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“O N THE R OAD TO S UCCESS ” Implementing the Common Core and Essential Standards Randolph County Schools Common Core and Essential Standards Implementation.

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Presentation on theme: "“O N THE R OAD TO S UCCESS ” Implementing the Common Core and Essential Standards Randolph County Schools Common Core and Essential Standards Implementation."— Presentation transcript:

1 “O N THE R OAD TO S UCCESS ” Implementing the Common Core and Essential Standards Randolph County Schools Common Core and Essential Standards Implementation Plan Pat Foust Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction and the Instructional Staff

2 P URPOSE To provide an overview of Randolph County Schools Common Core Implementation Plan – showcasing teacher, administrator and parent support.

3 C OMMON C ORE AND E SSENTIAL S TANDARDS I MPLEMENTATION P LAN June 2011 Awareness 2011-2012 Transition 2012-2013 Implementation

4 S TAKEHOLDER I NVOLVEMENT Instructional Department BOESuperintendent Executive Staff Administrators Instructional Facilitators Teacher Leadership Team Classroom Teachers EC Art/PE Music CTE Parents/ Community

5 I MPLEMENTATION OF N EW S TANDARDS Common Core and Essential Standards are Taught and Assessed Grades K-12 Phase in Online Assessments (EOG’s/EOC’s, ClassScape and Benchmarks) State MSL/Common Exams

6 O NGOING T RAINING AND S UPPORT F OR T EACHERS Summer Institutes for Teachers Continue Common Core and Essential Standards Focus in Content Areas Integrate Balanced Literacy and Math District Common Core and Essential Standard Team Continued Utilization of Teacher Leadership Teams Providing Feedback on Pacing Guides Updating/Revising Common Assessments Implementing Instructional Units

7 O NGOING T RAINING AND S UPPORT FOR T EACHERS Support form Curriculum Facilitators Customized School Level Support County-Wide PLC Meeting School-Level PLC Support Professional Development on Mandatory Common Core Teacher Work Days MSL Rubric Grading Modules Created Instruction Website for Resources

8 O NGOING T RAINING AND S UPPORT F OR A DMINISTRATORS Summer Administrators’ Conference Instructional Principals’ Meetings (by Level) Instructional Assistant Principals’ Meetings (by Level) Common Core Professional Development DPI Consultants, EVAAS Presenters, and Teacher Evaluation Presenters

9 P ARENT I NFORMATION S ESSIONS Provided and overview of Implementation of the Common Core and Essential Standards Defined Standards and Curriculum Emphasized Parents’ Role in Childs’ Education Provided Parent Resources and Support Websites Handouts Contact Information

10 M ORE I NFORMATION IS C OMING ON S TANDARD 6 AND MSL District and School Level Leaders will attend meetings and collaborate on information to be shared.

11 L OOKING A HEAD … Summer Planning 2013 Targeted Training for Teachers Collaborative Work Sessions for Teachers Revision of Curricular Documents Revision of District Assessments New Teacher Training 2013-2014 School Calendar 5 Mandatory Professional Development Days

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