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New Project Proposal for Asha for Education, Austin Chapter UDAY SAMUDAYIK PATHSHALA GSK - GIRIRAJPURA (RAJASTHAN)

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Presentation on theme: "New Project Proposal for Asha for Education, Austin Chapter UDAY SAMUDAYIK PATHSHALA GSK - GIRIRAJPURA (RAJASTHAN)"— Presentation transcript:

1 New Project Proposal for Asha for Education, Austin Chapter UDAY SAMUDAYIK PATHSHALA GSK - GIRIRAJPURA (RAJASTHAN)

2 Introduction UDAY Saamudaayik Pathshala, Girirajpura is the newest school that Gramin Shiksha Kendra initiated on 5th March 2014. The school is located about 45 kilometers from Sawai Madhopur and is part of Tonk District’s Aligarh block. This school serves mainly relocated community of two villages. Currently, it has 45 children – 27 boys and 18 girls and 2 teachers. The teacher-pupil ratio is 1:22.

3 About Girirajpura Girirajpura is a small village located four kilometers from Amli Railway station on Delhi – Mumbai mainline. This is a newly formed village. Villagers from two villages (Mor Dungari and Padra) in core of Ranthambhore Tiger Reserve were relocated here in 2012. It took almost two years for them to settle down, make their houses, start agriculture, start day to day religious rituals etc. Gramin Shiksha Kendra has played a very important role in the just relocation package of the village. Due to regular interactions with the community on their rights and with the Forest Department on their responsibility by the organization, the villagers have been happily relocated.

4 How it started… The community had been demanding for the Uday Samudayik Pathshala in their new village from GSK and has been insisting the forest department and district administration for the same. The forest department wrote to Gramin Shiksha Kendra in January 2014 requesting to start a Uday Pathshala for children of Girirajpura. They also provided a peace of 10 acres of community land a three room school building. The nearest elementary school to this village is 4 km away near the Amli Railway station, that too on the other side of the very busy railway line. There is also a private school in Amli but it is also located on the other side of the railway station at 4 km from Girirajpura.

5 Academic – Teachers and Students Sr. NoName of teacherEducational Qualification Group 1.Mr. Ashok SharmaMA, B.Ed.School Leader; Primary 2.Mr Shailendra Singh MA, B.Ed.Pre Primary Group No. of enrolled children Average Attendance% Attendance BoysGirlsTotal Pre- Primary165211886 Primary1113242292 Sub-total2718 4089 Grand-total 45

6 Pre-Primary Pre-primary group (3-6 Years) is comprised of 21 children of 3-6 years. These 21 children are further divided into 2 sub-groups according to their ages and the year of admission to the school. 10 children in 1 st sub-group 11 children in 2 nd sub-group. This group runs for 4 hours each day.

7 Pre-Primary - Activities The activities like dance, music and dramatics are taken as an integrated whole. Children are encouraged to join in singing and dancing on balgeet (children songs). Activities linked to drawing, painting and clay modelling and collage making are part of the daily routine. A similar trend is followed in class I and II, with further additions such as copying shapes, origami etc. The exposure to varied forms and mediums is increased with each successive class. The curriculum developed by GSK team is followed in the school.

8 Primary There are 24 students who are divided among 2 different groups of 12 children each. There are children from class I to class V level in both groups. 7 children are at class I level 8 children are at class II level 2 children are at class IV level 7 children are class V level. Both teachers work with the groups. A single teacher teaches all the subjects to her assigned group.

9 Primary – Curriculum/Activities The objective is to encourage creativity and self-expression and also, enhance aesthetic sense. Topics taught Arts and craft Sports English Hindi Mathematics Environmental studies. SIERT textbooks prescribed by the state government as our major reference point for teaching. Use children literature from various sources and the learning levels developed by the organization over a period of practice. Use TLM for understand comprehensive knowledge about subject related things.

10 Sharing, Monitoring, & Reporting @ School Level Each day, after school hours teachers sit together to plan for the teaching/lesson planning for the next day and recording the progress of student for the day (CCE). Teachers share their problems in the group and plan according to the suggestions made by the peer group. The senior team members visit school often and they guide teachers, if needed. Every Thursday, a half-day meeting of teachers is organized i.e. four such meeting per month to take stock of things. 1 st Thu - teachers review the academic work done against the school annual plan. 2 nd Thu - dedicated to SMC meeting. 3 rd Thu - meant for sharing academic problems and seeking solution collectively. 4 th Thu - share the progress of the children with the community according to our daily evaluation records.

11 Sharing, Monitoring, & Reporting @ Org. Level Monthly Workshop- 1.The monthly workshop of 2-day is organized where teachers share their monthly report with all the other members. 2.Generally, we discuss the processes of work and the problems faced and try to seek solutions collectively. 3.These workshops are also a platform for teachers to raise any particular subject-content related issue for discussion or any other issue of particular concern related to school, children or community. 4.During this reporting period we hold these workshops regularly, where we shared our monthly reports and planned for the coming months. Core-team (Review and Planning) meeting- 1.This is a bi-monthly meeting, in which the members of the core team of the organization meet. There are 8 members in the core team, including the Secretary of the organization. 2.The agenda of the meeting is decided collaboratively and shared with the team in advance. 3.During these meetings, we reviewed the decisions made in the previous meetings and tracked the progress of the accomplishment of set individual or group targets.

12 Working with Community SMC (School Management Committee) Meetings - SMC is a 14- members committee comprised of the representatives from local villages, parents, school teachers and a few nominated members. The aims of SMC monthly meetings were as follows: Reorganization of SMC and ensure female representation Setting up of admission norms for the school Motivating the SMC and making them more aware about their rights Apprising them of the decisions taken by the organization (GSK) for the school Discussions on the necessary resource requirements for the school

13 Working with Community Interaction with Local community It is mandatory for male teachers to live in the villages. This gives them opportunities to interact with the community members on a daily basis. This helps in building strong bonds with the community. Weekly home visits by teachers- Teachers visit the homes of their children once a week and share the progress and difficulties faced by the child with their parents. They also try to find solutions and know more about their children from parents.

14 Professional Development of Teachers Regular Professional Development activities are conducted. Recently a 4-day October (Deepawali) Workshop was held. focus was capacity building of teachers of different levels. Teachers who are making TLM (clay modelling, mask designing etc.) at various levels worked on the understanding of pedagogy.

15 Site Visit Murali recently visited Girirajpura when Kilol was happening. He narrated his experience in the meeting and showed pictures from his visit. Will ask him to write up a report.

16 Q&A – from earlier meetings Ques. What is involved in legal formalities ? What is the current understanding between Uday Girirajpura, villagers, forest department about ownership of the land and use of it. Ans. legal formalities - affiliation to rajasthan board. everything belongs to the village. They have been asked by the forest dept and villagers to provide education. Ques. Is the increase in number of students shown per year estimated based on migration rate ? Ans. # of children based on the relocation plan decided by local administration Ques. How are you providing salaries to the teachers ? What is the current funding resource ? Ans. Contribution from parents + funds in reserve - 1 teacher, helsley foundation - 1 teacher from jaganpura (sponsored by helsley foundation). Once funding comes in, they will hire a new teacher for jaganpura school. 15 teachers jaganpura (225)

17 Q&A – from earlier meetings Ques. Original budget was 5.17 lakh but in the new sheet its 6.25 lakh. What was the reason for increase ? Ans. He was travelling so did not know the exactly why. More likely it was to keep salaries consistent with other schools. Ques. - What is the motivation behind being a resource center ? - Who will conduct government teacher workshop ? Who pays for it ? - Who will be running the training centre ? What is the plan for that ? Ans. Resource Center concept is for GSK in general. GSK's goal is not to open and run more and more schools. Their goal is to set examples in education for govt. school teachers. They can implement ideas, innovating ways of teaching. Govt. teachers are invited to come. Govt does not send them, they come on their own free will. The resource center is done by GSK at location where schools exist. Depending on the capacity and capability of the school and its teacher, they can also organize these workshops. Typically these would be organized at the school itself.

18 RTE Compliance The school is affiliated to the state education board and they comply with almost all the RTE norms. There is a bit of concern in the infrastructure part but that is due to lack of resources. They are trying to get the resources for the infrastructure so that they can comply with the RTE norms in that area also.


20 Looking forward … The Forest Department is planning to relocate 3-4 more villages from the core of Ranthambhore to this location. The population of this village is going to be around 250-300 families in a few years and the number of children will be 200-250. This number is good enough establish this new Uday as resource school to support 20-25 government schools in the area.


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