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Senior Project Randolph County Schools Elkins High School Harman High School Pickens High School Tygarts Valley High School.

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Presentation on theme: "Senior Project Randolph County Schools Elkins High School Harman High School Pickens High School Tygarts Valley High School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Senior Project Randolph County Schools Elkins High School Harman High School Pickens High School Tygarts Valley High School

2 Randolph County Schools A project is more than an activity. An activity is a one-time thing. A project is a series of related activities completed over a period of time. What is a project?

3 Randolph County Schools Senior Project Consists of A research paperA research paper A projectA project A productA product An oral presentationAn oral presentation A mentor assists the student in planning and coordinating the senior project.

4 Randolph County Schools The first step is RESEARCH

5 Randolph County Schools TOPIC OF THE RESEARCH PAPER Limit topic Choose something that would be easily made into a project with a resulting product Choose something related to personal experiences Choose something you don’t already know about Pick a passion

6 Randolph County Schools RESEARCH PAPER Topic will lead to project and product Recommended topic in career major Follows proper MLA format Minimum 6 pages - pending approval from the teacher

7 Randolph County Schools RESEARCH PAPER 8 SOURCES Reliable Internet Books, journals, magazines Personal interviews

8 Randolph County Schools RESEARCH PAPER 8 SOURCES

9 Randolph County Schools

10 Research Paper Plagiarism Randolph County Schools

11 Research Paper Plagiarism Randolph County Schools

12 Research Paper Be Honest! Randolph County Schools

13 Cite all sources! Free and easy for a perfect Works Cited page. Randolph County Schools

14 Research paper must be completed in your junior year. You must complete the research paper before going on to Senior English. Research paper is 1/3 of your Senior Project grade. Paper, product, presentation grades averaged = pass/fail on transcript. Presentation must be in the semester you have Senior English. IMPORTANT!

15 Randolph County Schools Who will Help Me? Mentor - Use as Resource English Teacher – Assist and grade term paper Assist in preparation for presentation

16 Randolph County Schools Who can be my Mentor? A Mentor must be at least 21 years of age. available to help you. knowledgeable about your topic. willing to verify your work. Mentor form MUST be submitted for paper to be graded!

17 PROJECT You must actually DO something in this step.

18 Randolph County Schools What is a Project? A project is a series of related activities completed over a period of time.

19 Randolph County Schools Activity or Project? Single songComplete CD Short StoryNovel News ArticleNewspaper PhotoPhoto Album

20 Randolph County Schools Project Requirements Complete a Project Create a Product Develop a Portfolio Give an Oral Presentation

21 Randolph County Schools Portfolio - Research paper -Mentor Consultation Form -Time/Work Logs -Other Required Forms

22 Randolph County Schools Product/ Project A personal project of choice related to research paper W What am I going to do?

23 Randolph County Schools Examples of Projects  Fire Safety & Prevention lesson for children.  Lecture for a group of expectant mothers on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome  Painting a mural for the walls at school  Brochure for Adopt-A-Pet Week  Design a Web Page for a Business or an Organization  Directing a play  Recording music/instructing

24 Randolph County Schools Examples of Projects  Restoration Of A Car  Workshop On Procedures Of “Owning Your Own Business”  “Locks of Love” wigs for Radiation Therapy patients  Drainage system for a baseball field  Summer Volleyball Clinic  Theater makeup  Fundraising for Humane Society

25 Randolph County Schools Presentation Slideshow/Video/Display – A demonstration 5-10 minutes in length Show your product Explain what you did and what you learned Performed in front of a panel of three judges

26 Randolph County Schools Present Before Three Judges

27 Randolph County Schools Real Life This project will provide: Preparation for the real world A sense of accomplishment Communication skills Contribution to community

28 Randolph County Schools What This Means You will be busy and need to start thinking about your project right now. You need to decide the type of project you want to do. You need to begin research for the paper. You need to choose a Mentor.

29 Randolph County Schools Next Steps Talk this over with your parents. Discuss costs if any. Bring back signed Role of Students/Junior Contract. Select a topic. Research and write your paper. Fill out a Mentor request form.

30 Randolph County Schools Technology Complete handbook and forms on your school’s web site This Power Point online Revised MLA Style Sheet Use for Works Cited and internal citations Mentor form must be submitted to have paper graded

31 Randolph County Schools Ask ask if you need help! Good luck!

32 Work-Based Learning! 10 hours in career concentration Randolph County Schools


34 Beekeeping

35 Randolph County Schools Gym Restoration

36 Randolph County Schools Hydroponics

37 Cabinet Making

38 Randolph County Schools Music Composition

39 Truck Restoration

40 Charity Fundraiser

41 Mosaic Art

42 Potholes Repair

43 Maglev Train

44 Rocking Chairs

45 Shirts for Swim Team

46 Fly Tying

47 Randolph County Schools


49 Be DEAF when people tell YOU that you cannot fulfill your dreams! Always think: I can do this!

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