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Meet the teacher will last about 45 minutes. Share presentation and answer questions Go over forms/sign Meet with students and look around classroom.

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2 Meet the teacher will last about 45 minutes. Share presentation and answer questions Go over forms/sign Meet with students and look around classroom. Unpack supplies Your folder includes: Handbook Snack Information Volunteer Application School district forms/calendar

3 Second year teaching first grade at East Elementary Bachelor’s in Elementary Education from EKU Master’s in Elementary Education from EKU Dedicated and expect best from students Communication and collaboration Live with my husband, Bill, and two children: Luke and Mason

4 Fall, Winter, and Spring Benchmark testing windows Assessment is quick and provides immediate feedback to the teacher Assessment scores will help guide your child’s Tiger Time interventions STAR scaled score provides student goals for AR Reading Level Progress Monitoring available weekly, biweekly, or monthly for students scoring below benchmark

5 Fall, Winter, and Spring Benchmark testing windows Assessment is quick and provides immediate feedback to the teacher Assessment scores will help guide your child’s Tiger Time interventions Progress Monitoring available weekly, biweekly, or monthly for students scoring below benchmark

6 Students read books within their range and take short quizzes on the computer at school –Program cannot be accessed at home Quizzes cover vocabulary and comprehension from the book Students will work toward earning points and rewards. Most students will begin AR testing after Christmas break.

7 Proficiency Scales Parent Supplement Guide

8 Math Expressions Focus of instruction is on mathematical thinking and reasoning Children will solve problems through different strategies than traditionally taught and several strategies can be used to reach the same solution. Students participate in “ Math Talk ”, by explaining their answers and thought process to their peers.

9 On Monday your child will bring home math homework The homework will help support lessons that we are completing in class. Homework is due the following Friday. Sharing how you use mathematics everyday Playing games that make learning fun and important Solving problems together and exploring different ways to solve problems Memorize addition and subtraction facts to 10

10 Reading Whole Group: Focus on one main weekly story and comprehension skill Small Groups: Groups are formed based on student reading levels By the end of first grade students should be reading at level J Spelling List will be sent home weekly Follow a spelling pattern Test on Friday

11 Read at home nightly - library books, leveled readers, or Treasures textbook Practice weekly spelling words at home and think of other words to fit the weekly pattern

12 Step-Up to Writing Supports organization piece to writing instruction. Students organize writing “ accordian ” style Color-coded like a stoplight for students to remember sentence purpose 8 sentence paragraph with complete sentences (end of year)

13 Meets 4 times a week for 30 minutes Classes are divided into skills-based groups based on common assessment pre-test scores and STAR Reading/Math Scaled Scores. Each teacher will teach lessons according to skills needed. Groups range from enrichment to remedial support.


15 Transportation changes need to be made in writing or in person. If a note is not received, child will go home as usual. Phone calls are not accepted ID is required to check out child Parent pick up will occur on the Tiger Playground Two parent pick-up cards Procedure is explained in detail on website Only the front door by office will be open for parents School day Begins at 8:35 and 9:00 on Wednesday. Parents are asked to exit building before 8:35 so we can start our day. Dismisses at 3:35

16 Snack Afternoon Prepackaged Enough for whole class (may change) You can send in anytime Holiday Parties Christmas Valentine’s Day Birthdays Special treats will be enjoyed during snack time If you send invitations, please make sure to include everyone in our class

17 Communication is key! Weekly Newsletter Other notes or comments sent in orange communication folder Parent-Teacher Conferences Plan time: 10:40-11:30 E-mail or phone During plan time and before and after school

18 Orange Take Home Folder Sent home and returned daily Great place for notes for me Calendars and notes Behavior log Portfolio Shows child progress and skills that need attention Please leave all documents in binder If you have questions, please send a separate note

19 Mrs. Wren’s Daily Schedule First Grade 2014-2015 8:10-8:35 Breakfast/Morning Work 8:35-9:35 Tiger Time Interventions & Enrichment 9:35-10:40 Math Block (Fridays @ 9:45-10:15 Computer Lab) 10:40-11:30 Specials 11:30-11:45 Writer’s Workshop 12:00-12:25 Lunch 12:25-1:45 Reading Block 1:45-2:00 Cont’ Writing Block 2:00-2:30 Recess 2:30-3:00 Science/Social Studies 3:00-3:15 Snack & Pack-up 3:20 Parent Pick Up Dismissal 3:30 1 st Wave Dismissal 3:50 2 nd Wave Dismissal Wednesday – Late Start @ 9:05

20 Consistent discipline system/Positive Atmosphere Model and practice appropriate behaviors Class meetings Setting limits and having classroom rules Rules Rule 1: Follow directions quickly. Rule 2: Raise your hand for permission to speak. Rule 3: Be Respectful, Be Responsible, Be a Learner. Rule 4: Make Smart Choices, KHFOOTY! Rule 5: Keep your dear teacher happy.

21 Class Dojo Login code to monitor your child’s behavior online Behavior Ladder (Clip Up/Clip Down) Correlates with Class Dojo Points Consequences/Rewards Begin on Green: Ready to Learn Move up or down depending on behavior choices & Class Dojo Goal: End the day on Green or better!! Behavior Log Will be kept in Orange Take Home Folder Child is responsible for filling out each day Notes or comments can be added if necessary Initial each day

22 Refer to handbook and matrix throughout the year Volunteer Form Please sign and leave these forms before you leave: Tech Form Transportation Form Custodial Information Student Medical Form


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