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Journal of Pakistan Psychiatric Society

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1 Journal of Pakistan Psychiatric Society
Dr. Muhammad Irfan MBBS, MCPS (Psychiatry) Postgraduate Medical Institute, Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar - Pakistan Associate Editor Journal of Pakistan Psychiatric Society

2 Journal of Pakistan Psychiatric Society
Setting new standards in scientific publications from Pakistan

3 Journal of Pakistan Psychiatric Society
The official Journal of Pakistan Psychiatric Society. Dedicated to encourage and facilitate research at all levels and in all fields of psychiatry. Predominantly devoted to reporting original investigations in the biomedical and health sciences relevant to the mental health. Publishes rigorous, accessible articles on all topics pertaining to various disciplines of psychiatry.

4 Mission of the Journal To disseminate the information about mental health problems as these relate to the socioeconomic and cultural context of Pakistan. To promote Evidence Based Practice a Special features for the first time in Pakistan - Cochrane Corner. 4

5 Mission of the Journal (Cont’d) Focused on Lower and Middle Income Countries
To encourage and disseminate the research from Lower And Middle Income Countries. Editorials are primarily based on Lower and Middle Income Countries issues.

6 Nurturing and flourishing: 2005-2007
Brief History First issue: 2005 Nurturing and flourishing: 2010: 7th volume 6

7 Unique features of the JPPS
Most regular publishing over the last six years No pharmaceutical sponsored articles Emphasis on evidence based medicine 7

8 Unique features of the JPPS (Cont’d)
Completely independent editorial board, no sponsorship etc from industry. Highest number of articles from international scientific community. Most comprehensive review system. High quality publishing, practically no errors in spellings , references, pages etc which needs very painstaking proof reading etc… 8

9 Composition of the Editorial Board
Associate Editor Assistant Editor Editorial Board (National Members) Editorial Board (International Members) Advisory Board

10 Editorial board Editor: Saeed Farooq Associate Editor: Javaid Akhtar
Mian Mukhtar ul Haq Muhammad Irfan Zahid Nazar Assistant Editor: Naila Riaz Awan 10

11 Editorial board (National Members)
Prof. Fareed Aslam Minhas Dr. Farooq Naeem Dr. Imtiaz Dogar Dr. Mansoor Mustafa Dr. M. Nasar Sayeed Khan Prof. M. Iqbal Afridi Prof. Movadat H Rana Prof. Saleem Jehangir Dr. Suhail Ali Dr. Syed Ahmer Prof. Unaiza Niaz 11

12 Editorial board (International Members)
High quality academic contributions from leading names in international psychiatry. Overlook and advise the journal in editorial policy, articles and contribution. 12

13 Editorial board (International Members)
Prof. Atif Rehman (Liverpool – UK) Dr. David Mumford (Bristol – UK) Prof. Femi Oyebode (Birmingham – UK) Prof. Nicholas Ferrier (Newcastle – UK) Prof. Prathap Tharyan (Vellore – India) Prof. David Kingdon (Southampton – UK) Prof. Douglas Blackwood (Edinburgh – UK) Dr. John Vincent (Toronto – Canada) Dr. Peter Ventevogel (Healthnet TPO – Netherland) Prof. Wolfgang Gaebel (Düsseldorf – Germany) 13

14 Advisory Board Prof. Abdul Malik Achakzai
Prof. Haroon Rasheed Chaudhary Prof. M.H. Mubbashar Prof. M. Shafique Prof. Rizwan Taj Prof. Aziz-ur-Rehman Yousafzai Prof. Khalid A Mufti Prof. M. Riaz Bhatti Prof. Mussarrat Hussain Prof. Saad Basher Malik 14

15 Issues per year Biannual (Twice per Year)
The journal is published in January and July each year.

16 Circulation 500 Print and free access online.
Controlled circulation basis Complimentary copies are distributed among the faculty of all medical colleges, main libraries, tertiary referral centers, general practitioners and private clinics throughout Pakistan and abroad. Also available on request to the doctors in training.

17 Current indexation status
International National

18 International Indexation
World Health Organization Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office Directory of Open Access Journals EBSCO Medline (Working on Application Process) 18

19 Present Indexation in Pakistan
Pakistan Medical & Dental Council (PMDC) Higher Education Commission of Pakistan (HEC) MEDical Literature Indexing services Pakistan (MEDLIP) (Pakmedinet) 19

20 Structure of the Journal
Audit Book Review Case Report Correspondence Debate Editorial Guest Editorial Original Article Review Article Short Communication Special Article Tutorial

21 Contributions (Cont’d) Review Articles like
Psychiatry in conflict zone — Challenges in Kashmir: January-June (1) by Ovais Wadoo, Aadil Jan Shah. A Review of Global Issues and Prevalence of Child Mental Health problems: Where does CAMH stand in Pakistan? January-June (1) by Sajida Abdul Hussain. Disordered eating behaviors: An overview of Asian Cultures: July-December (2) by Amina Muazzam, Ruhi Khalid. Addiction with Internet and Mobile: An overview: July-December (2) by Unaiza Niaz Religion, Faith and Psychiatry: July-December (2) by Avinash De Sousa. Cost of Illness of Schizophrenia: January-June (1) by Sandeep Grover, Ajit Avasthi, Subho Chakrabarti, Paramanand Kulhara. Stressful life events in the onset of Dissociative (Conversion) disorders: July-December (2) by Saddiqua Aamir. The psychiatric epidemiological studies in Afghanistan: A critical review of literature and future directions: January-June (1) by Peter Ventevogel. The Concept And Epidemiology Of Dhat Syndrome: January-June (1) by Ajit Avasthi, Om Prakash Jhirwal. 21

22 Contributions (Cont’d) Special articles like
Common Sexual Diorders: A clinical review: July-December (2) by Nilamadhab Kar. From DOTS to STOPS — Public Health Intervention for Schizophrenia in low and middle income countries: July-December (2) by Saeed Farooq, Zahid Nazar, Javaid Akhtar, Muhammad Irfan, Sher Naeem. Does schizophrenia exist?: January-June (1) by D S Goel. The concept of PTSD: A critical appraisal: July-December (2) by D S Goel. Providing evidence for medical and mental health practice through systematic reviews: July-December (2) by Fazal Ghani, Muhammad Irfan. Depression in Primary Care: Clinical Epidemiology & Clinical Decision Aalysis —An Analytical Review: January-June (1) by Haider Naqvi. Tele-Psychiatry: Answer to Psychiatric Rehabilitation of Earthquake Affected Population in Pakistan : July-December (2) by Fareed A Minhas, Asad Nizami. 22

23 Contributions (Cont’d) Book reviews which are Rarely published in journals in Pakistan, JPPS pioneered this. MCQs and EMIs for MRCPsych Paper 3: Intellectual Signature: July-December (2). The day the mountains moved: July-December (2). The Gateway Paper; Health systems in Pakistan - A way forward, Mental Health: An Indian Perspective 1946 – 2003: January-June (1). 23

24 Contributions (Cont’d) Editorials on the leading problems relevant to developing countries
The Presentation and Course of psychotic Disorders in developing Countries – Implications and some suggestions for ICD-11: January-June (1). JPPS recognized by PMDC but the challenge remains: July-December (2). Working with interpreters in developing countries — Implications for psychiatric training and research: January-June (1). Never Treated Schizophrenia in developing countries: July-December (2) . Psychosis associated with epilepsy: Challenges and opportunities in developing countries: January-June (1). Sharing Mental Health Research amongst Low and Middle Income Countries. Is there a Role for a Journal of Mental Health in Developing Countries?: July-December (2) . Conversion disorder-A dilemma facing the psychiatrist in developing countries: January-June (1) Learn While You Earn. The Concept of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and Its relevance for Psychiatrists in Developing Countries: July-December (2). Free Pharmacological Treatment for Schizophrenia in Developing Countries –Case for a Public Health Intervention: January-June (1). Knowledge is the enemy of disease:An evidence based approach to the earthquake in Pakistan: July-December (2). Expansion Of Mental Health In Primary Care – Charity Begins At Home: January-June (1). 24

25 Contributions (Cont’d) Guest Editorials from authorities on the subjects of high relevance for practice in Pakistan like ICD-11 and DSM-V: Whither Psychoses? (1) by Wolfgang Gaebel, Jurgen Zielasek. Mental Health Information Systems (2) by Richard Gater, Fahmy Bahgat, Nasser Loza. We can talk… But can we communicate? (1) by David Kingdon. Mgene Discovery in Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder (2) by Muhammad Ayub, Douglas Blackwood Reverse gender pattern for suicide in Asian population? A perspective from UK (1) by George Tadros. The Spiritual Dimension in Psychiatry (2) by Andrew Sims. Redefining the role of psychiatry in South Asia (1) by Vikram Patel. Medical Education in the United Kingdom (2) by Femi Oyebode. Evidence Based Guidelines and the Context of Care:The Case of ECT for People with Schizophrenia (1) by Prathap Tharayan. From Disaster to Opportunity:The Mental Health Care response to the October 2005 Earthquake (2) by Peter Ventevogel.  The Journal of Pakistan Psychiatric Society (JPPS) and the Cochrane Collaboration (1) by Tahir Suleman, Clive E Adams, Michael Gelder. 25

26 Contributions (Cont’d) International Contributions
UK 33 India 22 Iran 6 Afghanistan 3 Australia/New Zealand 2 Brunei 1 Germany 1 Malaysia 1 Turkey 1 UAE 1 26

27 Website Contains the full text of all articles published since January 2005. Free access to the entire site. No need to ask permission for JPPS as a link.


29 Peer review process Akhtar Sherin Anjum Bashir Asad Nizami
Transparent Standard High quality national and international reviewers like Akhtar Sherin Anjum Bashir Asad Nizami Ashok K Jainer Atif Rehman David Kingdon David Mumford Ehsanullah Syed Farid Munhas Farooq Naeem Femi Oyebode Fuad Khan Haider Naqvi Imran Chaudhary Imran Ijaz Haider Imran Mushtaq Ilyas Mirza Javaid Akhtar Malik Mubashar Movadat H Rana M Ayub M Naim Siddiqui M Shafique Nasar Sayeed Nusrat Hussain Peter Ventevogel Prathap Tharayan Rza ur Rehman S.P. Sashidharan Syed Ahmer Unaiza Niaz Waqas Waheed 29

30 30

31 31

32 Filing and Tracking system

33 33

34 Financial Issues The support is provided through Pakistan Psychiatric Society. The main source of revenue is advertisements.

35 Future Directions A Special Issue on Urdu Translations of Psychiatric Scales is under process. This will be an important service towards psychiatric research in Pakistan. We aim to have the journal indexed in all the indices for widest possible dissemination of research findings from the lower and middle income countries. To bring it on the International publishing house Platform.

36 Any Questions

37 Thank You 37

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