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Florida Statewide Model Task Force November 12-13, 2003 Orlando, FL.

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1 Florida Statewide Model Task Force November 12-13, 2003 Orlando, FL

2 Outline Recent Activities & Initiatives Short-term Model Conversion Process Interim Standards and Medium-term Enhancements Long-term Enhancements  The New FSUTMS

3 What Happened?  Model Task Force reviewed transportation modeling software in Fall 2002-Spr 2003  Acted upon advice provided by MTF Blue Ribbon Panel  MTF formally adopted TransCAD as the new FSUTMS engine in May 2003  First major transition in FSUTMS in more than two decades

4 Recent Activities and Initiatives

5 Software Purchase and Distribution  One copy of TransCAD distributed free to all Florida public agencies (hardware key)  Additional copies to public agencies provided at annual maintenance fee of $500 each  Consultants/universities get TransCAD for annual maintenance fee of $995 each

6 FSUTMS Training Classes  Intensive training program by FDOT Central Office  FSUTMS training workshops well attended:  August 25-29, 2003 – Orlando  Sept 8-12, 2003 – Sunrise  Sept 29-Oct 3, 2003 – Tampa  Nov 3-7, 2003 – Daytona Beach  Dec 8-12, 2003 – Atlantic Beach  Jan 26-30, 2004 – Orlando  Feb 23-26, 2004 – Daytona Beach (tentative)  April 5-8, 2004 – Orlando (tentative)  April 19-22, 2004 – Orlando (tentative)  May 3-7, 2004 – Ft. Lauderdale (tentative)

7 FSUTMS Training Classes Attendee August (Maitland) September (Sunrise) October (Tampa) November (Daytona) Total FDOT561214 MPO71012231 Local Govt944017 Federal Govt00101 University02057 Consultant126151952 Total33283328122

8 FSUTMS-TransCAD  FSUTMS-TransCAD contains several standard features  Menu options for converting FSUTMS networks, data sets, and trip tables  All Census 2000 data for Florida  Florida highway network (Tiger) data and shapefiles  Caliper developing comprehensive statewide model network and socio-economic data  More to come…

9 Short-term Model Conversion

10 Model Conversion & Transition  MTF has initiated process of converting models to FSUTMS-TransCAD  Recently converted Gainesville model  Sequence of model conversion governed by:  Availability of model from MPO/District  Urgency of model conversion for LRTP update  Level of complexity of model  MPO’s/Districts provide model to Caliper; Caliper returns FSUTMS-TransCAD model

11 Model Conversion in Progress…  Short-term conversion includes:  Use of floating point arithmetic (eliminate bucket rounding procedures of FSUTMS-Tranplan)  Use of TransCAD gravity model; Tranplan gravity model is slightly different  Use of TransCAD transit skimming and assignment method that is most widely adopted  Fixing or notifying MPO/District of any obvious errors that require minimal effort

12 Model Conversion in Progress…  Caliper developed procedures to mimic Tranplan  But TransCAD will give different answers; results should be close to Tranplan, but will be different  MPO/District will need to re-validate TransCAD model as part of short-term conversion process  Caliper will provide support to MPO/District and consultant on converted model  Bottomline: Caliper conversion will include a few enhancements currently available in TransCAD; MPO/District/Consultant will re-validate models

13 Interim Standards and Medium-term Enhancements Thomas Rossi Cambridge Systematics, Inc.

14 Outline  Developing Interim Standards and Enhancements  Examples of Interim Standards and Enhancements  MTF Committees in Action  Making the Enhancements

15 Developing Interim Standards and Enhancements  Transition offers opportunity to make enhancements and establish new standards  Need to identify enhancements and establish standards without slowing down conversion  Will incorporate basic enhancements in short-term conversion process  MTF to identify interim standards and enhancements for FSUTMS-TransCAD

16 Examples of Interim Standards and Enhancements  FSUTMS User interface  File naming conventions  File/directory structure  Model structure/logic (flowchart)  Identifying TransCAD procedures to be used as standard/default methods  Default model parameters/coefficients

17 Examples of Interim Standards and Enhancements (continued)  Input and output files (databases, networks, zone data)  Database field names  Network coding standards  Standard GIS themes/templates  Getting shapes into network  Standard reports/outputs (e.g., HEVAL)

18  Short-term conversion process will provide model-specific interface  Need standard global FSUTMS interface for entire model stream in Florida  MTF will define new standard global FSUTMS interface  Define procedural interface (e.g., highway only, transit SPSP, etc.)? User Interface

19 File Naming Conventions  No longer limited in length of file names  Take advantage of TransCAD capabilities  MTF to provide guidance on naming conventions/ standards  Parts of a file name:  Standard File type  Area/city name  Year  Alternative  User/Program

20 File Naming Conventions (continued)  File naming protocol:  File name – 8 characters (no spaces)  Alternative – 11 characters (4 parts)  Suffix  Alternative  Area = 3 characters  Year = 4 characters  Alt = 3 characters  u/p = 1 character (u=user supplied; p=program generated)  Example: TRIPGEN1_MIA2001A10u.sfx

21  Need standard directory structure  File types (input, output, report)  Alternatives  Multiple scenarios in same file?  Which files should be stored permanently  Key outputs (e.g., volumes, boardings, speeds)  Intermediate files (e.g., skims, person trip tables by mode) File/Directory Structure

22  Short term: No changes in model structure  Long term: Potential for changes  Medium term: Changes?  Identify points at which user programs should be inserted Model Structure/Logic

23  Algorithms for FSUTMS:  Trip distribution  Transit path building  Highway assignment  Transit access (walk, auto) Standard/Default FSUTMS Methods

24  Existing FSUTMS parameters (trip rates, friction factors, mode choice coefficients, etc.) that could still be used in TransCAD  Parameters for new TransCAD methods (trip distribution, transit path building, etc.)  Convergence  Parameters that could change (e.g. highway assignment) Default Model Parameters

25  Zonal data  Single file  Unlimited attributes  Highway network (links, nodes)  Transit routes Input and Output Files

26  Standardize for all models  Short field names - understandable  A model may not have every field in a database Database Field Names

27  Need to define set of standards statewide  Standard fields with consistent definitions (e.g. facility type, area type)  Sufficiency of existing definitions Network Coding Standards

28  Develop standard templates for common mapping functions  Standard color coding themes (could be used for user-generated maps)  Statewide standard for projection system Standard GIS Themes/Templates

29  Not necessarily part of short term conversion process  Generally would require model revalidation  Standard base map for Florida Getting Shapes into Networks

30  FSUTMS has standard reports for validation, analysis  Need to decide:  Which existing reports should be generated  What new reports should be generated  Report formats Standard Reports/Outputs

31 MTF Committees in Action  Interim standards and enhancements very critical to FSUTMS-TransCAD evolution  MTF committees will be put to work to help identify standards/enhancements by module  Intent is to maximize use of TransCAD capabilities without slowing process down  Process will yield blue print for interim standard FSUTMS-TransCAD

32 Making the Enhancements  Interim standards and enhancements developed concurrently with LRTP update  MPO/District implements enhancements to converted TransCAD models  Consultants assist MPO/District in process  Caliper to provide technical support throughout process  MTF to discuss, refine, and facilitate process

33 Long-term Enhancements: Developing the New FSUTMS Ram M. Pendyala University of South Florida, Tampa

34 Long-term Enhancements  Developing vision for FSUTMS of the future  TransCAD offers host of features and capabilities for potential implementation  New FSUTMS will define many of the enhancements made by Caliper TransCAD FSUTMS

35 Enhanced GIS Functionality  Integrated transportation model – GIS enterprise  Greater geographic accuracy, resolution, and visualization  Network development, coding, and editing  Integration with third-party databases, e.g., Census, CTPP, PUMS, InfoUSA, Reebie, etc.

36 Transit Modeling and Analysis  Transit route and stop coding  Enhanced representation of transit access and egress  Enhanced transit skimming and assignment methods  Interface with tools developed by Public Transit Office (e.g., ITSUP, RTFAST, BEST, TLOS, INTDAS, FTIS)

37 Time of Day Modeling  Time of day modeling procedures being implemented in Florida  Time of day factors and time of day choice models based on Florida survey data  Particularly useful in the context of transit planning, scheduling, and ridership analysis

38 New Modeling Paradigms  Trip chaining and tour-based models of travel demand  More complex activity-based models of travel behavior  Microsimulation of households, persons, and tours  Interface with FAMOS: Florida Activity Mobility Simulator

39 Methodological Enhancements  Enhanced traffic assignment algorithms (e.g., stochastic assignment)  New mode choice model structures and estimation methods (e.g., mixed logit)  Incorporation of vehicle ownership model  Option for using destination choice models  Enhanced model structure/logic/data flow  Updated model coefficients/parameters

40 Integration with Traffic Microsimulation  TransModeler microsimulation tool  Simulate movement of vehicles on multimodal network  Visualize and analyze performance of network elements (e.g., corridors, intersections, etc.)

41 Interface with IDAS and ITS Planning  Modeling and planning for ITS applications gaining momentum  Seamless interface with IDAS  ITS modeling and planning would benefit from time of day modeling, traffic microsimulation, etc.

42 Freight Modeling Methods  Modeling movements of goods and services in urban areas  New truck trip generation, distribution, and assignment methods/standards for FSUTMS  Utilization of truck trip survey data collected in Florida

43 Statewide Model Integration  Integrating models across state including urban models, regional models, statewide models  Seamless transition between areas and among layers of geographic hierarchy  Develop and maintain data/model warehouse in state

44 Defining FSUTMS of the Future  Many core elements of FSUTMS  What merits standardization in the long-term?  What should the standards be? Should they vary by area, area type/size, etc.?  What should the FSUTMS user interface look like?  What software should FSUTMS seamlessly interface with (e.g., GIS-TM, ULAM, etc.)?

45 Research on Long-term Vision  Define long-term vision for FSUTMS-TransCAD  Identify methods, procedures, features, and functionality for new FSUTMS-TransCAD  Oversight and input to be provided by MTF and its committees  Regular feedback from user community  Close coordination with Caliper to implement vision

46 Keeping the Spirit of FSUTMS  All enhancements done in the spirit of keeping benefits of FSUTMS  High level of standardization  Consistency in modeling methods/procedures  High level of technical support from Central Office and Caliper Corporation  Ongoing training workshops  Sharing of technical expertise through MTF  Continuous improvement process

47 Stay Involved…  Stay involved in FSUTMS enhancement and TransCAD transition process  Attend Model Task Force meeting(s)  Attend training workshops  Welcome feedback and suggestions for a smooth and efficient transition


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