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Flightless Beetles as Biodiversity Indicators for Age Structure in Forests Katie Riley.

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Presentation on theme: "Flightless Beetles as Biodiversity Indicators for Age Structure in Forests Katie Riley."— Presentation transcript:

1 Flightless Beetles as Biodiversity Indicators for Age Structure in Forests Katie Riley

2 Primary Research Site: Pilot Mountain State Park -Yadkin River Corridor Trail - Approximately 6 miles (one way) - Connects Mountain section to Yadkin River section

3 What am I doing? Community ecology flightless ground beetle (Carabidae) study Forest age and type related to Carabid diversity & community stability Pitfall traps (liquid preservative, non-toxic propylene glycol) Forest age intervals: recently disturbed (forest 0-1 yr old), 10-20, 30-40, 50-60, 80-100 years old 6 plots each age; twelve pitfall traps Why ground beetles?

4 GIS Maps




8 What I hope to add…..Forest Type/Cover and a Forest Age Layer And a layer with sample sites once I have actual sites….

9 What’s the Purpose? Beetle diversity and community stability directly correlated to the overall diversity and stability of the forest Age structure affect diversity & stability?

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