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Published byArchibald Perry Modified over 9 years ago
20 August 2013 SCOA (Progress on Accelerated Schools Infrastructure Delivery Initiative (ASIDI) 1
ASIDI TARGETS The targets are as follows: 2
ASIDI ROLL OUT PLAN FOR INAPPROPRIATE SCHOOLS 3 InappropriateElectricitySanitationWater Province11/1212/13 Add. 12/1313/1411/1212/1311/1212/1311/1212/13 No Eastern Cape4424950822613171042133455529061984535 Free State30-2010-12926103251312933261 Gauteng-----22- 21714--- Kwa-Zulu Natal3-3--116 - 1396056229-219 Limpopo3-3--14141377740371213883 Mpumalanga5-5--12947828-817- North West1-1--41- 33- 13- Northern Cape1-1-----1916366- Western Cape25-1411-77-21 - 33- Total51049971032618821906926882124531101163928
ASIDI Progress Reporting: 4
ASIDI PROGRESS ON INAPPROPRIATE SCHOOLS 5 ProvincesIAs AppointedRollout/Fin yrTotal 2011/122012/13 Additional 2012/13 ECDBSA EC49 50 99 IDT EC 12 COEGA 25 DPWEC 16 IDT EC (ACT) 30 32 Free StateDBSA FS 10 IDT FS 10 FSDoE 10 KwaZulu-NatalPending 3 3 LimpopoDBSA Lim 3 3 MpumalangaDBSA Mpu 5 5 Northern CapeDBSA NC 1 1 North WestDBSA NW 1 1 2 Western CapeWCED 1411 25 Total 49100102252
ASIDI PROGRESS ON INAPPROPRIATE SCHOOLS-DBSA 6 DBSA is implementing 49 inappropriate schools. The progress as reported on 12 August 2013 is 91.6%. 27 schools have achieved practical completion to date. 7 schools have reached works completion The remaining 15 schools are at various stages of completion. All replacement contractors are on site. The expenditure to date is at R609 million (incl. VAT) of a total construction value of R669 million (incl. VAT). This reflects expenditure of 89.4% against the approved contact sum (R669mil). A number of Variation orders have been submitted for approval.
ASIDI PROGRESS ON INAPPROPRIATE SCHOOLS-DBSA & DRPW 7 PLANNING FOR THE 2013/14 70 NEW SCHOOLS – The DBE appointed the DBSA on the 28th November 2012 for the construction of 55 schools (5 schools in 2012/13 and 50 schools in 2013/14). – The 55 schools are in Eastern Cape 50 and Mpumalanga 5 PSPs appointed on the 5 schools and have commenced with planning. Procurement of PSPs on the 50 schools are being finalised. DRPW was appointed in May 2012 to implement 16 schools. – 10 schools have been handed over and are under construction. 1 school awaiting handover to contractors (No-Ofisi). 2 school to be presented to BAC (Mahala and Exhibini). 2 school at planning (Ndleleni and Zwelinzima replacements ). 1 under assessment (Mwezeni) – At 10 of the schools progress is at an average of 20%. – Expenditure to date R43.78mil
ASIDI PROGRESS ON INAPPROPRIATE SCHOOLS-IDT and CDC 8 IDT was appointed in May 2012 to implement 12 schools. – 8 schools are under construction and on average construction is at 37% progress. – 2 other schools are under construction and on average construction is at 20% progress. – The eleventh project is to be handed over this week (Emthwaku) – The twelfth project PSP’s have been appointed and is at planning stage. Total job opportunities created up to date is 425 of which 218 are Youth and 107 Women. The total of R 77.74mil has been spent as at end July. IDT EC has been allocated a further 30 schools to implement using alternative construction technology. CDC was appointed in May 2012 to implement 25 schools. – 21 schools are under construction and at an average of 30% progress, 2 schools in procurement (Mayibenye and Madlalisa), 1 school in assessment (Rwantsana replacement),1 school awaiting DBE approval (Dumezweni). Total expenditure as at end June was R 120.5mil. Total employed 943 and 31 interns.
ASIDI PROGRESS ON INAPPROPRIATE SCHOOLS-FREE STATE 9 IDT has been appointed to implement 10 schools The progress as at 31 July 2013 is as follows: Tenders were advertised for decanting at 6 schools and the construction of 10 schools. The total tender prices for decanting was ±R66,0m. This was rejected and after a briefing session with potential bidders on 29 July 2013, new tenders were issued with date of closure 5 August 2013. Tender was for decanting of 5 schools as a new site is being investigated for Itemoheng S/S. Total recommended tender price ±R 31,0m Tenders have been awarded for construction of 9 schools as follows:
ASIDI PROGRESS ON INAPPROPRIATE SCHOOLS-FREE STATE 10 Name of SchoolDBE EstimatesTender amount Boshoff I/SR32 702 427R24 235 384 Caledon ParkR34 193 722R32 998 208 Diamanthoogte C/SR60 539 977R50 060 633 Heide P/SR44 163 200R40 755 257 Tweespruit P/SR29 438 987R26 122 415 Luckhoff C/SR57 075 125R43 486 336 Itemoheng P/SR43 589 950R39 490 634 PT Sanders C/SR47 469 316R41 893 366 Nampo AS/SR51 501 784R41 297 045
ASIDI PROGRESS ON INAPPROPRIATE SCHOOLS - FREE STATE 11 DBSA has been appointed to built another 10 schools. PSP’s have been appointed. Provincial Department of Free State has been appointed to built 10 schools. Draft IPIP has been submitted DBSA have also been appointed for 3 schools in Limpopo, 2 schools in North West and 1 in Northern Cape – PSP’s have been appointed.
PROVISION OF MOBILE CLASSROOMS TO ADDRESS SCHOOL READINESS FOR 2014 CALENDAR YEAR The Department of Basic Education is making progress in provision of school infrastructure in the Eastern Cape province through ASIDI programme, however the remaining number of inappropriate structures still to be dealt with, calls for an intervention to address school readiness in 2014 calendar year. The plan is to provide mobile classrooms not only in the Eastern Cape but also in other provinces with the exception of Gauteng and Western Cape. In completion of the inappropriate structures as per the planned schedule of the ASIDI programme, these mobiles will join a pool of decanting facilities in respective provinces. This process also provides DBE an opportunity to address school furniture needs in the identified schools. The plan is to complete this venture before end of December 2013. 12
POSSIBLE FUNDING MODALITIES DBE is currently exploring possible funding modalities for this course of action and in discussion with the National Treasury. The following are some to be considered: 1.Use of the Education Infrastructure Grant 2013/14 Allocation Up to 10% of each PED’s allocation, depending on the identified needs per province, will be ring fenced with the exception of Western Cape and Gauteng provinces. 2.Use of the School Backlogs Grant 2013/13 allocation After an assessment and needs analysis has been completed and costed for respective provinces, a portion of the ASIDI grant allocation will be utilised for this initiative. 13
ASIDI PROGRESS ON WATER AND SANITATION 14 WaterSanitation Rollout/Fin yr ProvinceAppointed IA No of Schools11/1212/13 and 13/14 No of Schools11/1212/13 and 13/14 Eastern Cape 4928440831860258 IDT 9159 Mvula trust 841211176057 IDT 13579 CSIR 15263 Free StateFSDoE683038491336 GautengGauteng DoE 28721 KwaZulu Natal 2301022010050 KZNDoE 10 50 IDT 6919 Mhlathuze 7913 CDC 7218 LimpopoMvula Trust1153877754035 MpumalangaMvula Trust170 8 8 North WestNWDoE160 12 Northern CapeNCDoE60621 Western CapeWCED44021 Total 948166782632191441
ASIDI PROGRESS ON WATER & SANITATION PROJECTS-MT 15 Mvula Trust (MT) was appointed in 2011/12 fin year to implement water and sanitation in the EC. – All 84 schools with sanitation and rain water harvesting projects have reached practical completion stage. – 56 out of 60 schools with sanitation projects have achieved final completion – 80 out of 84 Schools with rainwater water projects have reached final completion – The expected completion date for the remaining 4 is 16 August 2013. – Water Provision – 20 schools connected to regional schemes and have reached PC and FC – Total of 25 schools - identified for provision of boreholes. – 22 schools have reached PC and remaining 3 by end of August. – O&M training – Complete. Expenditure to date is R39.6mil and R4.7mil awaits processing by DBE
ASIDI PROGRESS ON WATER & SANITATION PROJECTS-MT 16 On the 2012/13 targets, – PSPs have been appointed, and Assessment of schools has been completed and can be summarised as follows: – ECDoE has provided guidance on schools at Fort Beaufort district, East London and King Williams Town Idutywa – Still to be advised on. – Tender for sanitation schools was re-advertised in May 2013, closing date was 7 June 2013. To be managed by JBCC. – Procurement of contractors for water is planned for the month of July-August. Tender Adjudication Complete (Sanitation) – Letters of Intent given to contractors. Handover of sites scheduled for next week Water going to tender on – 16 August 2013 Land survey for sanitation complete Survey for water to be complete by 30 August 2013 Geotechnical investigations – Complete Draft SDPs – 30 August 2013. Desk top studies – Complete
ASIDI PROGRESS ON WATER & SANITATION PROJECTS-IDT EC and CSIR 17 IDT was appointed in Dec 2012 for implementation of water and sanitation in the EC, OR Tambo Region. – PSPs have been appointed. The assessment stage has been finalised and the final reports submitted. – In progress with design and documentation. – Request for DBE approval of the scope and cost has been received. – Construction commenced in July for the Sanitation projects and early August for the Water projects. R56, 851,970.85 paid in tranche, no expenditure incurred to date. Additional schools have been allocated to IDT.
ASIDI PROGRESS ON WATER & SANITATION PROJECTS-IDT EC and CSIR 18 CSIR was appointed in Dec 2012 for implementation of water and sanitation in the EC, Cacadu, Joe Gqabi, Chris Hani and Nelson Mandela Metro District Municipalities. – The PSP have been appointed for stage 1 only, which entails the assessments for water and sanitation to determine the full scope of work for each school with associated costs. – AGES has been appointed to undertake 91 water schools and CBI to undertake 124 water or sanitation schools. – The current PSP will be appointed to undertake stage 2 and 3 of the project which is design, procurement and construction. – The Contractors have submitted their tender documents and adjudication process has been completed to create a pool from where they will be appointed. – The tender for drilling and testing contractors closed on Monday, 03 June 2013. – The adjudication process for the drilling and testing contractors has taken place and the selected contractors will be appointed.
ASIDI PROGRESS ON WATER & SANITATION PROJECTS- L&MP 19 MT was appointed to implement water and sanitation projects in Mpumalanga – Adjudication process for procurement of PSPs have been completed. Limpopo Mvula Trust (MT) was appointed in 2011/12 and 2012/13 fin years to implement water and sanitation projects. 78 projects have been completed for 11/12 fin year. Final completion certificates received for nearly all projects without capturing figures. Projects will be capatilised in accordance with final payments. 114 projects are in process of being implemented. Request for DBE condonation for the appointment of contractors have been received (Supporting documentation are awaited from MT)
ASIDI PROGRESS ON WATER & SANITATION PROJECTS 20 KwaZulu-Natal Provincial Department of Education was appointed as IA for 11/12 financial year who in turn appointed Mhlatuze Water as ultimate Principal Agent. 77 projects have been completed and final completion certificates are in process of being submitted. KZN PDoE indicated that they will also verify projects. IDT was appointed in Dec 2012 for implementation of water and sanitation in the KZN – 89 projects – PSPs have been appointed. The assessment stage has been finalised and the final reports submitted. – In progress with evaluating bids received from contractors on their database.
ASIDI PROGRESS ON WATER & SANITATION PROJECTS- KZN 21 Mhlathuze was appointed in Dec 2012 – 92 projects – PSPs have been appointed. The assessment stage has been finalised and the final reports submitted. – Mhlathuze has been requested to resubmit the assessment reports after effecting the needed changes. CDC was appointed in Dec 2012 – 84 projects –PSPs have been appointed, Assessments completed (Concept and viability stage). –Request for approval by DBE of accepted contractors has been received for consideration.
ASIDI PROGRESS ON WATER & SANITATION PROJECTS 22 Free State Free State Provincial Department of Education has been appointed to implement 37 water and 36 sanitation projects at farm schools. PSP has been appointed. It is envisaged that projects will be less than R500 000 each and contractors will be appointed through a quotation system. Northern Cape NC PDoE has been appointed as IA for 9 water and 17 sanitation projects. 6 water projects and 1 sanitation project will be implemented by PDoE themselves. PDoE requested IDT to implement 7 projects whilst the Provincial Department of Public Works will implement 9 projects. North West 12 water projects will be implemented by the Provincial Department of Education. The IDT has been appointed to implement 3 water projects. 12 Sanitation projects are also being implemented by the IDT. Contractors have been appointed and 10 sites have been handed over. Gauteng 7 sanitation projects have been completed up to 31 March 2013. Final completion certificates in process of being obtained. Problems are being experienced due to lack of water pressure, which is being attended to.
ASIDI PROGRESS ON ELECTRIFICATION PROJECTS 23 No of Electrification Projects ProvinceIA2011/12Progress2012/13 Eastern CapeEskom38510096200 Free StateFSDoE111242364 GautengGDoE422 KwaZulu NatalEskom61 LimpopoESKOM11552 MpumalangaESKOm71211240 North WestEskom2 2 Northern Cape 0 Western CapeWCDoE1477 Total 659159145369
ASIDI BUDGET AND ALLOCATIONS 25 DepartmentName of allocationProvince Column A Column B 2013/14 Allocation Forward Estimates 2014/152015/16 R'000 Basic EducationSchool infrastructure backlogs Eastern Cape 824 085 2 165 542 2 932 301 Free State 717 299 613 161 40 000 Gauteng 13 060 16 800 - KwaZulu-Natal 224 433 38 096 - Limpopo 71 267 20 000 - Mpumalanga 64 104 4 700 - Northern Cape 25 189 18 200 - North West 16 544 14 400 8 009 Western Cape 533 019 418 604 92 000 Unallocated - - - TOTAL 2 489 000 3 309 503 3 072 310
OVERALL ASIDI EXPENDITURE 27 2012/13 allocation was R2.065bil and the requested roll-over is R1,324,302. Expenditure for 2012/13 fin year is estimated at R741mil 2013/14 allocation is R2.489bil including the converted R533mil for WC Cumulative Expenditure for 2013/14 fin year is R170mil NoDescriptionCommitmentsAs at 30 Apr 2013As at 31 May 2013As at 30 June 2013Cumulative to Date 1 Inappropriate Structures R 3 186 555 725.51 R 33 461 944.81 R 28 655 476.01 R 32 365 171.10 R 94 482 591.92 2Sanitation R 233 153 648.42 R 441 243.60 R 3 899 840.10 R - R 4 341 083.70 3Water R 507 197 058.20 R 3 849 316.65 R - R 3 849 316.65 4Electricity R 117 548 945.33 R 6 669 154.58 R 3 630 963.48 R - R 10 300 118.06 5IA Fees R 258 224 441.07 R 342 267.40 R 1 598 646.49 R 1 602 312.91 R 3 543 226.80 6PSPs R 640 120 991.11 R 28 624 757.59 R 10 884 254.61 R 6 589 971.61 R 46 098 983.81 7PSU R 68 778 497.22 R - R 5 827 239.99 R 2 049 524.77 R 7 876 764.76 TOTAL R 5 011 579 306.86 R 73 388 684.63 R 54 496 420.68 R 42 606 980.39 R 170 492 085.70
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