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Status and Progress of GHS Implementation in Union of Myanmar

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Presentation on theme: "Status and Progress of GHS Implementation in Union of Myanmar"— Presentation transcript:

1 Status and Progress of GHS Implementation in Union of Myanmar

2 Some activities of GHS Workshop on Development of National Chemical Profile, Dec 2004, MOH (WHO) Manila, 2005 Focal point (OHD) Multi-departmental meetings

3 Critical Challenges No GHS implementation body (committee)
No Chemical Safety Law No training on GHS Weak authority commitment Weak knowledge and awareness Few coordination between government and private sector Few trained persons

4 Few Trained Persons (Example of private industrial sector participation)
Myanmar Industries Association Chemical Industries Group / (AOTS, Japan) 15 trainees on GHS 5 trainees on experts course

5 Pesticide consumption in Myanmar
Metric Ton Source: Myanmar Agricultural Service

6 Chemical related industries under Ministry of Industry I, Myanmar
Main Brand Total factory Myanmar Textile Industry Myanmar Food Stuff Industry Myanmar Ceramic Factory Myanmar Pharmaceutical Factory Myanmar Paper & Chemicals Myanmar General & Maintenance Total Source: Ministry of Industry I, 2007

7 Neem Pesticide Production in Myanmar (in Liter)

8 National Health Plan 2006 – 2010 Environmental Health Risk Assessment and Control Project
National Workshop on Chemical Management in 2007 Awareness Workshops on GHS in 2007 and 2008 Training Courses on GHS in 2007 Implementation of GHS in

9 Thank You

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