily Shia Muslim Language - Farsi

16 Kurds Kurds are a non-Arab ethnic group Kurds primarily live in Turkey, Iran, Syria & Iraq – They want their own homeland - Kurdistan Their religion is primarily Sunni Muslim Speak Kurdish (related to Farsi)

17 Turks Turks are a non-Arab ethnic group Turks primarily live in Turkey The religion is primarily Sunni Muslim They speak Turkish

18 Berbers Berbers are a non-Arab ethnic group Berbers primarily live in Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, and Egypt Their religion is primarily Sunni Muslim Primarily spoken language w/many dialects Disappearing because they are assimilating with Arabs

19 Jews Jews are a religious group living mostly in Jerusalem (southeast corner), Israel, and part of the Golan Heights. – Jews claim Palestine (modern-day Israel) as their rightful homeland Religion – Judaism Jews speak Hebrew

20 Write your name in Hieroglyphics!

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