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Do Now  Please write HW in your agenda.  Please update your table of contents.  Please complete the sheet on page 75. You may work with your tablemates.

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now  Please write HW in your agenda.  Please update your table of contents.  Please complete the sheet on page 75. You may work with your tablemates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now  Please write HW in your agenda.  Please update your table of contents.  Please complete the sheet on page 75. You may work with your tablemates. You have 10 minutes! Page #TitleDate 76-77Periodic Table Mini Project12/05/14

2 Element Mysteries Revealed! Case #ElementType 1NickelMetal 2SulfurNonmetal 3GoldMetal 4NeonNonmetal 5SeleniumNonmetal 6CarbonNonmetal 7SiliconMetalloid 8CesiumMetal 9NitrogenNonmetal 10GermaniumMetalloid

3 Periodic Table Mini Project  You will be working with your table group to create a poster.  This poster will be about a specific group on the periodic table and will be used to teach your classmates!  Each group member will be assigned a specific role for this project to make it run quickly and efficiently.

4 Group Member Roles  Primary Investigator  This person will ask group members for ideas for the poster, making sure that everyone’s ideas are heard and considered.  This person will also write down ideas in a rough draft of the poster.  Materials Manager  This person will gather all materials needed for the poster – paper, markers, rulers, etc.  This person will also make sure that the work area is cleaned up at the end of class and that all materials are returned to their proper place.

5 Group Member Roles  Research Director  This person will ensure that all group members have at least one questions assigned to them to answer for the poster.  This person will also make sure that textbooks are returned to their proper place at the end of class.  Group Ambassador  This person will be the only group member allowed to communicate with a teacher for clarification during this project.  This person will report to a teacher the progress on the poster and ensure that the work being completed is of quality.

6 Group Member Expectations  Beyond his or her specific role, all group members are expected to answer at least one question from the checklist for your particular part of the periodic table.  Keep in mind that there will be a peer review portion of the grade for this poster!

7 Poster Requirements Poster includes all correct info for family/group specific questions. /5 Anything written on the poster is grammatically correct. /2 Poster is neat, organized, and visually coherent. /5 Poster includes useful images and/or diagrams. /3 Groups worked cooperatively and according to their specific roles. /5 Total /20

8 Alkali Metals – pg 357  Metals, Metalloids, or Nonmetals?  Under what group number can you find the alkali metals?  On which side of the periodic table will you find these elements (left or right)?  Make a list of the 5 important properties of alkali metals.  What are 3 important uses of alkali metals?

9 Alkaline Earth Metals – pg 357  Metals, Metalloids, or Nonmetals?  Under what group number can you find the alkaline earth metals?  On which side of the periodic table will you find these elements (left or right)?  How are alkaline earth metals similar to alkali metals? Make a list of 5 properties  How are they different? Make a list of 2 properties.  What are 3 important uses of alkaline earth metals?

10 Transition Metals – pg 358  Metals, Metalloids, or Nonmetals?  Under what group numbers can you find the transition metals?  Where will you find these elements on the periodic table?  Make a list of the 5 important properties of transition metals.  What are 3 uses of transition metals?

11 Lanthanides and Actinides – pg 359  Metals, Metalloids, or Nonmetals?  Where will you find these elements on the periodic table?  Why are these rows separated from the rest of the table?  What are 3 important uses of lanthanides and actinides?

12 Other Nonmetals – pg 365  Under what group numbers can you find the other nonmetals?  On which side of the periodic table will you find these elements (left or right)?  Do these elements share similar or different chemical properties? Physical properties?  What are 3 important uses of these nonmetals?

13 Halogens – pg 365  Metals, Metalloids, or Nonmetals?  In what group can you find the halogens?  On which side of the periodic table will you find these elements (left or right)?  Make a list of the 3 important chemical properties of halogens.  What are 3 important uses of halogens?

14 Noble Gases – pg 366  Metals, Metalloids, or Nonmetals?  In what group can you find the noble gases?  On which side of the periodic table will you find these elements (left or right)?  Describe the reactivity of these elements.  What are 3 important uses of noble gases?

15 Metalloids – pg 367  Under what group numbers can you find the metalloids?  On which side of the periodic table will you find these elements (left or right)?  Do these elements share similar or different chemical properties? Physical properties?  What are 3 important uses of these nonmetals?

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