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Successfully Transitioning Away from the 2% Assessment: Georgia Action Plan Status July, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Successfully Transitioning Away from the 2% Assessment: Georgia Action Plan Status July, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Successfully Transitioning Away from the 2% Assessment: Georgia Action Plan Status July, 2014

2 Planning Team Planning team met March, 2014, to develop action plan to support districts Team members: – Assessment – Special Education – Curriculum

3 Using data to understand students participating in CRCT-M Examine data for students who transitioned from the CRCT-M back to the standard assessment (CRCT) in 2014 Examine proficiency by grade bands Determine range and frequency of the accommodations provided Determine districts that exceeded the 2% and 1% thresholds in 2014.

4 Action Steps Develop targeted and tiered technical assistance based upon the analysis of the data. Provide training at state conferences targeting strategies for persistently low performing students.

5 UDL to improve access to instruction Promote resources available on GaDOE website and – Formative Instructional Practices (FIP) modules and monitor use – Universal Design for Learning (UDL) videos and learning guides Presentations at state conferences – Dave Edyburn: Keynote at IDEAS Conference (Instruction Designed for Education of All Students) and presenter at Georgia Association for Curriculum Instruction Specialists/GaDOE Conference

6 Accommodations for Instruction and Assessment Contract has been awarded for the development and administration of the new Georgia Milestones Assessment System (Georgia Milestones) in grades 3 – 8 and high school Testing accommodations information and documents will be updated pending necessary amendments to State Board Rule and in keeping with the design of the assessment system. Parent brochures – 2% transition brochure has been developed, posted, and available to LEA’s and parent mentors. – Re: Georgia Milestones brochure in development

7 Standards Based IEPs Professional learning has been updated Sessions presented at IDEAS conference regarding Standards Based IEPs procedures, content, and instructional accommodations. ASPIRE (Active Student Participation Inspires Real Engagement) – Student led IEP’s (SPDG project) – Over 90 schools Further involvement of general education teachers in development of training

8 Support to improve outcomes for all students, including AA-MAS participants Co-teaching – Resources available on GaDOE website Webinars, Modules – Review status, current research, resources Professional Learning Opportunities to increase academic performance of all students – ELA and Math Summer Academies Gen Ed and Special Ed teachers GaDOE staff attended to target presenters for IDEAS – IDEAS conference—Over 700 teachers attended Encouraging use of technology during instruction

9 Plans for future Applied for CEEDAR grant for Intensive Technical Assistance to impact teacher preparation programs through identified IHE’s Developing Teacher Resources through Student Longitudinal Data System (SLDS). – Identify existing lesson plans and develop further differentiation using scaffolding and strategies for SWD. Planning team to reconvene in summer – Review and assess what has been accomplished – Review data to inform targeted technical assistance.

10 Resource Links FIP modules: Assessment/Assessment/Pages/GeorgiaFIP.aspx Assessment/Assessment/Pages/GeorgiaFIP.aspx UDL Part 1 UDL Part 2 ASPIRE GA IDEAS presentation handouts: Instruction-and-Assessment/Special-Education-Services/Pages/IDEAS- 2014.aspx Instruction-and-Assessment/Special-Education-Services/Pages/IDEAS- 2014.aspx Parent Brochure for Transitioning From 2% Assessment Assessment/Assessment/Documents/CRCT- M%20Phase%20Out%20Parent%20Flyer%2012.17.13.pdf Assessment/Assessment/Documents/CRCT- M%20Phase%20Out%20Parent%20Flyer%2012.17.13.pdf Co Teaching Current Resources: Instruction-and-Assessment/Special-Education-Services/Pages/Least- Restrictive-Environment-.aspx Instruction-and-Assessment/Special-Education-Services/Pages/Least- Restrictive-Environment-.aspx ELA Summer Academy

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