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The Flying Falcons BY MANIK AND JONATHAN How many miles can a Peregrine falcon fly before it stops?

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Presentation on theme: "The Flying Falcons BY MANIK AND JONATHAN How many miles can a Peregrine falcon fly before it stops?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Flying Falcons BY MANIK AND JONATHAN How many miles can a Peregrine falcon fly before it stops?

2  Peregrines fly by using their wings.  Their wings have no bones.

3  They fly fast because they are built like a jet air plane!

4  Falcons migrate, or fly to a warmer climate, in the winter.  They can migrate up to 1000 miles from their home and return to the same place every year.  They can fly 210 miles without stopping for a rest.

5 Can a Peregrine falcon see at nighttime? How long does it take for an eyas to learn to fly?

6  h/www/critters/falcon/ h/www/critters/falcon/ 

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