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By: Leah Diezman, Ashley Aquilino, Abby Henkin, Sarah Ingram Learning the Alphabet.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Leah Diezman, Ashley Aquilino, Abby Henkin, Sarah Ingram Learning the Alphabet."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Leah Diezman, Ashley Aquilino, Abby Henkin, Sarah Ingram Learning the Alphabet

2 Lesson 1: Sequencing the Alphabet

3 The first three letters of the alphabet are A,B, and C. Then comes…

4 H,I,J,K…. L,M,N,O,P...

5 After that is… And then comes…

6 W, X… Y and Z…

7 Alphabet Song

8 Quiz 1: Let’s see what you learned!

9 Are these in order? ABCDEFG YesNo

10 Correct

11 Incorrect Please try again

12 What letter comes first in the alphabet? G S H

13 Correct

14 Incorrect Please try again

15 What letter comes after X? YY D SDS

16 Correct

17 Incorrect Please try again

18 What are the last three letters of the alphabet? XYZ LMN QRS

19 Correct

20 Incorrect Please try again

21 Are these letters in alphabetical order? Q R S X Y Z Yes Yes NoNo

22 Correct

23 Incorrect Please try again

24 What are the 1 st three letters of the alphabet? EFG XYZ ABC

25 Correct

26 Incorrect Please try again

27 Lesson 2: Matching Letters with Objects

28 Lesson 2: Matching letters with objects A pple begins with the letter A B uttons begin with the letter B C at begins with the letter C

29 E lephant begins with the letter E D og begins with the letter D More Examples F rog begins with the letter F

30 More Examples G rapes begin with the letter GH eart begins with the letter H I ce Cream begins with the letter I J uice begins with the letter J

31 Quiz 3: Now let’s see what you have learned!

32 What am I? A: Orange B: Balloons C: Lemon

33 Correct

34 Incorrect Please try again

35 My name starts with F… True False

36 Correct

37 Incorrect Please try again

38 What object starts with the letter C?

39 Correct

40 Incorrect Please try again

41 Do I start with the letter L? Yes Yes NoNo

42 Correct

43 Incorrect Please try again

44 My name starts with the letter J… True False

45 Correct

46 Incorrect Please try again

47 What is my correct spelling? A. Byke Byke B. Bike Bike C. Bik Bik

48 Correct

49 Incorrect Please try again

50 Lesson 3: Vowels and Consonants

51 There are 5 special letters in the alphabet…. These letters are called VOWELS!

52 A vowel is important because every word must have at least 1 vowel. Without vowels we would not be able to make words .

53 The other letters in the alphabet are called Consonants.

54 These are the consonants…

55 Quiz 3: Now let’s see what you have learned!

56 Which of these letters is a vowel?

57 Correct

58 Incorrect Please try again

59 How many vowels are there in the alphabet total?

60 Correct

61 Incorrect Please try again

62 Is the letter “A” a vowel?

63 Correct

64 Incorrect Please try again

65 Which letter is a consonant?

66 Correct

67 Incorrect Please try again

68 How many vowels are there in the word “learn”?

69 Correct

70 Incorrect Please try again

71 Which animal starts with a vowel? Dog Elephant Tiger

72 Correct!!!

73 Incorrect Please try again


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