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Science 7 Red Team Mrs. Singleton BA Chemistry MS Polymer Science MA Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Science 7 Red Team Mrs. Singleton BA Chemistry MS Polymer Science MA Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science 7 Red Team Mrs. Singleton BA Chemistry MS Polymer Science MA Education

2 Inquiry Based Science Science and Technology Concepts for Middle School (STC/MS) is a research-based, science curriculum program developed by the National Science Resources Center(NSRC). NSRC is an organization of two prestigious scientific institutions-The National Academies and the Smithsonian Institution.

3 STC Learning Cycle FERA F – Focus E –Explore R – Reflect A – Apply

4 Team Roles Two readers- The readers will read the directions out loud to the group, and they will make sure the directions are being followed. Material Handler- The material handlers will be responsible for obtaining and returning materials to their proper place. They will check materials list before returning supplies. They will make sure nothing is left on the floor or table tops. Spokesperson- The spokesperson will report group findings to the class. They will speak with an audible voice. Recorder- Everyone will record observations.

5 Rubric for Scientific Explanations Component 0 Points 1 Point 2 Points Claim: A statement that responds to the question asked or the problem posed. Does not make a claim, or makes an inaccurate claim. Makes an accurate but incomplete claim. Makes an accurate and complete claim. Evidence: Scientific data used to support the claim. Does not provide evidence, or only provides inappropriate evidence that does not support the claim. Provides appropriate, but insufficient evidence to support claim. May include some inappropriate evidence. Provides appropriated and sufficient evidence to support claim. Reasoning: Using scientific principles to show why data count as evidence to support the claim Does not provide reasoning, or only provides reasoning that does not link evidence to claim. Provides reasoning that links the claim and evidence. Repeats the evidence and/or includes some scientific principles, bur is not sufficient. Provides reasoning that links evidence to claim. Includes appropriate and sufficient scientific principles. (Claim – Evidence – Reasoning)

6 Literacy In Science Frequent Articles to be read in class and at home Reading Prompts Writing Prompts Reading and writing are a big part of our science program. Students need to communicate effectively in order to share their observations and ideas.

7 Homework Homework will only be assigned at appropriate points in the Learning Process. Homework will not be assigned as busy work. Most assignments need to be completed in class since this is a hands on approach to learning. Homework assignments are posted on my website and the homework hotline.

8 Grading Policy Homework 10% Summative Assessments (quizzes and tests) 55% Other 35% (Reading prompts, labs, projects) Students may redo summative assessments to earn a higher score. Students must retake summative assessments if their score is below 64%.

9 Classroom Expectations Students are expected to:  Adhere to all school rules.  Follow Safety Rules.  Follow classroom procedures.  Show responsibility by being prepared.

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