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Proposal to Adopt a Standard of Sustainability Ordinance A presentation of The Regen Group by Christophor Faust, MS nuclear engineering, LEED AP, with.

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Presentation on theme: "Proposal to Adopt a Standard of Sustainability Ordinance A presentation of The Regen Group by Christophor Faust, MS nuclear engineering, LEED AP, with."— Presentation transcript:

1 Proposal to Adopt a Standard of Sustainability Ordinance A presentation of The Regen Group by Christophor Faust, MS nuclear engineering, LEED AP, with PhD work in passive environmental engineering design and extensive graduate studies in political science. Myron Katz, PhD, mathematics: scientific design of medical instruments. A New Orleans native, energy supply, demand & building science consultant with 25 years experience.

2 "Behold, I send to you Elijah the prophet, before the coming of the great and awesome day of God. And he will turn back the hearts of fathers to sons and the hearts of sons to their fathers, lest I come and strike the land with utter destruction." Malachi 3:23-24

3 Viewed from today’s perspective, we believe the prophet means: Build your home to comfort and protect your family for at least 30 generations or you will surely invite grave danger, not only to them but to the whole planet.

4 What do we want the New Orleans City Council to do? Adopt the Standard of Sustainability (SOS) ordinance on November 2 nd

5 Why should you want a Standard of Sustainability? Protects the Elderly. Solves the “Landlord-Tenant Problem.” Promotes a free-market advantage to home-builders who reach this standard. Provides confidence to homeowners and tenants that a home reaches a high and measurable level of performance.

6 What does it cost the City? Virtually nothing. MOREOVER: There are many partnership opportunities which can provide a net income for the city.

7 How does SOS benefit this city? Saves lives. Saves more money than it costs. Encourages displaced residents to return. Allows New Orleans to control its destiny. Encourages industry to come to New Orleans to participate in the next revolution in building technology.

8 How does SOS benefit this city? Captures a higher percentage of the $100 billion/yr green construction industry. Promotes local invention, industry & manufacturing. Really curtails global warming. Thereby greatly lessening sea-level rise and the strength and frequency of storms.

9 How does SOS benefit this city? Makes New Orleans a national & global leader in setting the standard for sustainable building. Tells the world that New Orleans is serious about flourishing another 300 years!

10 How does a Sustainable Home save more money than it costs? A sustainable home generates same total monthly costs as code-compliant home, BUT Provides unsurpassed comfort, safety, health, durability & confidence about future costs, AND When sold, homeowner can expect to receive over $30,000 more in equity.

11 Real Monthly Housing Costs = Principal + Interest + Taxes + Insurance + Energy + Water & Sewerage + Pest Control + Maintenance + Commuting Costs + Impact Fees Why lower only the first four?

12 Code-Compliant Housing Costs = Principal + Interest $1049 Taxes $135 Insurance $196 Energy $125 Water & Sew $25 Pest Control $45 Maintenance $50 Commuting ? Impact Fees ? Monthly Total = $1625

13 USGBC & Net Zero Energy Housing Costs = Principal + Interest $1342 Taxes $169 Insurance $196 Energy $5 Water & Sew $10 Pest Control $45 Maintenance $25 Commuting ? Impact Fees ? Monthly Total = $1791

14 Sustainable Housing Costs = Principal + Interest $1342 Taxes $135 Insurance $137 Energy ($5) Water & Sew $10 Pest Control $0 Maintenance $5 Commuting $0 Impact Fees $0 Monthly Total = $1624

15 When sold, a sustainable home will provide $30,000 more equity. After 87 months, (= average time that new US homes are owned before they are sold), the expected net equity is: Code-Compliant $ 69,000 USGBC, Net Zero Energy $103,000 Sustainable $103,000

16 How a Sustainable Home saves more money than it costs Sustainable and code-compliant homes both require $1625 in total monthly costs of housing, however, At expected time of sale, Sustainable home will realize over $30,000 more in equity.

17 Conclusions With this single step, the City of New Orleans takes a global leadership role in sustainable development. With a clear definition of functional sustainability we will succeed in created a major paradigm shift in building.


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