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Roles, Responsibilities and Competencies of Project Manager 1 Project Management Build Bright University July 2012 Lecturer: Chim Charanay Tel: 078 42.

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Presentation on theme: "Roles, Responsibilities and Competencies of Project Manager 1 Project Management Build Bright University July 2012 Lecturer: Chim Charanay Tel: 078 42."— Presentation transcript:

1 Roles, Responsibilities and Competencies of Project Manager 1 Project Management Build Bright University July 2012 Lecturer: Chim Charanay Tel: 078 42 45 45, E-mail: By Chim Charanay, MBA, BBA, Lecturer

2 tYnaTI nigkarTTYlxusRtUvrbs;Gñk RKb;RKgKeRmag Project Manager’s Roles and Responsibilities Learning Correction Re-Plan PlanMonitor Evaluate Lead Communicate Motivator Define 2By Chim Charanay, MBA, BBA, Lecturer

3 tYnaTIrbs;GñkRKb;RKgKeR mag (Project Manager’s Roles) CaGñkdwknaM b¤CaGñkRKb;RKg (Leader & Manager) CaGñkCMnaj b¤CaGñkeFVIesckþIse Rmccitþ (Expert/Decision Maker) CaGñksMrbsMrYl b¤CaGñkcrcar b¤CaGñkCRmujelIkTwkci tþ (Facilitator, coordinator, Negotiator, Motivator) eFVIkic©karTMnak;TM ng (Communicator) 3By Chim Charanay, MBA, BBA, Lecturer

4 karTTYlxusRtUvrbs;GñkRKb; RKgKeRmag (Project Manager’s Responsibilities) eFVIr)aykarN_eTAKN³RKb;RKgCan;x <s;rbs;GgÁPaB Reporting to senior management CaGñkeFVITMnak;TMngCamYyGñk Bak;Bn§½nana Communication with stakeholders eFVIEpnkar nigkMNt;eBlevla Planning and scheduling TTYl nigEbgEckFnFan Obtaining and allocating resources RKb;RKghaniP½y Controlling risks 4By Chim Charanay, MBA, BBA, Lecturer

5 karTTYlxusRtUvrbs;GñkRKb; RKgKeRmag ¬t¦ Project Manager’s Responsibilities RKb;RKgmRnþIKeRmag Managing Project Officers sMrbsMrYlkargarCamYysßab½n b¤GgÁPaBBak;Bn§½ Coordinating relevant institutions or units FananUvKuNPaBGnuvtþ Implementing quality assurance RtYtBinitüfvika Controlling the budget EckcaylT§plkargar Delivering results “Good Managers manage risk, Poor Managers manage problems” 5By Chim Charanay, MBA, BBA, Lecturer

6 smtßkic©¬eTBekaslü¦rbs;Gñ kRKb;RKgKeRmag (Project Manager’s Competencies) sagPaBeCOCak; nigTMnukcitþ ¬TaMgbec©eTs nigrdæ)al¦ Credibility: Technical/Administrative bMeBjkic©karenAeRkamsm<aFkarg ar Work under pressure bMeBjkic©karcMeKaledA ¬CaGñktMrg;Tis¦ Goal-oriented CaGñkmanKMnitécñRbDit Innovator bMeBjkargarmanPaBbt;Ebn Flexibility 6By Chim Charanay, MBA, BBA, Lecturer

7 smtßkic© ¬eTBekaslü¦ rbs;GñkRKb;RKgKeRmag ¬t¦ (Project Manager’s Competencies) CaGñksþab; Listener CaGñkEckcayB½t’man bec©keTs nigepÞrParkic© Supplier: Technical, info, delegation manlT§PaBRKb;RKgcMeNHdwgsMra b;GgÁPaB Knowledgeable about the organization CaGñkedaHRsayTMnas; Conflict Solving CaGñkeFVIEpnkar RtYtBinitü nigGnuvtþEpnkar Planning, Controlling and follow-through CaGñkksagRkum nigdwknaMRkumd¾l¥ Team building and good team player 7By Chim Charanay, MBA, BBA, Lecturer

8 CMnajcaM)ac;mYycMnYn edIm,IbMeBjtYnaTICaGñk RKb;RKgKeRmag Necessary skills for a Project Manager Team building skills Leadership skills Problem solving skill Conflict management skill Time management skill Project Communication and documentation skill 8By Chim Charanay, MBA, BBA, Lecturer

9 Key Questions 1- etIGñkRKb;RKgKeRmagKYr manlkçN³sm,tþiEbbNa ? 2- etIGñkRKb;RKgKeRmagmant YnaTIGVIxøH? 3- etIGñkRKb;RKgKeRmagmank arTTYlxusRtUvGVIxøH? 4- etIGñkRKb;RKgKeRmagKYr mansmtßkic© ¬eTBekaslü¦GVIxøH? 5- etIGñkRKb;RKgKeRmagKYr manCMnajcaM)ac;GVIxøH? By Chim Charanay, MBA, BBA, Lecturer9

10 sUmGrKuN ¡ 10By Chim Charanay, MBA, BBA, Lecturer

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