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Improving Data Quality Best practices for entering and maintaining data.

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Presentation on theme: "Improving Data Quality Best practices for entering and maintaining data."— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving Data Quality Best practices for entering and maintaining data.

2  Identify strategies for promoting data accuracy.  Describe how verification reports can identify inaccurate or missing data.  List resources that improve data quality. Objective s

3 Describe the difference in accuracy and validity between the two sentences. 1.I went to teh school. 2.Eye when too the skewer. Data Accuracy

4 Each district should establish best practices for entering and maintaining quality data. For all staff  Understand district business practices and policies for quality assurance and consistency.  Communicate the importance of accurate data entry.  Provide ongoing professional development about data requirements and district data quality practices. Data Accuracy

5 For staff who enter data  Keep student data accurately updated and current.  Review and correct CEDARS errors on a weekly basis. Data Accuracy

6 For administrators  Provide district level oversight for building level reporting.  Create and support open communication between registrars at different buildings that share students.  Publish Student Information System documentation that details correct data entry procedures.  Provide access to technical support for the Student Information System Data Accuracy

7 These are generated in response to data submissions and are used to verify data accuracy.  CEDARS exception reports  Student Information System reports (entry/withdrawal, course and teacher)  Educational Data System (EDS) Reports  Federal Special Education November Child Count  October Enrollment  Adjusted Cohort Graduation Application (P210) and Annual CTE Student Enrollment Review (P210) Voc  Bilingual  Homeless Verification Reports

8 Materials on the CEDARS web site can help you improve data quality  CEDARS data manual and appendices  CEDARS reporting guidance  Student record exchange user guide  State course codes spreadsheet  CIP code chart for CTE courses Resources

9 Materials on the CEDARS web site can help you improve data quality  CEDARS submission exceptions dictionary  Quick Tip Sheet: Understanding the “As Of Date”  Logical Delete Frequently Asked Questions  CEDARS SSID User Guide Resources

10 Materials are also available on the OSPI School Apportionment & Financial Services web site:  Professional development materials and reporting handbook for enrollment  Guidelines for reporting Alternative Learning Experience (ALE) enrollment Resources

11 Additional support:  Documentation and reference materials from your Student Information System vendor  Monthly OSPI CEDARS video teleconferences  Student Information Monthly Online Newsletter (SIMON) Resources

12 Review  Identify strategies for promoting data accuracy.  Describe how verification reports can identify inaccurate or missing data.  List resources that improve data quality.

13 Visit Want more?

14  What systems does your district have in place to verify the accuracy of data? What suggestions do you have to improve these?  What are the effects of inaccurate data on your district? (For example, allocations may be incorrect.) Discussio n

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