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Choosing Excellence: National Board Certification You’re at the head of your class. Now go to the top of your profession.

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Presentation on theme: "Choosing Excellence: National Board Certification You’re at the head of your class. Now go to the top of your profession."— Presentation transcript:

1 Choosing Excellence: National Board Certification You’re at the head of your class. Now go to the top of your profession.

2 The National Board Certification process improves teachers’ professional development by: (a) enhancing reflection on teaching practice, (b) establishing a professional discourse among teachers, (c) raising the standards for teaching performance and (d) facilitating collaboration. (Park, Oliver, Johnson, Graham & Oppong, 2007)


4 Mission : Maintain high and rigorous standards Provide a national voluntary certification system Advocate for education reforms and to capitalize on the expertise of National Board Certified Teachers

5 National Board Certification Concentrates education reform in the classroom. Requires intense analysis and self-reflection Based on High and Rigorous Standards Performance-Based Reflects the Complexity of Teaching

6 Five Core Propositions Guided the creation of the National Board Process (c) 2014 National Education Association. Materials not for distribution or use without expressed permission of the NEA. Feedback on materials should be directed to Jim Meadows at:

7 Five Core Propositions 1.Teachers are committed to students and their learning. 2. Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to teach those subjects to students. 3. Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring student learning. 4. Teachers think systematically about their practice and learn from experience. 5. Teachers are members of learning communities.

8 Standards Specific to 25 Certificate Areas (c) 2014 National Education Association. Materials not for distribution or use without expressed permission of the NEA. Feedback on materials should be directed to Jim Meadows at:


10 Architecture of Accomplished Teaching (c) 2014 National Education Association. Materials not for distribution or use without expressed permission of the NEA. Feedback on materials should be directed to Jim Meadows at:

11 Architecture of Accomplished Teaching Accomplished teaching is based on Five Core Propositions. It illustrates how effective learning occurs. Certification process is based on this structure. Structure is a helix where each piece builds on the other. (c) 2014 National Education Association. Materials not for distribution or use without expressed permission of the NEA. Feedback on materials should be directed to Jim Meadows at:

12 Architecture of Accomplished Teaching

13 Evidence of Student Learning (c) 2014 National Education Association. Materials not for distribution or use without expressed permission of the NEA. Feedback on materials should be directed to Jim Meadows at:



16 Eligibility At least three years experience as a pre- K-12 classroom teacher or school counselor in a public or private school A bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution A valid teaching license or a license to practice as a school counselor

17 2014-15 The National Board Process c) 2014 National Education Association. Materials not for distribution or use without expressed permission of the NEA. Feedback on materials should be directed to Jim Meadows at:


19 Components 1-4 A general description of each component follows. The specific instructions will vary by certificate area, as will the standards assessed by each component.

20 Component 1- Content Knowledge In this computer-based assessment, you demonstrate knowledge of and pedagogical practices for teaching your content area. You must demonstrate knowledge of developmentally appropriate content, which is necessary for teaching across the full age range and ability level of your chosen certificate area. This is assessed through the completion of three constructed response exercises and approximately 45 selected response items (SRIs). You will have up to 30 minutes to complete each of the three constructed response exercises and up to 60 minutes to complete the selected response section.

21 Component 2- Differentiation in Instruction This classroom-based portfolio entry is primarily comprised of samples of student work and an accompanying written commentary. You will submit selected work samples that demonstrate the students’ growth over time and a written commentary that analyzes your instructional choices.

22 Component 3- Teaching Practice and Learning Environment This component is currently under development. This is a classroom-based portfolio entry that requires video recording(s) of interactions between you and your students. A written commentary in which you describe, analyze and reflect on your teaching and interactions will also be submitted. Both the video and the written commentary should demonstrate how you engage students and impact their learning.

23 Component 4 Effective and Reflective Practitioner  This component is currently under development.  This is a portfolio entry that requires evidence of your impact across your professional responsibilities as an educator including your students, peers, and community.

24 NBPTS Dates & Cost  Registration Window: March 1–December 31, 2014  $75 nonrefundable annual registration fee. Note that this does not cover the full cost of certification.  $475 per Component  Fee Payment Deadline: February 28, 2015  ePortfolio Submission Window: April 1 to May 15, 2015

25 Advantages with Changes Spread Components out over three years vs doing all in one year. Spread payments out over three year vs paying everything in one year. $1900 plus $75 registration fee vs $2400 plus registration fee.

26 Iowa’s Candidate Subsidy Application Iowa Department of Education Website-may not be available at this time. Registration is by December 1. One half of your component fee per year will be reimbursed after the withdrawal date of March 31. After you receive certification, you will receive $2,500 per year as long as you remain a classroom teacher. If you become a teacher leader in your district and are not full time in your classroom, legislation states you are still eligible for the stipend.


28 ISEA Support Program For National Board Certification Jump Start – classes will be available for 1 hr. credit (15 hrs. of class time). Revisions will be made to current classes to align with the changes. Stay tuned.

29 ISEA National Board Support Program Cindy Swanson ISEA Teaching and Learning Specialist (515) 471-8054 Pam Schmidt ISEA NBCT Support Network Facilitator and Instructor

30 For more information… Toll-free phone number: 1-800-22TEACH NBPTS Web site: New Certification info For additional information ISEA Website

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