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Welcome to… Digging Deeper with Reading & Writing Workshop Grades 3-5! As you arrive please make a four pane nametag on construction paper. You can represent.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to… Digging Deeper with Reading & Writing Workshop Grades 3-5! As you arrive please make a four pane nametag on construction paper. You can represent."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to… Digging Deeper with Reading & Writing Workshop Grades 3-5! As you arrive please make a four pane nametag on construction paper. You can represent your information using words, pictures, or both! Your favorite genre for summer reading… Something fun you’re doing this summer… Something unique about you… Your favorite children’s book…

2 Digging Deeper with Reading & Writing Workshop: Teaching Through Genre Studies Grades 3-5 Presented by : Julie Rodriguez and Heidi Herold “ Like many aspects of technique in language teaching about genres is made more powerful by allowing students to become insiders in the world of that genre. People become insiders in craft when they have to construct the sort of thing they are learning about.” Randy Bomer

3 Course Goals & Purpose We will explore how to implement a more complex reading and writing workshop through genre inquiry – Units of Study: Poetry, Persuasive (Editorial), Expository and Procedural (Feature Article) plus Research RRISD Expectations – Read and highlight significant words, phrases, or points

4 Writer’s Notebook Entry

5 Digging into State Documents: ELAR TEKS Introduction & Figure 19




9 Reading TEKS Number of 1-6 at your table Skim and scan the knowledge and skills statement expectations 3-5. Note verbs and underscore products. – All 1s read Theme and Genre – All 2s read Poetry – All 3s read Drama – All 4s read Fiction – All 5s read Nonfiction – All 6s read Sensory Language Share!

10 Let’s take a break! Be back in 10 minutes.

11 Digging into Writing TEKS

12 Grades 3-5 At a Glance…

13 RRISD Teaching & Learning Continuum

14 Immersion & Inquiry Instructional framework for studying genre in the writing workshop (a predictable rhythm and likely to become intertwined!) – framework is used to uncover curriculum about writing itself – time for students to engage deeply in reading and writing Students’ noticings and questions around gathered texts determine what will become important in each study Depth rather than coverage is the driving force in the development of content (in each genre study) Writing is used as a tool for learning and as a means to communicate that learning

15 Digging into the Genre of Poetry Before you write one poem, you need to read at least 100. Ted Kooser, Former Poet Laureate

16 We will resume promptly at 1:00.

17 Genre of Poetry… reading deeply and widely! Before you write one poem, you need to read at least 100. Ted Kooser, Former Poet Laureate

18 Reflection…

19 Genre Study Framework & Reading and Writing Workshop Genre Study Framework Components of Reading/Writing Workshop Gathering Text Setting the Stage Immersion Close Study Writing Under the Influence

20 Writer’s Notebook Entry

21 Welcome to Day Two! As you arrive, please write an entry in your writer’s notebook.

22 Writer’s Notebook Entry

23 Digging in to the Genre of Persuasive Text “Students need to inhabit the genre if they are to master it.” Lucy Calkins

24 Let’s take a break! Be back in 15 minutes.

25 We will resume promptly at 1:00.

26 Reading & Reflection Read Exploring Inquiry as a Teaching Stance in Writing Workshop by Katie Wood Ray. While you read make notes of significant points and your thinking. Then take some time to reflect, through writing in your notebook, about the article and the process that we traveled through today.

27 Writer’s Notebook Entry

28 Welcome to Day Three! As you arrive and settle, please write an entry in your writer’s notebook or read through mentor texts/professional books, possibly responding in your reader’s response notebook.

29 Writer’s Notebook Entry

30 Digging into the Non-fiction Genre Non-fiction Reading and Writing TEKS Research TEKS

31 Let’s take a break! Be back in 10 minutes.

32 Digging into Feature Articles

33 We will resume promptly at 1:00.

34 Feature Articles & Research Plan “Motivation is at the heart of writing… Go where your interest lies or your affection or your passion” (1990,58) William Zinsser, On Writing Well

35 Let’s take a break! Be back in 15 minutes.

36 Feature Articles & Research Plan

37 Reflection

38 Welcome to Day Four! As you arrive and settle, work on writing a notebook entry, reading some feature articles, or working on your work from yesterday.

39 Research & Feature Articles

40 Let’s take a break! Be back in 15 minutes.

41 Research & Feature Articles

42 “I think “revision” is badly named. The “re” prefix implies that you are going back over something you’ve already done. But you’re not going back. You are going on with the writing process. It’s all a part of getting it right. A friend of mine who played basketball once said that he envied me because he had just missed a foul shot that would have tied the score at the end of an important game. He said, “But you can write that foul shot until you make it.” He was right. I write a first draft that I know if going to be partly good, partly bad. I may go over a manuscript three or four times before I’m satisfied.” (Marcus 2000,14) Bruce Brooks, author and two time Newberry Award winner

43 We will resume promptly at 12:45.

44 Research & Feature Articles

45 Gallery Walk! “At the end of a study I want students to leave owning their knowledge. I want them to love the literature that was studied and be able to confidently engage with that genre in the future.” Heather Lattimer, Thinking Through Genre

46 Assessment Six Traits Analytical Scoring Guide Digging Deeper (one more time ) 1s and 4s read excerpt from Nonfiction Matters 2s and 5s read excerpt from Thinking Through Genre 3s and 6s read excerpt from Study Driven

47 Reflection

48 Evaluations and Feedback

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