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Microcontroller 8051
Contents Difference between Microprocessor and Microcontroller,
Block Diagram and Pin Description of the 8051
Microprocessors General-purpose microprocessor CPU for Computers
No RAM, ROM, I/O on CPU chip itself Example:Intel’s x86, Motorola’s 680x0 Many chips on mother’s board Data Bus CPU General-Purpose Micro-processor Intel’s x86: 8086,8088,80386,80486, Pentium Motorola’s 680x0: 68000, 68010, 68020,68030,6040 Serial COM Port I/O Port RAM ROM Timer Address Bus General-Purpose Microprocessor System
Microcontroller A smaller computer On-chip RAM, ROM, I/O ports...
Example:Motorola’s 6811, Intel’s 8051, Zilog’s Z8 and PIC 16X CPU RAM ROM A single chip Serial COM Port I/O Port Timer Microcontroller
Microprocessor vs. Microcontroller
Single chip computer which has everything in-built. CPU, RAM, ROM, I/O and timer are all on a single chip. fix amount of on-chip ROM, RAM, I/O ports. Uses different program and data memory. Suited to control of I/O devices requiring a minimum component count. Extremely compact instructions. Data bus: 8,16 bits wide. 10 to 20 MHz. single-purpose. Cheap. Microprocessor Dependent on other chips for many functions so hardware size increases. CPU is stand-alone, RAM, ROM, I/O, timer are separate. Designer can decide on the amount of ROM, RAM and I/O ports. Program memory and data memory are same. Suited to processing information in computer systems. Powerful addressing mode. Data bus: 32,64,128 bits wide. Clock rate > 1GHz. general-purpose. Expensive. versatility 多用途的: any number of applications for PC
Features of 8051 8-bit CPU 4 KB of on chip program memory.
128 bytes of on chip data memory. 64 KB program external ROM and 64 KB external RAM addressability. 32 bidirectional and individually addressable I/O lines arranged as four 8 bit ports P0-P3. Two 16 bit timer/counters. Full duplex serial data transmitter/receiver. Four register banks. 8 bit program status word and stack pointer. Interrupt structure with two priority levels. On chip oscillator and clock circuits. Binary or decimal arithmetic. Power saving mode
8051 Architecture
Functional Blocks of 8051 Eight bit register A (Accumulator) and register B. Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU). 16 bit Program counter (PC). 16 bit Data Pointer (DPTR). 8 bit program Status Word (PSW). 8 bit stack pointer (SP). 128 byte Internal RAM and 4 KB Internal ROM. Four 8 bit ports : Port 0, Port 1, Port 2, Port 3. Two 16 bit Timer/counters, serial port and interrupt control. Control Registers. On chip oscillator.
Accumulator ( ACC ) B Register 8-bit Register.
It is a multipurpose register. It holds operands & result of ALU operations. Also used for data transfer between 8051 and any external memory. Rotate, swap etc. specifically apply on the accumulator. B Register 8-bit Register. Used with the A register for multiplication and division operations. For other instructions it is treated as a scratch pad register.
Arithmetic and Logic Unit ( ALU )
It can perform arithmetic and logic operations on eight bit data. It can perform arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and logical operations like AND, OR, EX-OR, complement, rotate etc. It also takes care of branching instructions. Program Status Word ( PSW ) and Flags 8051 has a) Four math flags 1) Carry 2) Auxiliary 3) Overflow 4) Parity b) Three general purpose user flags 1) F0 2) GF0 3) GF1
Program Status Word ( PSW ) and Flags
CY AC F0 RS1 OV RS0 P -- CY PSW.7 Carry flag AC PSW.6 Auxiliary carry flag -- PSW.5 Available to the user for general purpose RS1 PSW.4 Register Bank selector bit 1 RS0 PSW.3 Register Bank selector bit 0 OV PSW.2 Overflow flag -- PSW.1 User define bit P PSW.0 Parity flag Set/Reset odd/even parity RS1 RS0 Register Bank Address RS1 RS0 Register Bank Address H-07H H-0FH H-17H H-1FH
Clock and Oscillator Oscillator circuit generates the clock pulses to synchronize all internal operations. Quartz crystal is used. 8051 requires frequencies ranging from 1 MHz to 16 MHz.
Program Counter ( PC ) Data Pointer ( DPTR ) It is a 16 bit register.
It is used to hold the address of a instruction in the memory When power supply is switched on, the PC resets to 0000H. Data Pointer ( DPTR ) It is a 16 bit register. It is used to hold the address of data in the memory It can be accessed separately as lower eight bits (DPL) and higher eight bits (DPH) It serves as a base register in case of instructions handling look up tables and external data transfer.
Stack and Stack Pointer
7FH 30H 2FH 20H 1FH 17H 10H 0FH 07H 08H 18H 00H Register Bank 0 (Stack) Register Bank 1 Register Bank 2 Register Bank 3 Bit-Addressable RAM Scratch pad RAM The register used to access the stack is called SP (stack pointer) register. The stack pointer in the 8051 is only 8 bits wide, which means that it can take value 00 to FFH. When 8051 powered up, the SP register contains value 07.
Internal Memory Internal ROM
For proper operation of a computer system, the system should have memory for program code. 8051 has separate memory for the program and data having same address ranges. Address space ranging from 0000 H to FFFF H. Capacity from 0000 H to 0FFF H. Internal RAM 805 1 has 128 byte Internal RAM organized as 1) Four register banks of 8 bytes each. 2) Bit addressable area of 16 bytes. 3) General purpose RAM area (scratch pad area).
Internal RAM structure
7FH 30H 2FH 20H 1FH 17H 10H 0FH 07H 08H 18H 00H Register Bank 0 (Stack) Register Bank 1 Register Bank 2 Register Bank 3 Bit-Addressable RAM Scratch pad RAM
Four register banks ( 8 bytes each)
Each bank is made up of eight registers named R0 to R7. For selecting a register bank two bits RS0 and RS1 are provided in the PSW. Can be used as a simple scratch pad RAM or general purpose RAM. Upon power on or reset BANK0 is selected by default. It reduces the latency period for a subroutine call or an interrupt. 1F 18 Bank 3 17 10 Bank 2 0F 08 Bank 1 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 R7 R6 R5 R4 R3 R2 R1 R0 Bank 0
Bit addressable area (16 bytes)
2F 2E 2D 2C 2B 2A 29 28 7F 78 1A 10 0F 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 8051 has reserved 16 bytes of internal RAM (128 bits forming addressable bits). Locations are called bit addressable locations. Useful for binary event to remember e.g. open switch, close switch 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20
General purpose RAM area
Scratch pad area. Address range from 30 H to 7F H. Used as a data RAM. Programmer may declare stack in this area.
Special Function Registers (SFRs)
SFR memory consist of important registers like acc, B reg., interrupt control register, PSW, timer/counter, four I/O ports, serial control. Some of these registers are bit addressable while remaining are byte addressable . Bit addressable - P0, TCON, P1, SCON, P2, IE, P3, IP, PSW, ACC, B Byte addressable – SP, DPL, DPH, PCON, TMOD, TL0, TL1, TH0, TH1, SBUF P1 P0
External Memory Used in cases when the internal ROM and RAM memory available on chip is not sufficient. External RAM of upto 64 KB is accessed by the DPTR. External ROM of upto 64 KB can be added to any chip in the 8051 family.
Input / Output Ports 8051 has four ports named P0, P1, P2, P3.
All these ports are bi-directional. Each of these 8 bit ports consists of a D-type output latch, an output driver and an input buffer. Each pin of I/O ports Internal CPU bus:communicate with CPU A D latch store the value of this pin D latch is controlled by “Write to latch” Write to latch=1:write data into the D latch 2 Tri-state buffer: TB1: controlled by “Read pin” Read pin=1: read the data present at the pin TB2: controlled by “Read latch” Read latch=1:read value from internal latch A transistor M1 gate Gate=0: open Gate=1: close
D Latch:
Port 1 Port 2 Also called as “quasi-bidirectional” port.
Simple I/O port used as 1) Simple Input Port. 2) Simple Output Port. Port 2 Also called as “quasi-bidirectional” port. Multifunctioned port used as 1) Simple Input Port. 2) Simple Output Port. 3) Higher order address bus (A8-A15) for external memory.
A Pin of Port 1 P0.x 8051 IC Read latch Bit Vcc TB2 Load(L1) P1.X pin
D Q Clk Q Vcc Load(L1) Read latch Bit Read pin Data Write to latch Internal CPU bus M1 P1.X pin P1.X TB1 TB2 P0.x 8051 IC
Writing “1” to Output Pin P1.X
D Q Clk Q Vcc Load(L1) Read latch Read pin Write to latch Internal CPU bus M1 P1.X pin P1.X TB2 2. output pin is Vcc 1. write a 1 to the pin 1 output 1 TB1 8051 IC
Writing “0” to Output Pin P1.X
D Q Clk Q Vcc Load(L1) Read latch Read pin Write to latch Internal CPU bus M1 P1.X pin P1.X TB2 2. output pin is ground 1. write a 0 to the pin output 0 1 TB1 8051 IC
Reading “High” at Input Pin
D Q Clk Q Vcc Load(L1) Read latch Read pin Write to latch Internal CPU bus M1 P1.X pin P1.X 2. MOV A,P1 external pin=High TB2 write a 1 to the pin MOV P1,#0FFH 1 1 TB1 3. Read pin=1 Read latch=0 Write to latch=1 8051 IC
Reading “Low” at Input Pin
D Q Clk Q Vcc Load(L1) Read latch Read pin Write to latch Internal CPU bus M1 P1.X pin P1.X 2. MOV A,P1 external pin=Low TB2 write a 1 to the pin MOV P1,#0FFH 1 TB1 3. Read pin=1 Read latch=0 Write to latch=1 8051 IC
Other Pins P1, P2, and P3 have internal pull-up resisters.
P1, P2, and P3 are not open drain. P0 has no internal pull-up resistors and does not connects to Vcc inside the 8051. P0 is open drain. Compare the figures of P1.X and P0.X. However, for a programmer, it is the same to program P0, P1, P2 and P3. All the ports upon RESET are configured as output.
Port 0 Multifunctioned port of microcontroller used as
1) Simple Input Port. 2) Simple Output Port. 3) Multiplexed address / data bus (AD0 - AD7) for external memory. D Q Clk Q Read latch Read pin Write to latch Internal CPU bus M1 P0.X pin P1.X TB1 TB2
Port 0 with Pull-Up Resistors
DS5000 8751 8951 Vcc 10 K Port 0
Port 3 Significance SBUF TCON.1 TCON.3 TL0 TL1 - P3 Bit Function SFR
Also called as “quasi-bidirectional” port. Multifunctioned port used as 1) Simple Input Port. 2) Simple Output Port. 3) One of the alternate functions. Significance SBUF Receive data pin for serial port in UART mode. Transmit data pin for serial port in UART mode. TCON.1 External Interrupt TCON.3 TL0 External Timer / Counter 0 input pin. TL1 External Timer / Counter 1 input pin. - External memory write pulse. External memory read pulse. P3 Bit Function SFR RxD P3.0 P3.1 TxD P3.2 INT0 P3.3 INT1 P3.4 T0 P3.5 T1 P3.6 WR P3.7 RD
Some 8-bitt Registers of the 8051
A B R0 R1 R3 R4 R2 R5 R7 R6 DPH DPL PC DPTR Some bit Register Some 8-bitt Registers of the 8051
RESET Value of Some 8051 Registers:
PC 0000 ACC 0000 B 0000 PSW 0000 SP 0007 DPTR 0000 RAM are all zero.
Pin Description of the 8051 8051 (8031) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 P1.0 P1.1 P1.2 P1.3 P1.4 P1.5 P1.6 P1.7 RST (RXD)P3.0 (TXD)P3.1 (T0)P3.4 (T1)P3.5 XTAL2 XTAL1 GND (INT0)P3.2 (INT1)P3.3 (RD)P3.7 (WR)P3.6 Vcc P0.0(AD0) P0.1(AD1) P0.2(AD2) P0.3(AD3) P0.4(AD4) P0.5(AD5) P0.6(AD6) P0.7(AD7) EA/VPP ALE/PROG PSEN P2.7(A15) P2.6(A14) P2.5(A13) P2.4(A12) P2.3(A11) P2.2(A10) P2.1(A9) P2.0(A8) 8051 (8031)
Pins of 8051 Vcc(pin 40): GND(pin 20):ground
Vcc provides supply voltage to the chip. The voltage source is +5V. GND(pin 20):ground XTAL1 and XTAL2(pins 19,18) RST(pin 9):reset It is an input pin and is active high(normally low). The high pulse must be high at least 2 machine cycles. It is a power-on reset. Upon applying a high pulse to RST, the microcontroller will reset and all values in registers will be lost.
Power-On RESET Circuit
Vcc + 10 uF 31 EA/VPP X1 30 pF 19 MHz 8.2 K X2 18 30 pF RST 9
Pins of 8051 EA/VPP(pin 31):external access
There is no on-chip ROM in 8031 and The EA pin is connected to GND to indicate the code is stored externally. For 8051, EA pin is connected to Vcc. This pin also receives 12V, programming enable voltage (VPP), during flash programming. PSEN(pin 29):program store enable This is an output pin and is connected to the OE pin of the external ROM. PSEN & ALE are used for external ROM. Read strobe to external memory.
Pins of 8051 ALE / PROG(pin 30):address latch enable
It is an output pin and is active high. 8051 port 0 provides both address and data. The ALE pin is used for de-multiplexing the address and data by connecting to the G pin of the 74LS373 latch. This pin is also program pulse input (PROG) during flash programming. PROG = 0, enters into flash programmable mode. = 1, enters into normal execution mode.
Pins of 8051 The 8051 has four I/O ports
Port 0 (pins 32-39):P0(P0.0~P0.7) Port 1(pins 1-8) :P1(P1.0~P1.7) Port 2(pins 21-28):P2(P2.0~P2.7) Port 3(pins 10-17):P3(P3.0~P3.7) Each port has 8 pins. Named P0.X (X=0,1,...,7), P1.X, P2.X, P3.X Ex:P0.0 is the bit 0(LSB)of P0 Ex:P0.7 is the bit 7(MSB)of P0 These 8 bits form a byte. Each port can be used as input or output (bi-direction). Program is to read data from P0 and then send data to P1
Timers / Counters Two 16 bit Timer / Counter register namely Timer 0
and Timer 1. Timer: Register is programmed to count the internal clock pulse. Internal clock pulses are generated from a constant clock generator, the count loaded in the register gives constant time. Register is incremented every machine cycle (1 machine cycle = 12 oscillator periods) Counting rate is 1/12 of the oscillator frequency.
Timers / Counters Counter: microcontroller is programmed to count
external pulses. The register is incremented in response to high to low transition of the corresponding external input pin, T0 and T1. The external input does not have a constant frequency and hence it is not used for timing reference. T0 and T1 pins are sampled during S5P2 of every machine cycles. When the samples show high in one cycle and low in the next, the count is incremented. The new count value is appears in S3P1 of the following detection cycle. Hence in order to recognize the high-low transition the microcontroller requires two machine cycle i.e. 24 oscillator periods. Max count rate is 1/24 of oscillator frequency
Timers / Counters The counter / timer registers are divided into 8 bit
Timer low (TL0 and TL1) Timer high (TH0 and TH1) TL0 and TH0 together form the 16 bit Timer 0. TL1 and TH1 together forms the 16 bit Timer 1. Counter action is controlled by the bits in the Timer mode control register (TMOD). Timer / Counter control register (TCON).
TMOD register GATE: Gating control. When set, timer only runs while INT(0,1) is high. (pulse width measurement) C/T: Counter or Timer Selector M1 M0: 00: 8-bit Timer/Counter with 5-bit prescaler 01: 16-bit Timer/Counter 10: 8-bit auto reload Timer/Counter 11: (Timer0) TL0 is 8-bit Timer/Counter controlled by Timer0 control bits TH0 is 8-bit timer only controlled by Timer1 control bits 11: (Timer1) Timer/Counter is stopped
TCON register TF: Overflow flag TR: Run control bit.
Set by hardware on timer / counter overflow. Cleared by hardware when processor vectors to interrupt routine. TR: Run control bit. Set / cleared by software to turn Timer / Counter on / off. IE: Interrupt Edge Flag. Set by hardware when external interrupt edge detected. Cleared when interrupt processed. IT: Interrupt Type control bit. Set / cleared by software to specify falling edge / low level triggered external interrupt.
Mode 0 Timer operates as a 13 bit register (TL – 5 bits and TH – 8 bits) 5 bits in the TL sets the divide by 32 prescalar to the TH as an 8 bit counter. Interrupt If the user desires some count in the register and gives command by TR1 bit the timer / counter will start. If Timer count exceeds 13 bit i.e. 1FFFH the next count will be 0000H. It causes the microcontroller to generate an interrupt in order to inform the programmer whether one cycle is over. To indicate it, Timer overflow bit TF1 will be set. If the timer interrupt is enabled using the IE register, the controller will vector to ISR routine
Mode 1 Same as Mode 0. Timer / counter operates as a 16 bit register.
Mode 2 Timer / Counter register is configured as an 8 bit counter (TL) with auto reload facility. TL1 acts as the basic timer / counter. When the Timer starts working, it keeps on incrementing and it will overflow. This will set the timer interrupt flag TF1 and it also reloads the contents of TH1 to TL1. The reloading operation will not alter the contents of TH1.
Mode 3 Timer 1 is not used, Timer 1 simply holds its count. The timer 0 register TL0 and TH0 are configured as two separate 8 bit counters. TL0 register uses the Timer 0 control bits C / T, GATE, TR0, INT0 and TF0. TH0 counts the machine cycles. It takes over the use of TR1 and TF1 from Timer 1 When the Timer 0 is in mode 3, Timer 1 may be used in modes 0,1,2 and no interrupts will be generated because Timer 0 is using the TF1 flag.
Serial Data Input and Output
For communication between two computer system we can send and receive the data bits serially. Supports full-duplex serial communication Serial port receive and transmit registers are both accessed through Special Function Register SBUF Writing to SBUF loads the transmit register Reading from SBUF accesses a physically separated receive register SCON - Serial Port Control / Status Register controls the data communication. PCON register along with timer 1 controls the data rates. SBUF register comprises of two registers physically via TXD Pin RXD Pin Double buffered receiver is used. Serial data communication is a relatively slow process, so in order not to tie up with valuable processor time, serial data flags are included in SCON to aid in efficient data transmission and reception.
SCON Register SM2 SM0 SM1: 00: Mode 0, Shift register, fosc//12 01: Mode 1, 8-bit UART, variable 10: Mode 2, 9-bit UART, fosc//32 or fosc//64 11: Mode 3, 9-bit UART, variable SM2: Enables multiprocessor features in Mode 2 and Mode 3 In Mode 2 or 3, if SM2 is set to 1 then RI will not be activated if the received 9th data bit (RB8) is 0. In Mode 1, if SM2 is set to 1 then RI will not be activated if valid stop bit was not received. In Mode 0, SM2 should be 0 REN: Enables serial reception Set/Clear by software
SCON Register TB8: 9th data bit that will be transmitted in Mode2 and Mode3 Set/Clear by software RB8: 9th data bit that was received in Mode2 and Mode3 In Mode 1, if SM2=0, is the stop bit that was received TI: Transmit interrupt flag Set by hardware. Must be cleared by software RI: Receive interrupt flag
Mode 0 Half duplex synchronous mode referred as shift register.
Mode 0 Tx Half duplex synchronous mode referred as shift register. Shift register has shift left, shift right operation. The shifting operation of data bits is sequentially done. Input to the shift register is data and clock. Serial data is transmitted and received through the RXD line. The clock is generated by the TXD line, TXD shift clock is a square wave, low for states S3, S4 and S5 of the machine cycle, while high for S6, S1and S2. Eight bit are transmitted at a time, the start and stop bits are not required. The LSB of data is transmitted and received first. Shift data In at S5P2 and shift data Out at S6P2. Baud rate = oscillator frequency / 12. Raising-edge trigger Mode 0 Rx
Mode 1 stop synchronization event
Full duplex mode. It supports 8 bit asynchronous communication. Whether there is a change in data 1 is transmitted, otherwise 0 is transmitted. Serial data enters through RXD, exits through TXD Although the data bits are 8 bit, the number of transmitted bits are 10 i.e. 1 start bit, 1 stop bit and 8 data bits. Start bit is discarded, 8 bit data go to SBUF and stop bit goes into RB8 in SCON register. Baud rate is variable, determined by timer 1 overflow rate. Timer is used in mode 2 as an auto reload 8 bit timer. Baud rate = (2SMOD / 32) * (oscillator frequency / 12 + (256 – (TH1))) SMOD is a control bit in the PCON register, it can be 0 or 1. If timer 1 is not in mode 2 then the baud rate is Baud rate = (2SMOD / 32) * (timer 1 overflow rate)
Mode 2 Mode 2 Serial data enters through RXD, exits through TXD
11 bits are transmitted/received: start bit(0), 8 data bits (LSB first), a programmable 9th bit, stop bit(1) On transmit, the 9th bit is TB8 in SCON register On receive, the 9th bit goes into RB8 in SCON register, both start and stop bits are discarded. Baud rate is higher for many multiprocessor applications. The baud rate is programmable to either 1/32 or 1/64 the oscillator frequency Baud Rate =[(2SMOD)/64]*Oscillator frequency Mode 2 Same as MODE 2 in all respects except baud rate The baud rate is variable
Interrupts External asynchronous input applied to the microcontroller.
8051 supports five interrupts Three interrupts that are Automatically generated by internal operations – TF0, TF1 and serial port interrupt (RI or TI). Two interrupts that are triggered by external signals are - INT0 and INT1 All interrupt functions are under program control. By setting or clearing the bits in IE, IP and TCON register the programmer can block any or all of the interrupt.
Interrupts 5 interrupt sources 2 external (INT0, INT1)
2 timers (TF0, TF1) Serial Port (RI or TI)
Timer flag interrupt Serial Port interrupt Part 4
When the timer / counter overflows, the corresponding timer flag TF0 or TF1 is set to 1. The flag is cleared to 0 when the interrupt generates program call to the timer subroutine in the memory. Interrupts are generated by TF0 and TF1 in register TCON When a timer interrupt is generated, the flag that generated it is cleared by hardware when the service routine is vectored to Serial Port interrupt generated by the logical OR of bits RI and TI in register SCON, to provide a single interrupt to the processor. The TI bit in the SCON register is set when a data byte is transmitted and the RI bit in the SCON register is set whenever a data byte is received.
External interrupts Two interrupts that are generated by external circuits are INT0 and INT1. These interrupts may be edge triggered or they may be level triggered. Level-activated or transition-activated depending on bits IT0, IT1 in register TCON The inputs on the pins of these interrupts sets the interrupt IE0 and IE1 in the TCON register. The flags that generate these interrupts are IE0, IE1 in TCON Cleared by hardware if the interrupt was transition-activated if the interrupt was level-activated, external source controls request bits If external interrupt is level-activated, the external source has to hold request active, until the requested interrupt is actually generated. External source has to deactivate the request before interrupt service is completed, or else another interrupt will be generated.
Interrupt Enable register (IE)
EA: Enable/Disable all interrupts If EA=0 no interrupts will be acknowledged If EA=1 each interrupt source is individually enabled/disabled ES: Serial Port interrupt enable bit ET: Timer interrupt enabled bit EX: External interrupt enable bit
Interrupt Priority register (IE)
Priority bit=1: High Priority; Priority bit=0: Low Priority PS: Serial Port priority bit PT: Timer priority bit PX: External priority bit
Interrupt Priority
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