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The Caleb Project Lesson Three. This lesson is about a man that only gets a mention in Colossians 4, Epaphras. It says that he was always wrestling in.

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Presentation on theme: "The Caleb Project Lesson Three. This lesson is about a man that only gets a mention in Colossians 4, Epaphras. It says that he was always wrestling in."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Caleb Project Lesson Three

2 This lesson is about a man that only gets a mention in Colossians 4, Epaphras. It says that he was always wrestling in prayer for you. The Bible is full of verses that celebrate the privilege of prayer. Psalms 34:5 : “The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and His ears are attentive to their cry.” It tells us of the benefits and blessings of answered prayer. Mark 11:24: “ Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” So if all that is true why do we not spend more time in prayer? We need it so much and spend so little time. As a Senior man need I remind you that you have much more time than money! Take time to develop a real prayer time and become that prayer warrior that God needs in order to get the work of God done. It has always been great men of prayer who have lead the way to great revival of any nation. If America ever need Men to pray it is now! We are not too busy as Seniors. We are not too stressed! You know what is most important and God is waiting to bless you and your Corps if you will really commit yourself to this cause of Prayer. May it be so!

3 Colossians 4:12-13 New International Version 12 Epaphras, who is one of you and a servant of Christ Jesus, sends greetings. He is always wrestling in prayer for you, that you may stand firm in all the will of God, mature and fully assured. 13 I vouch for him that he is working hard for you and for those at Laodicea and Hierapolis.

4 Do you believe in the power of prayer? Have you seen it work? If prayer is so great why do so many ignore it? How can you become a Man of Prayer?

5 What Colossians 4 teaches us about Epaphras and Prayer:  He wrestled in Prayer. Epaphras put enormous effort into prayer. Have you ever wrestled in prayer for something?  He Prayed for others. Do you spend most of you time praying for yourself or others?  His prayer was intercessory. Do you see a ministry in prayer? Or is it just something you have to do?  His prayer was preventative. Do you pray for protection?  His prayer was sustained. Always. Do you have a habit of prayer?  He prayed that they ‘Stand Firm.”  He prayed that they would be “in the will of God.”  He prayed that they would become “Mature and Fully Assured.”

6 Epaphras teaches us how to pray: Wrestling with God. He teaches who to pray for: Other people. He teaches us what to pray for: Christlikeness. So much depends on prayer. Not only for them but for us. Prayer changes things! We say that but do we really believe it? Growing up I had an aunt who prayed for me everyday. She recently died and is now in heaven. It is now my privilege to pick up that mantle of prayer and lift up my family to the Lord! What about you? Can’t get around like you used to? Can’t lift a hammer then pray for those who can. Can’t lift a box of food then pray for those who do! What about forming a prayer team at your residence? Praying before the meetings at the Corps? There is so much that needs your prayer. If you really believe in it then spend some time praying about it! How about starting a prayer journal for yourself and the Corps. Record the prayers and when they were answered. It will be a source of great rejoicing for all those involved. Sometimes in the rush of the world we need someone to slow us down and show us the things that really matter. Time to MAN UP!

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