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The Theory of Knowledge

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1 The Theory of Knowledge

2 Chapter 1 Introduction to Knowledge

3 Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge
What is TOK about? Socrates said it many years ago. “The unexamined life is not worth living” TOK is about examination of the world around us

4 TOK is about understanding How we know what we know
What makes up the things we think of as knowledge? When we know something how do we know it is even really true? It helps us examine our lives and helps us be critical of “knowledge claims” which are not actually knowledge but instead only belief, opinion, propaganda, and even deceit

5 Lesson One What do we know?
Knowledge Claims are claims made by someone when they say they know something The world we know is made completely up of knowledge claims How do we know it these knowledge claims are representative of reality?

6 Consider History Historical artefacts are silent; they tell us nothing
It is we that interpret a meaning onto them Whatever affects these interpretations will also affect any knowledge claims being made Is this view of prevalent and common human sacrifice among the Aztecs truly warranted?

7 The world view: How the cosmos are structured
How many seconds in an hour? How many seconds in a day? How long is one million seconds? How long is one billion seconds? 32 years a long time

8 How do we know what the universe is like?
Have we discovered for ourselves? How does science answer the questions about the origin of the universe? What came before the big bang? How can science ever hope to give us the answers? Is time even real?

9 Reality? How do we know? Why is our reality more real than realities of people in the past? Very much of our reality is based on faith in scientific claims We believe in a reality People before believed in a different reality. It was different but it was just as real to them Are we really any closer to getting to the whole, complete, real picture of how things really are?

10 Lesson 2: Understanding Basic Concepts (Sound Reasons for Claiming Knowledge)

11 Theory of Knowledge is just that, a theory
It is not called the “facts of knowledge” There is not one answer to questions regarding knowledge countless theories about what knowledge actually is The nature of knowledge is so that a human beings’ subjective perspective of the world will, to some degree, influence what he or she calls knowledge

12 Plato: Knowledge is Justified True Belief
P must be true. I believe P I have sound reasons for believing P. I need a type of justification I have no evidence that negates or erodes my belief in P

13 Sound Reasons for Knowledge
Justifications for calling something knowledge

14 Perception A sound reason for knowledge is simply our perception
Our sight, hearing, feeling, taste and smell “seeing is knowing” Can be mistaken but generally a very sound reason Vase or Faces?

15 Some say that yellow stands for self-awareness.
How do you know we like whatever we like? Self awareness is such an inherent part of our everyday lives This knowledge requires no proof or any other form of empirical backing It is very strong subjective knowledge Some say that yellow stands for self-awareness. What do you think?

16 What is this thing? Someone knew once.
Memories are a sound reason for knowledge because we can be sure of them most of the time We know things on account of our memories Because something is a “sound” reason for knowledge, it does not necessarily mean it is always, 100% of the time What is this thing? Someone knew once.

17 Does he/she have knowledge?
Deduction This is one of the very important words and concepts in TOK Deduction is making conclusions based on premises that are known to be true Deduction is the basis for all mathematics Is this deduction? Does he/she have knowledge?

18 How do we know this will happen tomorrow?
Induction induction is another extremely important term for TOK and our lives in general Induction is claiming knowledge about future events based on past experiences Science and the scientific method is based heavily upon induction There is no physical law that states that just because something has in the past, that it will necessarily happen any time again in the future How do we know this will happen tomorrow?

19 Authority Very much of the knowledge we have today we have because an Authority has told us We either consciously choose to believe a knowledge claim or we simply accept the knowledge because an authority we respect has presented us with the information Textbooks Media etc. Pope John XIII

20 Consensus Consensus or Consensus gentium is basing knowledge on the fact that everyone, or at least most people agree that something is knowledge Consensus plays a significant role in many different aspects moral values Scientific discoveries Historical claims Mathematical proof Political ideology How much of what we know is because many people think it is right?

21 Michele Benzamin-Miki
Intuition Intuition is a feeling, an inherent understanding. Intuition makes us know about something internal; a way of thinking or perceiving something Even if the intuition is not reflective of reality, it is still knowledge for the individual on the individual level Seeing Red Michele Benzamin-Miki

22 Is something being revealed from above?
Revelation Easily argued that Revelation is not a good reason for claiming knowledge However revelation is responsible for much of the knowledge that many people hold dear today religious ethical Can be knowledge on a subjective level. Is something being revealed from above?

23 Is there anything that moves mankind
Faith We should avoid equating the concept of faith with the conviction felt in religious experience Faith is intertwined with knowledge to a much greater extent Much of the knowledge we claim to know comes to us on account of faith in the claims Faith is a central concept in TOK Is there anything that moves mankind more than faith?

24 Lesson 3 Certainty, a Foundation for Knowledge or an Outcome of it?
Foundationalism Pragmatism Two contrasting ideas for what knowledge is based upon

25 Foundationalism The concept of foundationalism states that something is knowledge if and only if we are 100% certain of it Knowledge comes when on reaches this subjective state of mind Knowledge=Truth, but Truth≠Knowledge Knowledge comes when one can not possibly imagine that he is incorrect Certainty is the basis, or forundation of knowledge

26 Foundationalism (contd.)
Foundatonal knowledge claims are generally subjective knowledge claims Knowledge based on elements such as self-awareness, memory, perception, and emotion are types of foundational knowledge Deduction can also be a type of foundational knowledge Foundational knowledge does not need to be quantified or supported by others for it to be knowledge to the individual knowing the fact

27 Pragmatism The perspective of pragmatism asserts that something is knowledge if and only if the proposed bit of knowledge works in real life settings. We do not know anything until we see that it works Knowledge is power. It must allow us to do something

28 Pragmatism (contd.) Scientific knowledge is pragmatic knowledge. If a scientist can not show that her hypothesis works, then her hypothesis is disregarded People such as Engineers, mechanics, and pilots all know their professions when they can do what they are supposed to do According to the pragmatist, we have knowledge when it allows us to sucessfully navigate through our environment. We become certain of something only when we first know it; when it works. Certainty is an outcome of knowledge, not a basis for it

29 Lesson 4 Is Truth and Reality Subjective?

30 Subjectivism vs. Representationalism
The subjectivist believes there is no true reality. Any so-called reality that there is, is based upon peoples experiences The representationalistsargue that here is a reality; all we have to do is open our eyes to see it. If something is true it is true because corresponds with the reality around us.

31 Subjectivism Something is true is if it relates to someone’s experience in a way that they can understand and relate to it “Memories buy weightless kilograms of ideas.” Is this statement a reality? It is not a reality because no one can relate to it Reality is subjective because it depends on ones ability to relate to something Is this actually sweet?

32 Representationalism A representation is something which gives us information about another thing or one thing that stands for another thing True in representationalist terms, is a property of a representation that corresponds to the real world or corresponds with fact Beliefs or subjective states of mind have no bearing on reality. Reality is what it is. This is not how an egg is fried Regardless of what one believes.

33 Plato’s Allegory of the Cave

34 Plato’s Allegory of the Cave
We can only know things from our own perspective Reality is a subjective experience because we are limited and confined to our own human way of seeing things Like a person that has never left a cave and can therefore never know any other reality, so too are people. They see things from the perspective of their own “cave”

35 Meditations on First Philosophy
“cogito ergo sum” I think therefore I am Scepticism Nothing can be known except one’s own existence There is no way to know if there is a reality We can not escape our subjective outlook on life to know anything away from ourselves or the way we know things Rene Descartes

36 Lesson 5 What they will have to do
One essay words on one of ten prescribed topics Never change any aspect of the topic. But, if you want a good essay prepare to write a 1600 word essay. 33% more can be said in a 1600 word essay than can be in a 1200 word essay. The essay is 70% of the final grade. The essay is graded externally One Presentation. About 10 minutes long. Graded by the teacher. On a “contemporary isssue” The presentation is 30% of the grade

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