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W13D2: Maxwell’s Equations and Electromagnetic Waves

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1 W13D2: Maxwell’s Equations and Electromagnetic Waves
Today’s Reading Course Notes: Sections Class 18

2 Announcements No Math Review next week
PS 10 due Week 14 Tuesday May 7 at 9 pm in boxes outside or Next Reading Assignment W13D3 Course Notes: Sections 13.9, 13.11, 13.12 Class 30

3 Outline Maxwell’s Equations and the Wave Equation
Understanding Traveling Waves Electromagnetic Waves Plane Waves Energy Flow and the Poynting Vector Class 30

4 Maxwell’s Equations in Vacua
No charges or currents Class 30

5 Wave Equations: Summary
Electric & magnetic fields travel like waves satisfying: with speed But there are strict relations between them: Class 30

6 Understanding Traveling Wave Solutions to Wave Equation
Class 30

7 Example: Traveling Wave
Consider The variables x and t appear together as x - vt At t = 0: At vt = 2 m: At vt = 4 m: is traveling in the positive x-direction Class 30

8 Direction of Traveling Waves
Consider The variables x and t appear together as x + vt At t = 0: At vt = 2 m: At vt = 4 m: is traveling in the negative x-direction Class 30

9 General Sol. to One-Dim’l Wave Eq.
Consider any function of a single variable, for example Change variables. Let then and Now take partial derivatives using the chain rule Similarly Therefore y(x,t) satisfies the wave equation! Class 30

10 Generalization Take any function of a single variable , where Then or (or a linear combination) is a solution of the one-dimensional wave equation corresponds to a wave traveling in the positive x-direction with speed v and corresponds to a wave traveling in the negative x-direction with speed v Class 30

11 Group Problem: Traveling Sine Wave
Let , where Show that satisfies Class 30

12 Wavelength and Wave Number: Spatial Periodicity
Class 30

13 Concept Question: Wave Number
The graph shows a plot of the function The value of k is Class 30

14 Concept Q. Answer: Wave Number
Wavelength is 4 m so wave number is Class 30

15 Period: Temporal Periodicity
Class 30

16 Do Problem 1 In this Java Applet http://web. mit. edu/8
Class 30

17 Traveling Sinusoidal Wave: Summary
Two periodicities: Class 30

18 Traveling Sinusoidal Wave
Alternative form: Class 30

19 Plane Electromagnetic Waves
Class 30

20 Electromagnetic Waves: Plane Sinusoidal Waves
Watch 2 Ways: 1) Sine wave traveling to right (+x) 2) Collection of out of phase oscillators (watch one position) Don’t confuse vectors with heights – they are magnitudes of electric field (gold) and magnetic field (blue) Class 30

21 Electromagnetic Spectrum
Hz Wavelength and frequency are related by: Class 30

22 Traveling Plane Sinusoidal Electromagnetic Waves
are special solutions to the 1-dim wave equations where Class 32

23 Group Problem: 1 Dim’l Sinusoidal EM Waves
Show that in order for the fields to satisfy either condition below then Class 32

24 Group Problem: Plane Waves
1) Plot E, B at each of the ten points pictured for t = 0 2) Why is this a “plane wave?” Class 30

25 Electromagnetic Radiation: Plane Waves
Magnetic field vector uniform on infinite plane. Class 30

26 Direction of Propagation
Special case generalizes Class 30

27 Concept Question: Direction of Propagation
The figure shows the E (yellow) and B (blue) fields of a plane wave. This wave is propagating in the +x direction –x direction +z direction –z direction Class 30

28 Concept Question Answer: Propagation
Answer: 4. The wave is moving in the –z direction The propagation direction is given by the (Yellow x Blue) Class 30

29 Properties of 1 Dim’l EM Waves
1. Travel (through vacuum) with speed of light 2. At every point in the wave and any instant of time, electric and magnetic fields are in phase with one another, amplitudes obey 3. Electric and magnetic fields are perpendicular to one another, and to the direction of propagation (they are transverse): Class 30

30 Concept Question: Traveling Wave
The B field of a plane EM wave is The electric field of this wave is given by Class 32

31 Concept Q. Ans.: Traveling Wave
Answer: 4. From the argument of the , we know the wave propagates in the positive y-direction. Class 32

32 Concept Question EM Wave
The electric field of a plane wave is: The magnetic field of this wave is given by: Class 30

33 Concept Q. Ans.: EM Wave Answer: 1.
Week 13, Day 2 Concept Q. Ans.: EM Wave Answer: 1. From the argument of the , we know the wave propagates in the negative z-direction. Class 31 33

34 Energy in EM Waves: The Poynting Vector
Class 18

35 Energy in EM Waves Energy densities: Consider cylinder:
Week 13, Day 1 Energy in EM Waves Energy densities: Consider cylinder: What is rate of energy flow per unit area? Class 30 35

36 Poynting Vector and Intensity
Week 13, Day 1 Poynting Vector and Intensity Direction of energy flow = direction of wave propagation units: Joules per square meter per sec Intensity I: Class 30 36

37 Group Problem: Poynting Vector
An electric field of a plane wave is given by the expression Find the Poynting vector associated with this plane wave. Class 30

38 Appendix A Standing Waves
Class 30

39 Standing Waves What happens if two waves headed in opposite directions are allowed to interfere? Class 30

40 Standing Waves Class 30

41 Standing Waves Most commonly seen in resonating systems:
Musical Instruments, Microwave Ovens Class 30

42 Standing Waves Do Problem 2 In the Java Applet http://web. mit. edu/8
Class 30

43 Appendix B Radiation Pressure
Class 30

44 Momentum & Radiation Pressure
Week 13, Day 1 Momentum & Radiation Pressure EM waves transport energy: They also transport momentum: And exert a pressure: This is only for hitting an absorbing surface. For hitting a perfectly reflecting surface the values are doubled, as follows: Class 30 44

45 Problem: Catchin’ Rays
As you lie on a beach in the bright midday sun, approximately what force does the light exert on you? The sun: Total power output ~ 4 x 1026 Watts Distance from Earth 1 AU ~ 150 x 106 km Speed of light c = 3 x 108 m/s

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