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America in The New Millennium

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1 America in The New Millennium

2 The 2000 Election : Bush Vs. Gore

3 Al Gore Democratic Opponent Vice President to Bill Clinton
Democrats were weakened by Clinton’s Impeachment scandal Hurt by emergence of a 3rd Party Candidate, Ralph Nader Downturn in the American Economy Won Popular vote Swing state: Florida Al Gore

4 Ralph Nader 3rd Party Candidate Author Consumer Advocate
Took almost 3 MILLION votes Ralph Nader

5 George W. Bush Republican Opponent
Son of former President George H.W. Bush (to Coach C AKA: Daddy Bush) Governor of Texas Won Presidential election of 2000 after winning a majority of the Electoral College Closest Presidential election in HISTORY! Swing State: Florida George W. Bush

6 Election Night

7 Court Ruled (5 to 4 vote) to order an end to a recount
U.S. Supreme Court Court Ruled (5 to 4 vote) to order an end to a recount The Florida Courts had instructed those recounting to evaluate the voter’s intent in cases where the ballot was not correctly punched in. This is why the Florida Courts were overruled. The U.S. Supreme Court said there was not consistent standard for reviewing the ballots.

8 Domestic Policy Under Bush
Pushed through a tax cut in an attempt to revitalize the economy Federal Reserve Board dropped interest rates to their lowest levels in decades. Tax cuts revived the economy, but also brought a return to a high federal budget deficits Active in promoting Educational reform No Child Left Behind – Requiring all states to test all students in English and Mathematics each year from 3rd grade to 8th grade.

9 America Under Assault September 11, 2001

10 The Day We were attacked
September 11, 2001 (9/11) Islamic Fundamentalist Terrorists boarded 4 different U.S. Airliners Amongst the terrorists were trained pilots. They hijacked the aircrafts. 2 Hit the World Trade Center (New York City) 1 Our Pentagon (Washington, DC) 1 crashed in Pennsylvania when the passengers resisted the terrorists More than 3000 people were killed Video

11 Global War ON Terror Osama bin Laden & his organization al-Qaeda took credit for the terrorist attacks After the attacks on the United States, Osama Bin Laden was sheltered by the Taliban- controlled government of Afghanistan. Taliban: A Group of Islamic Fundamentalists Refused to surrender Osama Bin Laden to the United States Bush launched a global war on terror against those nations that harbored terrorists. October 2001, Bush ordered Air and ground assaults, which toppled the Taliban and destroyed al-qaeda’s bases Bin laden managed to elude capture

12 September 20, days after the attack on the United States, President Bush Addressed a Joint Session of Congress: “On September the 11th, enemies of freedom committed an act of war against our country. Americans have many questions tonight: who attacked our country? The evidence we have gathered points to a … terrorist organization known as al-Qaeda. Al-Qaeda is to terror what the mafia is to crime. But is goal is not to make money; its goal is remaking the world- and imposing its radical beliefs on people everywhere. Our war on terror begins with al-Qaeda, but does not end there. It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated.”

13 Post 9/11 Transportation Security Agency (TSA): took over security at U.S. Airports Department of Homeland Security: a new Cabinet post. Its mission was to keep the U.S. secure from All threats. Activities range from nuclear detection and intelligence coordination to protection of high-level government officials. USA Patriot Act of 2001: greatly expanded the government’s law enforcement powers Guantanamo Bay, Cuba Water-Boarding : The Board is slightly inverted to make for a more intense drowning feel - FYI

14 The War in Iraq Saddam Hussein : Iraqi Dictator
Advisors feared Hussein would provide biological, Chemical, or even nuclear weapons to Islamic terrorists like Osama Bin Laden Hussein had used Chemical weapons before. Iraq was warned by the U.S., Britain, and Spain to surrender its WMDs (Weapons of mass destruction) or face invasion. France, Germany, and Russia favored a more cautious approach. Bush gave Hussein 48 hours to leave Iraq or face invasion. Hussein refused and military action took place. Hussein was captured, tried for crimes against Iraqi citizens and executed by Iraqis in 2006 Iraqi voters elected representatives drew up a constitution. Iraq became the first Arab democracy in the Middle east

15 War Effort in Iraq Hussein was defeated, but the war continued
An insurgency consisting of former supporters of Hussein, Shiite radicals, and Iraqis angry at foreign intervention soon arose Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison were tortured and humiliated, adding to the unpopularity of foreign troops on Iraqi soil By the end of 2006, as many as 1000 people were still being killed in Iraq each month Bush announced a new “Surge” strategy, sending more than 20,000 additional troops They secured local neighborhoods, protected the Iraqi population, guarded Iraq’s boarders, and stuck out at al-Qaeda forces This surge greatly reduced violence American withdrawal from Iraq then became the central issue in the 2008 U.S. Presidential campaign

16 Hurricane Katrina Evacuation and flooding of almost 80% of New Orleans and other parts of the Gulf Coast Highest storm surge and waves ever recorded to hit the North American continent. Surge and waves greatly exceeded the engineering design of the New Orleans Levees Most Costly hurricane on record More than 1,800 people lost their lives


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