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COST Action: FA0902 Event title: PRRS Diagnostics and Control Workshop Reference : ECOST-MEETING-FA0902-230812-020479 Event dates: from 23-08-2012 to 25-08-2012.

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Presentation on theme: "COST Action: FA0902 Event title: PRRS Diagnostics and Control Workshop Reference : ECOST-MEETING-FA0902-230812-020479 Event dates: from 23-08-2012 to 25-08-2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 COST Action: FA0902 Event title: PRRS Diagnostics and Control Workshop Reference : ECOST-MEETING-FA0902-230812-020479 Event dates: from 23-08-2012 to 25-08-2012 Location: Mediterranean Palace Hotel, Thessaloniki, Greece

2 Albania FYROM Bulgaria Greece Turkey



5 FYROM Bulgaria Turkey


7 The program Friday 24 August 2012 Session 1-Chair: Tomasz Stadejek Diagnostics of PRRS infection Lunch-Walking at the bay-Guided tour

8 Session 2-Chair: Spiros Kritas PRRS eradication. Field observations Chair: Enric Marco PRRS eradication. Vaccinations Dinner-Boat trip Friday 24 August 2012

9 Saturday 25 August 2012 Session 3-Chairs: Gianpetro Sandri and Luc Mieli PRRS control and eradication: Industry view Leaving for Vergina archaeological site, swimming at the foot of Olympus mountain. Lunch

10 Many thanks to several colleagues for the organisation: Tahar Ait-Ali Tomasz Stadejek Lars Erik Larsen Dinko Novosel George Filioussis Kostas Papageorgiou Liz Brown the social afternoon event of Saturday is a kind offer of the Charity Brotherhood of Thessaloniki


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