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Lecture 15 Summary Wireless Networks and Mobile Systems.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture 15 Summary Wireless Networks and Mobile Systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 15 Summary Wireless Networks and Mobile Systems

2 Fundamentals: Summary 2 Lecture Objectives ● Provide a brief summary of the class ■ Approach and objectives ■ What we covered and what we did not cover

3 Fundamentals: Summary 3 Integrated Approach Mobile Applications Middleware Mobile Networking Wireless Networks Location and Context Aware Pervasive Computing Mobile ad hoc networks Mobile IP Nomadic services Security IEEE 802.11 and Bluetooth Mobility in wireless LANs Wireless fundamentals Middleware Client-server computing Peer-to-peer and ad hoc computing Service discovery and control Topics Design Characterization

4 Fundamentals: Summary 4 Learning Objectives (1) ● Describe the characteristics and operation of contemporary wireless network technologies such as the IEEE 802.11 wireless local area network and Bluetooth wireless personal area network ● Describe the operation of the TCP/IP protocol suite in a mobile environment, including the operation of Mobile IP and a mobile ad hoc routing protocol ■ Mobile IP ■ OLSR MANET routing protocol ● Describe security issues and current solutions for wireless networks and mobile systems ■ IEEE 802.11, WPA, and IEEE 802.11i

5 Fundamentals: Summary 5 Learning Objectives (2) ● Use application program interfaces (APIs), such as Intel’s Personal Internet Client Architecture (PCA), Microsoft’s.NET Compact Framework (CF), or Sun’s Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME), to realize mobile applications ■ Focus on.NET CF and UPnP ● Design, implement, and test a prototype mobile application ● Design, implement, and test a wireless access service

6 Fundamentals: Summary 6 Learning Objectives (3) ● Measure and characterize the performance a wireless local area network, mobile routing protocol, and mobile application ● Monitor the operation of mobile network protocols and applications using standard tools ■ iPERF, Ethereal, traceroute, ping

7 Fundamentals: Summary 7 What We Didn’t Cover (1) ● Communications… ■ Physical level modulation and coding schemes ■ Spectrum allocation and utilization ● Networking… ■ Cellular systems ■ Lots of additional protocols ■ Lots of additional complexity Wireless networks and mobile computing are both huge fields – so there are lots of topics that we didn’t cover or didn’t cover in sufficient depth

8 Fundamentals: Summary 8 What We Didn’t Cover (2) ● Software design issues… ■ New environments and languages ■ Power-aware ■ Integrated hardware/software design ■ Lots of additional complexity ● Hardware design issues… ■ Low power ■ Small form factor ■ Efficient reuse of resources ■ Integrated hardware/software design

9 Fundamentals: Summary 9 What We Didn’t Cover (3) ● Human computer interaction… ■ Design for small displays ■ Gesture and touch recognition ■ Video integration ■ Speech ● System issues… ■ Location detection ■ And lots more!

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