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Senior Design Tom Rethard. Courses CSE 4316/4317 Taken by CSE, SE and CS majors CSE 4316 Primarily “Professional Practices” – otherwise known as 3310+

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Presentation on theme: "Senior Design Tom Rethard. Courses CSE 4316/4317 Taken by CSE, SE and CS majors CSE 4316 Primarily “Professional Practices” – otherwise known as 3310+"— Presentation transcript:

1 Senior Design Tom Rethard

2 Courses CSE 4316/4317 Taken by CSE, SE and CS majors CSE 4316 Primarily “Professional Practices” – otherwise known as 3310+ Project from inception through requirements and into architecture CSE 4317 Primarily ethics, architecture and construction Project from architecture through final delivery

3 Requirements (may vary) Project (40%) Team Performance (20%) Individual Performance (20%) Software Engineering Notebook Exams (50%) Mostly written Sometimes oral Attendance and participation (10%) Must Meet ALL ABET Criteria to Pass

4 ABET Outcomes (a) Ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering (b) Ability to design and conduct experiments, analyze and interpret data (c) Ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs X (d) Ability to function on multi-disciplinary teamsX (e) Ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems X (f) Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility X

5 More ABET Outcomes (g) Ability to communicate effectivelyX (h) Broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global and societal context (i) Recognition of the need for, and the ability to engage in life-long learning X (j) Knowledge of contemporary computer science and engineering issues X (k) Ability to use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice

6 Overall Grading As on the Syllabus, but you must ALSO pass EVERY ABET and CSE@UTA Outcome Passing means you are at least minimally satisfactory in every area that applies to that criterion

7 Bottom Line Do your job every day Work smart Don’t get behind Don’t procrastinate Don’t get stupidly lazy (good engineers are intelligently lazy – they think long term, not short term)

8 What’s Easy The technical stuff If you paid attention in earlier classes If you come to class If you follow instructions If you have solid self-discipline

9 What’s Hard The people stuff Working as part of a team Managing conflict Avoiding ego clashes Remembering you have a job to do Staying focused!

10 The Projects Origins Some student suggested Some faculty suggested Some industry suggested Instructor approves all project proposals Must be difficult enough to be real work Must be achievable Must result in a real product

11 What We Don’t Do Alarm systems Remote-controlled vehicles (some exceptions for sponsored projects) Non-sponsored “smart home” projects Larger than 1 cubic yard Existing product Websites Coding projects

12 What a Project Must Be About 12 man-months’ worth of full-time work (~2000 man-hours) CSE majors must include major hardware design/integration CS and SE majors will work with CSE majors, but will not have primary responsibility for hardware design. BUT, they will have to deal with it.

13 Teams Minimum 4, maximum 6, students Formed based on the available projects and distribution of available skills. DON’T team up with your best friend, girl/boy friend, spouse, etc. (in other words, make sure your instructor knows about your relationships that might violate this) Unless you want to destroy the relationship

14 Level of Effort Overall (through two semesters) About 10-15 hours per week per person Hours will vary during the project Weekly oral status reports Periodic formal reviews Individual presentations And the usual classroom load This is not an easy course

15 Prior Group Projects A control and reporting system for power usage measured by a network-attached electric meter An automatic drink mixer Two different parking garage entry control system An automated baby monitoring system A parked vehicle monitoring system Monitoring for children and/or animals left in car

16 More Prior Projects A saltwater aquarium control system A hydroponics control system A thermal emergency monitoring system A cleaning robot A change management system

17 More Prior Projects DASD Organization Performance Measurement Testbed A Web-controlled LED Announcement Board for Room 100 A Computer-Controlled Laser Display System A DVD Imaging and Duplication System

18 More Prior Projects An RFID-based Inventory System A Monitor and Control Backpack for a Rat A Navigation and Target Identification Subsystem for the UTA AUV

19 Current Projects An autonomous submersible (2 teams) AUVSI Contest An autonomous vehicle (2 teams) AUVSI Contest An automated guitar player A “slot machine” for the CoE To be used for prize giveaways during e- week

20 More Current Projects A flood control monitor for feeder streams A testbed system for the Heracleia Lab A network analysis tool (also for Heracleia)

21 Discussion Open forum with Senior Design Students

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