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1 History in Children’s Literature Dr. Tonja L. Root Early Childhood & Reading Education Valdosta State University Valdosta, GA 31698.

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Presentation on theme: "1 History in Children’s Literature Dr. Tonja L. Root Early Childhood & Reading Education Valdosta State University Valdosta, GA 31698."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 History in Children’s Literature Dr. Tonja L. Root Early Childhood & Reading Education Valdosta State University Valdosta, GA 31698

2 2 The Power of History in Children’s Literature Transports readers to another time and another place Allows readers to become a part of history Brings social studies to life Brings a deeper understanding and meaning to students

3 3 Picture Books: Regional and International Focus Benefits: Captures students’ interest in places associated with characters Motivates students’ interest in maps and geographic information Allows for the integration of social studies, reading & writing Provides information

4 4 Picture Books: Regional and International Focus Regions Northeast Southeast Midwest & Great Plains States Southwest Far West International

5 5 Biographies: Benefits Relate historical information in an interesting and realistic manner Enable readers to experience real life vicariously by relating experiences & providing historical context for understanding lives Increases students’ awareness of traits that characterize leaders

6 6 Bio-Poems 1First name of biographical subject 2Four adjectives describing subject 3Husband/wife/sibling, etc., of... 4Lover of...(3 people, places, things) 5Who feels... (3 emotions) 6Who fears... (3 things) 7Who would like to see…(3 things) 8Resident of…(city, state, country) 9Last name of biographical subject

7 7 Developing Expertise on Biographers & their Subjects Areas of Learning When Studying Biographies: Learning about famous historical figures Learning about the literary genre of biography

8 8 Studying Biographies of Different Subjects Written by the Same Author Learn from & enjoy unique portrayals of historical subjects Understand significance & style of biography Analyze writing style, sense of humor, historical accuracy & documentation, characterization, & theme

9 9 Studying Biographies of Same Subject/Theme by Different Authors Compare & contrast to determine each author’s: portrayal of subject’s strengths & weaknesses use of authentic materials for conveying story style of writing (point of view, tone) documentation type of biography (complete/partial)

10 10 Using Historical Fiction: Benefits Helps students experience the past Exposes them to conflicts, suffering, problems of those who lived before them Provides vicarious experiences of participating in the life of the past

11 11 Responding to Historical Fiction through Journals: Benefits Students respond to literature by writing as they read. Readers are active participants in making meaning from the literature. Students process informative thoughts they experience while reading. It captures the personal interaction of the reader with that part of history.

12 12 Historical Fiction Response Journals A place for students to express their thoughts, insights, feelings, reactions, questions, connections, & opinions while reading a book Means of preserving those special transaction with books Chance to write without being graded: free expression of ideas

13 13 Historical Fiction Response Journals (cont.) May mention historical facts, names, setting May assume the role of a fictional character May respond to specific response prompts given by the teacher (p. 133)

14 14 Historical Fiction Character Journals Encourages reader to become the main character Readers writes entries as if they were the character Writes entries in diary form after reading each chapter

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