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Curriculum Meeting PreK3 and PreK4 Holy Trinity Episcopal School September 22 nd at 8:00 AM Nancy Bryan and Nici Esch.

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Presentation on theme: "Curriculum Meeting PreK3 and PreK4 Holy Trinity Episcopal School September 22 nd at 8:00 AM Nancy Bryan and Nici Esch."— Presentation transcript:

1 Curriculum Meeting PreK3 and PreK4 Holy Trinity Episcopal School September 22 nd at 8:00 AM Nancy Bryan and Nici Esch

2 Overview of Academics Weather Seasons Apples 5 senses Months of the year Holidays

3 Fun Activities Author’s Box Show and Tell Field Trips Mailbox Center Name of the Day

4 Reading Pre reading skills are the skills children need BEFORE they can learn to read. Many of these skills are learned naturally, during the course of a normal childhood and nursery environment. Talking and reading to your child will assist in developing these essential skills. Pre-reading Skills Matching – children learn to match shapes, patterns, letters and finally, words Rhyming Letter skills – Identifying letters learning what sounds the letters can make Direction – print goes from left to right Motor Sills – Since reading and writing are best taught together, pencil control is important

5 Reading Concepts of print – this really means “how we look at books” Language Skills Listening to stories Speaking Hearing Reading Groups Poetry Notebooks

6 Writing Using drawings to stand for writing Scribbling, but intends it as writing Using letters – like symbols Using random letters or letter strings Using inventive spelling Daily journals

7 Math Counting by tens to 100 Use one–to-one correspondence to count objects Recognize and write numbers 0-20 Puts together puzzles Begin size comparisons Begin to categorize time Classification

8 Social Development Cooperate with others in a joint activity Identify and follow class rules Participate in classroom jobs and contribute to the classroom community

9 Most Important! Children have fun and love learning…

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