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MeanStandard Deviation CA158.919.2 SA158.818.5 SA1 CA1.

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2 MeanStandard Deviation CA158.919.2 SA158.818.5

3 SA1 CA1

4 On the whole, 48.4% (187 out of 386) of our pupils made improvement, as compared to the previous exam. Quality passes (A* & A) remained the same. (23%)


6 Many pupils thought that the increment and the allowance are the same. As such, the common error was 20%  $6, arriving at choice (3) as the answer.


8 Many pupils expressed the ratio of Peter’s money to Jeremy’s money as 30 : 36 = 5 : 6. Pupils did not understand the concept of % of A is equal to % of B. Model drawing is a good tool to visualise this concept.


10 Many pupils are still not sure of concept of % more than ___. Pupils also did not understand the concept of comparing percentage of different base.


12 Similar to previous question.

13 Pupils were not able to apply the concept of average in algebra.


15 Pupils were not able to apply the concept of volume = base area x height.


17 Pupils were not able to apply the concept of speed in algebra.


19 Pupils were not able to apply the concept of rate in algebra.


21 Pupils were not able to apply the concept of “meeting from opposite directions”.


23 Pupils were not able to compare % of different bases.


25 Pupils were not able to analyse the pattern above.

26 Pupils did not draw model to solve the above problem.


28 Pupils did not draw (backward) model to solve the above problem. For those who drew, they were not able to proceed as they could not comprehend their model.


30 Pupils did not draw model to solve the above problem.

31 Pupils are still unsure of concept of “increased/decreased by ___%”. They mistook it as “increased/decreased to”.


33 Encourage your child to keep a Math notebook to copy examples which can then be revised at home. Draw models and label correctly. Before attempting the exam paper, get your child to read the questions first. Tick against questions that they have confidence in attempting. Attempt those first. Re-attempt the paper once they have completed to check that the answers tally. Highlight important information, and break it down. Label the workings wherever possible.

34 Mrs Hariani Salleh

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