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Published byJoan Gilmore Modified over 9 years ago
Skyrise Game Rules EP Summit, July 2014 Presented by Dan Larochelle
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Skyrise Game Video
Alliance Robot Interaction Spots The colored (red or blue) X’s from which a Student Drive Team Member may interact with the Robot as per. Notes: Student Drive Team Members should only be at these spots when fixing a Robot that’s unable to move, as per. There are not other legal interactions in VEX Skyrise.
Built A Skyrise Section is Built if it is not touching a Robot of the same color as the Alliance Starting Tile the Skyrise Base is adjacent to and either: – Fully nested within the Skyrise Base –Fully nested within a Skyrise Notes: Fully nested means that the Skyrise Section must fully sink into the Skyrise/Skyrise Base. When this happens, the two adjoining sections become approximately vertical.
Disablement A penalty applied to a team for a rules violation. A team who is Disabled in a Match, is no longer allowed to operate their robot, and will be asked to place their controller on the ground. Notes: To disable a team, ask them to gently place their VEXnet Joystick on the ground. The software is unable to disable Robots. and are the only rules which calls for a disablement.
Owned A Post is Owned by an Alliance if its colored Cube is the vertically highest Scored Cube on that Post. Notes: The top Cube Owns the Post. Therefore Blue Owns the Post
Pinning A Robot is considered to be Pinning an opposing Robot if it is inhibiting the movement of an opponent Robot while the opposing Robot is in contact with the foam playing surface and another Field Element. Notes: A Robot cannot by definition be Pinned in the open field Contact is not required for Pinning to take place
Trapping A Robot is considered to be trapped if an opposing Robot has restricted it into a small, confined area of the field, approximately the size of one foam field tile or less, and has not provided an avenue for escape. Notes: Robots that are restricted to an area smaller than 2’x2’, and do not have enough room to get out are considered trapped
Preload The one (1) Cube each team must place on the field such that it is touching its Robot, not touching any grey foam tiles or the Skyrise Base, and fully within the field perimeter prior to each Match. Notes: There are no Driver Control Loads this year. All Preloads must be entered before the Match Preloads are not optional. They must be touching the Robot prior to the start of the Match If a Robot does not show for their Match, their Preload is still placed on the Alliance Starting Tile
Scored A Cube is Scored if it is not touching a Robot of the same color and meets one of the following criteria. –A Cube is touching a Floor Goal of its own color, and is not Scored on a Skyrise. –Any part of a Post is within the volume defined by the outer edges of the Cube. –Any part of a Skyrise is within the volume defined by the outer edges of the Cube of the same color as the Alliance Starting Tile adjacent to the Skyrise Base. Notes: If a Cube is Scored in a Floor Goal and on a Skyrise, it will only count on the Skyrise. Unlike past years, the goals do not extend infinitely. Some part of the Cube must be surrounding either the Post or Skyrise.
S1 If at any time the Robot operation or team actions are deemed unsafe or have damaged the Field Elements or Scoring Objects, including, but not limited to disassembly of Cubes and/or Skyrise Sections, by the determination of the referees, the offending team may be Disabled and/or Disqualified. The Robot will require re-inspection before it may again take the field. Notes: This rule is up to the discretion of the Head Referee. If the Head Referee feels that a Robot is damaging the playing field, the team should not be allowed to compete until this is no longer an issue. If a team damages the field during a match, they should be warned and asked to speak to the Lead Inspector. If this same team damages the field in the same manner in a later match they should then be disqualified.
General Game Rules
G3 Each team shall include up to three Drive Team Members. No Drive Team Member may fulfill this role for more than one team at any given event. Notes: Once someone acts on the Drive Team for one Team, they may not do so for any other team. Many teams miss this rule, so be sure to remind the if you see and violations.
G4 Only Student Drive Team Members may touch the team’s controls at any time during a Match, and are the only Drive Team Members allowed to interact with the Robot as per. Adult Drive Team Members are not permitted to touch the controls or interact with the robot or Skyrise Sections. Minor violations of this rule that do not affect the match will result in a warning. Egregious (match affecting) offenses will result in a Disqualification. Teams that receive multiple warnings may also receive a Disqualification at the head referee's discretion. Notes: Adults are not allowed to do any interaction with Robots, controls, or game pieces.
G6 During the qualification rounds, the red Alliance has the right to place their Robots on the field last. During the elimination rounds, the higher seeded Alliance has the right to place their Robots on the field last. Once a team has placed their Robot on the field, its position cannot be readjusted prior to the match. Robots must be placed on the field promptly. Teams who violate this rule will have their robots randomly repositioned by the referees. Notes: For the most part, teams aren’t too concerned about who places last, but if a team is particular about the issue you will have to invoke this rule
G7 Drive Team Members are prohibited from making intentional contact with any Scoring Object, Field Element or Robot during a Match, with the exception of the contact specified in and and when protecting themselves from falling Robots. Minor violations of this rule that do not affect the match will result in a warning. Egregious (match affecting) offenses will result in a Disqualification. Teams that receive multiple warnings may also receive a Disqualification at the head referee's discretion. a. Drive Team Members are not permitted to break the plane of field perimeter at any time during the match.
G7 (continued) Notes: The key part of this rule is the differentiation between accidental contact and intentional contact. Examples of intentional contact include: A Driver picking up a Robot during the match, outside of the permissions of Example of accidental contact impacting the final score: A Coach pointing at the field and accidentally knocking over his opponent’s Robot. The exception to are also and
G10 Scores will be calculated for all matches immediately after the match once all objects on the field come to rest. Notes: If a Robot is in the process of dropping a Scoring Object into a goal and lets go of the Scoring Object before the match ends, but the Scoring Object becomes scored after the end of the match, the Scoring Object will still count as being Scored. It would be infeasible to have the referees make split second rulings as to the state of the match at the 0:00 mark.
G11 Robots may not intentionally detach parts during any match, or leave mechanisms on the field. If a detached component or mechanism affects game play the team may be disqualified at the referees discretion. Multiple intentional infractions may result in disqualification for the entire competition. Notes: If an object remains connected to the Robot by a slim margin (i.e. a chain of zip ties, or a PWM cable) it is still considered to be attached Do not penalize teams for accidently dropping parts on the field. (i.e. a nut falling off the robot)
G12 Strategies aimed solely at the destruction, damage, tipping over, or Entanglement of Robots are not part of the ethos of the VEX Robotics Competition and are not allowed. However, VEX Skyrise is an interactive game. Some incidental tipping, Entanglement, and damage may occur as a part of normal game play. If the tipping, Entanglement, or damage is ruled to be intentional or egregious, the offending team may be disqualified from that Match. Repeated offenses could result in a team being Disqualified from the remainder of the competition… … All teams are responsible for the actions of their Robots. This goes for teams who are driving recklessly and potentially causing damage, but also goes for teams who drive around with a small wheel base and arm extended. Teams should design their Robots such that they are not easily tipped over or damaged by minor contact.
G12 continued Notes: This is another case where the Head Referee will have to exercise his or her discretion. Some examples of behavior that violates are: –Intentionally grasping of an opponent Robot. –Pushing high on a Robot causing them to tip over. For entanglement to be considered intentional, it should be clear that the offending team attempted to entangle their opponent. Examples include: –Reaching into an opponent Robot and deploying a mechanism that is likely to get stuck. –Intentionally grasping an opponent Robot Teams who accidentally entangle an opponent should be warned after the match, and re-inspected for compliance with
G12 continued If there is ever a judgment call between a team who is trying to score, and a team who is trying to play defense, the tie-breaker should always be to rule in favor of the offensive team. However, offensive teams who are trying to intentionally lure their opponent into penalties should not be rewarded Robots which expand in an effort to obstruct/block the field are no longer protected by or. Basically, as soon as you expand and start obstructing the field, teams are allowed to do whatever they want to get through the obstruction. However, this is not a carte blanche for teams to recklessly damage Robots, this exception was created to give teams the leeway to ram or push their way through Robots who have expanded to block the field.
G15 Replays are at the discretion of the event partner and head referee, and will only be issued in the most extreme circumstances. Notes: The most likely reason for a replay is due to a field error that interferes with a Robot – tape lines coming up and getting caught in a Robot, Goal being tipped over, etc. A refereeing error –A miscounted score that cannot be verified, etc.
Game Specific Rules
SG1 At the beginning of each Match, each Robot must be placed such that it is touching one of its colored Alliance Starting Tiles, not touching any Scoring Object other than those permitted by and not touching any other foam field tiles, the Skyrise Base, any Post, or the Autoloader. No more than one Robot may start the match on any one Alliance Starting Tile. Notes: A Robot must only touch their Alliance Starting Tile and no other tiles; However, they are allowed to break the plane of other tiles.
SG3 A Robot cannot Pin or Trap an opposing Robot for more than five seconds during the Driver Controlled Period... Notes: The offending Robot will be Disqualified for the match There is no penalty for Pinning during the Autonomous Period. If a Robot is unable to move away by 2 feet due to obstacles being in the way, this is alright as long they’re give the team enough room to escape the pin or trap. Pinning should only be called if it is intentional. For example if a Robot is trying to score in a Goal and a Robot is guarding the Goal, the scoring robot should not be called for Pinning the defending Robot. Common sense applies here, as per usual.
SG5 There can only ever be one Skyrise Section in an Autoloader at any one given time. There will be one Skyrise Section in the Autoloader to start the Match. Additional Skyrise Sections will be loaded by a Student Drive Team Member into the Autoloader. Robots may not contact a Skyrise Section if it is being touched by a human. Minor violations of this rule that do not affect the match will result in a warning. Egregious (match affecting) offenses will result in a Disqualification. Teams that receive multiple warnings may also receive a Disqualification at the head referee's discretion. Notes: Skyrise Sections must be inserted into the Autoloader by a Student Driveteam Member, and may only be removed by Robots
SG6 Robots are not permitted to remove any Cubes that are Scored on a Post unless the Cubes are either: a. Partially above the top of the Post. b. Above the defined normal capacity of the Post. Low – 1 cube max Medium – 3 cube max High – 4 cube max Notes: Descoring is only permitted if the Post is filled beyond its specified capacity, or for Cubes that are partially above the top of the Post
SG8 Robots may not Carry more than one (1) Skyrise Section at once. Minor violations of this rule that do not affect the match will result in a warning. Egregious (match affecting) offenses will result in a Disqualification. Teams that receive multiple warnings may also receive a Disqualification at the head referee's discretion. Notes: Robots should only be manipulating Skyrise Sections one at a time. Carrying a stack of 2 or more, while only contacting 1, is still illegal.
SG9 Robots may not interfere with an opposing Alliance’s Building of Skyrise Sections in any way. The following actions are all illegal. a) Contacting an opponent’s Autoloader and/or contents.
SG9 (Continued) b) Contacting an opponent’s Skyrise Base and/or Skyrise.
SG9 (Continued) c) Contacting an opponent’s Alliance Starting Tile or the grey foam field tile between the two Alliance Starting Tiles and located in the corner of the field.
SG9 (Continued) d) Contacting an opponent’s Robot that is contacting the foam field tiles mentioned in c) and not contacting any other foam field tiles.
SG9 (Continued) e) Contacting any Scoring Objects that are contacting the foam field tiles mentioned in c) and not contacting any other foam field tiles. f) Depositing Scoring Objects in/on the opponent’s foam field tiles mentioned in c) or on Robots or Scoring Objects touching said tiles. Notes: The intent of this rule is to allow teams to build their Skyrise without interference. Remember both direct and indirect contact count in all these cases Do not DQ teams for offenses that do not affect the match. e.g. A Robot contacts their opponent’s starting tile when there’s no opposing Robot present
SG10 Intentional strategies causing an opponent to violate a rule are not permitted, and will not result in a foul on the opposing alliance. Minor violations of this rule that do not affect the match will result in a warning. Egregious (match affecting) offenses will result in a Disqualification. Teams that receive multiple warnings may also receive a Disqualification at the head referee's discretion. Notes: Attempting to draw a penalty on your opponent will not lead to a penalty on your opponent. e.g. Pushing your opponent into your own Skyrise In these cases, it should always just be a warning. It’s hard to fathom a situation where forcing your opponent to violate a rule would be match affecting, since you would just be hurting yourself by employing this strategy. e.g. If you force someone to interfere with your Skyrise, you’ve only affected your own Skyrise building
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