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Beyond a doubt, truth bears the same relation to falsehood as light to darkness. Leonardo da Vinci ” “

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Presentation on theme: "Beyond a doubt, truth bears the same relation to falsehood as light to darkness. Leonardo da Vinci ” “"— Presentation transcript:

1 Beyond a doubt, truth bears the same relation to falsehood as light to darkness. Leonardo da Vinci ” “

2 What is Truth?

3 Definitions of Truth Truth is defined as… A verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle, or the like Sincerity in action, character, and utterance The property (as of a statement) of being in accord with fact or reality Definitions courtesy of and Merriam Webster

4 Definitions of Truth We define truth as… Sincerity and action, character and utterance that is in accord with fact or reality Truth can be linked to our other topics as well: Democracy Manipulation Temptation Power

5 Truth vs. Fact Fact is defined as… An indisputable existence or occurrence A piece of information presented as having objective reality Truth vs. Fact Truth is Subjective Fact is Objective

6 Disclosure Full Disclosure Includes all available facts and provides as complete a truth as possible Partial Disclosure Does not include all the facts and details

7 Truth in Law Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God? Whole truth when dealing with courts and the law Partial disclosure can cost you time Lawmakers search for the truth

8 Truth in Media Media is more lenient on truth than law There are some instances where only the partial truth is best Media gets a bad wrap for not fully disclosing all facts and for leaving out “boring” parts or fabricating facts to be more “exciting” The truth, the partial truth and nothing like the truth…

9 Truth in Religion Which religion is true? We find different truths in religion depending on our faith Truth in religion is highly subjective There is no absolute truth in religion

10 Truth and Utility Utility in Law The whole truth and nothing but the truth to protect innocence A piece of information presented as having objective reality Utility in Media Partial truth is used in order to protect victims Two three Whole Truth as Partial Truth Sexting incident

11 Truth and Social Penetration Theory Self Disclosure When first meeting someone, we only tell partial truths initially As we get to know people more, we start to disclose the whole truth

12 Truth and Facework Facework We all have an image that we want to portray to the public Positive Face Need for social approval, connection and inclusion Negative Face Need for autonomy and independence We want to maintain our positive and negative face so we tell partial truth in order to preserve positive and negative face

13 Definitions of Truth The search for truth is in one way hard and in another way easy, for it is evident that no one can master it fully or miss it wholly. Aristotle “ ”

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