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Creating (and Sustaining) Supportive Relationships in an Academic Community.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating (and Sustaining) Supportive Relationships in an Academic Community."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating (and Sustaining) Supportive Relationships in an Academic Community

2 The Session Cultures – Higher Ed vs. Other History and Current Research Academic Management Institute Shelley Correll, Stanford’s Institute for Gender Research Discussion groups Where do we go from here?

3 "The number one mistake that women make in networking is to take the same approach to networking that we do to finding girlfriends" Vanessa George

4 During the early 1970s, women realized that to reach their career goals, they would need to learn skills which were typically used by the males in their workplace.

5 Learned to play golf Assumed behavior traits commonly seen in successful men Frequently continued to compete with aspirational women in their circles

6 1970s Career options for women were limited. For those who went into the work force, many positions required autonomy.

7 1980s Wonder Woman Soon, women were expected to do it all.

8 Women Learned That their relationship to work was different than the typical male relationship to work That as women moved into positions of power, they did not always turn and give a hand to those coming behind them

9 1990s A new model with a few remaining lessons

10 The current female majority may be higher education’s new normal

11 Women now earn as many professional and doctoral degrees as men. Women also earn the majority of master’s degrees due to their predominance in popular fields such as education and nursing Gender Equity in Higher Education: 2010

12 New generation of women leaders is changing: Work best in teams Value time with families and friends University of Venus

13 The New HE Leadership Paradigm Many analysts believe that the future of higher education management will require new skill sets Women have acquired these skill sets and use them effectively

14 The Start Up of You “Quite simply, if you want to accelerate your career, you need the help and support of others…What you are doing-- -what you should be doing---is establishing a diverse team of allies and advisors with whom you grow over time.” Reid Hoffman, founder of Linked In

15 Academic Management Institute Leadership development program for women in Higher Ed in Colorado Similar programs in every state, sponsored by U.S. Department of Education Each institution sponsors 2-4 women each year See an Alum for more information

16 Established by Sheryl Sandberg Now has a Higher Education section

17 Shelley Correll, Professor of Sociology at Stanford speaks about Creating a Level Playing Field for Women

18 Discussion and Conversation

19 MSU Denver Mentoring Exchange Working to connect mentors/mentees Open to all interested MSU Denver employees Support employees in their personal and professional growth Enhance the MSU Denver community through learning and appreciation Join the committee! We would also love to partner with the Classified Council and Faculty Senate representatives on this effort Contact: Meghan Hartvigson, Sarah Julion or Jennifer Thome

20 Where do we go from here? Please complete the survey and return it to one of the presenters.

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