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1 IFMD PRESENTATION OF DANCE SPORTS FIELD 2 Table of contents Age groups 1 Dance disciplines and categories 2 General rules 3 Adjudication main principles.

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3 2 Table of contents Age groups 1 Dance disciplines and categories 2 General rules 3 Adjudication main principles 4 Detailed rules - dance disciplines 5

4 3 Age groups

5 4 MINI 6-9 A group of dancers between 6 years of age (by 1st January) and 9 years of age (by 31st August) YOUTH 10-13 A group of dancers between 10 and 13 years of age (by 31st August in a given calendar year) ADULT 17 and older Dancers who are 17 on the 31st of August of a given calendar year or older JUNIOR 14-16 A group of dancers between 10 and 13 years of age (by 31st August in a given calendar year)

6 5 Age categories - variations MINI 6-9 In small group/formation - 1 10-year old dancer YOUTH 10-13 In duos/couples – 1 mini dancer In small group/formation - several mini dancers ADULT over 17 In duos/couples – 1 junior dancer In small group/formation - several junior dancers JUNIOR 14-16 In duos/couples – 1 youth dancer In small group/formation - several youth dancers

7 6 Age groups - in the season 2010 autumn-2011 spring MINI 6-9 Years of birth 2002-2005 (from 09.01.2001 to all dates, 2005.) YOUTH 10-13 Years of birth 1998-2001 (09.01.1997 to 08.31.2001.) ADULT over 17 Year of birth 1994 (till 08.31.) and older JUNIOR 14-16 Years of birth 1995-1997 (09.01.1994. to 08.31.1997.)

8 Dance disciplines and categories Disco Dance solo female solo male duo couple small groupformation Disco FreeStyle solo female solo male duo couple small groupformation Techno solo female solo male duo couple small groupformation Hip Hop solo female solo male duo couple small groupformation Funky solo female solo male duo couple small groupformation Street Dance Revue solo female solo male duo couple small groupformation Dance Show solo female solo male duo couple small groupformation Free Show solo female solo male duo couple small groupformation Fantasy solo female solo male duo couple small groupformation Electric solo female solo male duo couple xx Break solo female solo male duo couple small groupformation Car./Latin Show x x x couple small groupformation

9 8 General rules

10 9 General rules- 1 virtual lines 1 ONLY FOR DISCO DANCE, DISCO FREESTYLE, HIP-HOP AND FUNKY SOLO CATEGORIES! During qualification rounds plus in the quarter- and semi-finals the solo dancers must not enter in to the segment of the stage belonging to another dancer. (The dancefloor is virtually divided into sections. Each dancer performs only on his/her part of the dancefloor.)

11 10 General rules- 2 Acrobatic elements in ‘mini’ age group 2 Dancers in the ‘mini’ age group are allowed only to perform acrobatic jumps with support, while the sommersaults, unsupported jumps are strictly prohibited

12 11 General rules- 3 Dancer ONLY in one age group in one category 3 Each dancer performing as a member of a small group/formation can be nominated exclusively in ONE age group in the same category. The dancer CANNOT be nominated for different age groups in the same discipline and category.

13 12 General rules- 4 Age combination possibilities in the small group 4 In the case of the MINI age group only one older dancer can be nominated in the small group and formation, provided that he/she is 10 years old by 31st August in a given calendar year

14 13 General rules- 5 Lip–synch – GENERALLY PROHIBITED 5 Please read the detailed regulations thoroughly! Except for the electric discipline, LIP-SYNCH is generally forbidden!

15 14 General rules- 6 Music and CD specifications 6 As indicated in the competition announcements and in the detailed regulations as well, the specified time durations and speeds must be strictly kept!

16 15 General rules- 7 Dance character and technical specifications 7 Read the detailed regulations for EACH DANCE DISCIPLINES because the regulations concerning dance character and technical requirements must be strictly kept!

17 16 Evaluation I. technique II. choreography III.presentation Adjudication principles difficulty level, correct execution and the number of technical elements construction, synchron with the music, steps and elements, with the age of dancers, stage area usage, costumes level of artistic value, dynamics and emotions presented by the dancers towards the audience

18 17 Street dance types The correct presentation and level of the given dance technique and character is the most important! Show-like dances High technical skills, good synchron of choreography, music and presentation are necessary! Two Groups of Disciplines Break Disco dance,Disco Freestyle ElectricFunky Hip-hopTechno Caribbean/Latin Show Dance Show Fantasy, Street Dance Revue Sports Rocky

19 18 Detailed Regulations of Dance Disciplines

20 19 Disco Dance

21 20 Disco Dance... it is a free dance style with elements of classic ballet and jazz technique reflecting the character and speed of the music dynamics fluency of movement and presentation which is characteristic of disco dance character

22 21 Disco Dance - trends 3 disco trends hustle jazz latino

23 22 Disco Dance - hustle hustle trend minimal upper body movement, dynamic leg moves with arms moves and using characteristic basic kicks mostly central stage is used no splits or any other floor figures are used

24 23 Disco Dance - jazz jazz trend. this trend requires very good technique body and hip waves using jazz and some ballet elements frequent change of basic steps and use of various figures with arm swings floor elements, bends, splits, jumps and pirouettes are applied this version includes many figures which is why dancers occupy nearly the whole stage

25 24 Disco Dance - latino latino trend using ballroom dance steps (mainly Latin-American) using Eastern dance steps (even belly-dancing) with a very sensual performance latino trend is spectacular but it does not include as many technical elements and figures as the jazz trend

26 25 Disco Dance - elements... it must include disco basic steps... jazz elements (e.g. bends, waving, jazz steps and turns, kicks, etc.) pirouettes and ballet jumps floor elements (e.g. split, twisting split, side turns, dolphin, slides, etc.) cannot be dominant at least 2 pirouettes or turns at least 1 floor element... it may contain also...

27 26 Disco Dance - choreography small group formation Desired to include maximal usage of the whole stage at least 4 pattern changes at least 6 pattern changes Max. 2 lifts

28 27 Disco Dance – music speeds MINI YOUTH JUNIOR ADULT 132-140 bpm 136-148 bpm 140-152 bpm 144-160 bpm for solos ONLY DUO, COUPLE, SMALL GROUP, FORMATIONS 132-160 bpm continuous mix of currently popular disco music styles (e.g. pop, dance floor, new latin, disco, rave, house, dance, club, etc.) characteristic disco music

29 28 Solo F, M Finals duo, couple small group formation Solo F,M Qualifying round quarter and semi-finals 1’00”- 1’15’’ own music 1’15”- 1’30’’ 2’00”- 2’30’’ 2’30”- 4’00’’ 1’00” federal music Disco Dance – time durations

30 29 Disco Dance - not allowed - use of acrobatic elements - hip-hop technique - steps from other disciplines - aerobic elements - props, decorations and other tools

31 30 Disco FreeStyle

32 31 Disco FreeStyle reflecting music character and speed dynamics fluency of movement and presentation which is characteristic to disco dance character... it is a free dance style with elements of traditional ballet and jazz technique Obligatory to include acrobatic elements smoothly involved into the dance

33 32 Disco Freestyle- elements... it must contai characteristic disco and acrobatic elements... jazz elements (e.g. bends, waving, jazz steps and running, kicks,etc.) pirouettes and ballet jumps floor elements (e.g. split, twisting split, side turns, dolphin, slides, etc.) cannot be dominant at least 2 pirouettes or turns at least 1 floor element acrobatic elements at least 3 jumps... it may also include...

34 33 Disco FreeStyle - acrobatics Acrobatic elements cannot exceed 40% of the whole presentation time small group formation at least 3 jumps somersaults, rolls, turns, cartwheels, etc. and combinations liftings are allowed

35 34 Disco FreeStyle - choreography small group formation it is desired to include maximal usage of the whole stage at least 4 pattern changes at least 6 pattern changes max 2 liftings

36 35 Disco FreeStyle - for the MINI category use of acrobatic elements without support – (somersaults, rolls without support) - dangerous elements, which could not be mastered by the dancer - steps from other disciplines - force elements and standing parts - props, decorations and other additional items

37 36 Disco FreeStyle - music MINI YOUTH JUNIOR ADULT 132-140 bpm 136-148 bpm 140-152 bpm 144-160 bpm for solos ONLY continuous mix of currently popular disco music styles (e.g. pop, dance floor, new latin, disco, rave, house, dance, club, etc.) characteristic disco music DUO, COUPLE, SMALL GROUP, FORMATIONS 132-160 bpm

38 37 Disco FreeStyle - time solo F, M finals duo, couple small group formation Solo F, M Qualifying round quarter and semi-finals 1’00”- 1’15’’ own music 1’15”- 1’30’’ 2’00”- 2’30’’ 2’30”- 4’00’’ 1’00” federal music

39 38 Differences between DD and DF acrobatics decorations props CRITERIADISCO DANCE allowed up to 40% of performance DISCO FREESTYLE music speedconstant

40 39 Techno

41 40 Techno -’s not only a music style – it has many variations and references to everyday life. It emerged in the 1990s along the appearence of a disco music genre called rave and it was adopted by fashion, clothing and clubs. At the end of 1990s and after it, till a few years ago the techno remix, techno club and techno house music styles have also developed into dominant music styles. Based on these styles and on the lifestyle which they all entail there has appeared a new, rapidly developing dance style based on disco dance, funky and hip-hop – today it’s a dominant, free dance style in dance clubs. Techno dance is very fast and it is based on flexible movements.

42 41 Techno reflects the music character and speed dynamics fluency of movements and presentation which is characteristic to techno dance character incorporates sudden stops and quick speed ups related to the music free, continuous style... which bases on flexibility of moves, with sudden stops, can include various elements of modern styles and street jazz, It can also include elements from other street dances, but none of those can be dominant.

43 42 Techno - elements perfect harmony of steps, kicks, elastic steps turns and pirouettes floor elements (e.g. slides, etc.) cannot be dominant at least 2 pirouettes or turns at least 1 floor element sexy hip movements

44 43 small group formation It is advised to include maximal usage of the whole stage at least 4 pattern changes at least 6 pattern changes Techno - choreography duo, couple joint presentation (interaction), not only synchronised dancing

45 44 Federal music is mixed using currently popular techno music styles (e.g. rave, trance, dance remix, techno, techno club, heavy metal, metallodisco, etc.) of fixed pace of 4/4 The federal music does not include vocal parts Qualification rounds134-142 bpm finals– own music 130-146 bpm Techno - music Own music must be electronic or instrumental and of techno character

46 45 Techno - not allowed - hip-hop and/or funky elements for more than 4 bars - steps from other disciplines - aerobic elements, such as stepping, running, etc. - props (scarfs, caps, hats), tools, decorations and other additional items - disco elements for more than 4 bars - liftings, acrobatic jumps and force elements

47 46 Techno - time solo F, M finals duo, couple small group formation Solo F,M Qualifying round quarter and semi-finals 1’00”- 1’15’’ – own music 1’15”- 1’30’’ 2’00”- 2’30’’ 2’30”- 4’00’’ 1’00” federal music

48 47 Funky

49 48 In the early 1980s funky was a less dynamic and more technical version of disco dance. Contemporary funky is a mixture of different trends (with street dance and wild jazz elements) but all of them are based on jazz dance technique. Today, variations of the raw afro-jazz and American street-jazz are mostly used but a professional performance of funky dance should also include artistic elements of jazz dance. Funky - style

50 49 Funky - elements mainly jazz moves harmonised steps, kicks, flexible steps turns and pirouettes floor elements (e.g. slides, etc.) cannot be dominant at least 2 pirouettes or turns at least 1 floor element body waving, bends, arms and waving hip-hop elements and acrobatics

51 50 Funky Use of hand-held tools is allowed liftings are allowed but cannot be dominant small group formation at least 5 pattern changes

52 51 Funky - not allowed - use of hip-hop elements such as popping and locking for more than 8 bars - props, decorations and other tools

53 52 MINI YOUTH JUNIOR ADULT 112-128 bpm 120-136 bpm 130-142 bpm 138-148 bpm for solos ONLY Funky – music speed DUO, COUPLE, SMALL GROUP, FORMATION 112-148 bpm Federal music is mixed using currently popular funky music styles. Own music does not have to be mixed, but must be of funky character

54 53 solo F, M finals duo, couple small group formation Solo F, M Qualifying round quarter and semi-finals 1’00”- 1’15’’ own music 1’15”- 1’30’’ 2’00”- 2’30’’ 2’30”- 4’00’’ 1’00” federal music Funky – time durations

55 54 Hip Hop

56 55 Hip Hop - style Hip-hop style is a mix of different dance styles used since 1980s all until today, from the oldest one hype dance, through new jack swing, ramming, popping, locking, new LA, crumping, newstyle, etc. and including modern verions with their dynamics and which include many technical, jazz and even acrobatic elements. Hip-hop is a broad notion, since it relates to various techniques and dance styles. All these styles can be combined during the performance or it is possible to present one only one pure form. However, more than two styles should be presented in the dance.

57 56 Hip Hop - elements Hip Hop. lively and acrobatic moves, esp. body waving, sudden kicks, points, jokes, flashes, head and shoulder waving, etc. American combination of street dance and afro jazz fluent combination of dynamic leg and body moves at least one figure in this style should include a Russian element, bending elbows or donkey kick jazz steps break dance figures leg and body hopping according to the speed of music and in its rythm

58 57 Hip Hop small group formation at least 4 pattern changes floor elements (e.g. slides, etc.) and acrobatics are allowed but cannot be dominant

59 58 Hip Hop - music speeds MINI YOUTH JUNIOR ADULT 96-116 bpm 104-120 bpm 112-132 bpm 116-140 bpm for solo ONLY DUO, COUPLE, SMALL GROUP, FORMATION 96-140 bpm Federal music is mixed using currently popular hip-hop music. Own music does not have to be mixed, but must be of hip-hop character

60 59 Hip Hop – time durations solo F, M finals duo, couple small group formation Solo F, M Qualifying round quarter and semi-finals 1’00”- 1’15’’ own music 1’15”- 1’30’’ 2’00”- 2’30’’ 2’30”- 4’00’’ 1’00” federal music - props, decorations and other additional items

61 60 Differences: DD, Funky, HH music speed HHDD Funky

62 61 Differences: Funky, HH movement CRITERIA smoother dance in which the most important is constant movement with bends, body waving and harmonisation of limb movements FUNKY indepenedent body and limb movement is dominant, moves are not smooth HIP HOP Not allowed popping and locking elements body waving and bends common elements

63 62 Differences: Techno, Funky, HH style music speed acrobatics CRITERIA different street dance styles, none can be dominant 134-146 bmp not allowed TECHNO a mixture of street dance and jazz, (turns, pirouettes) 112- 148 bmp allowed FUNKY lively dance with jazz dance elements 96-140 bmp allowed HIP HOP propsnot allowed

64 63 Electric

65 64 Electric style is a kind of a presentation using the techniques and elements which are characteristic of electric boogie (e.g. twitching as if electrified). A superb body balance and coordination of movement are included, mixed with pantomime, lip-synching, harmonisation facial muscle moves and a good music selection are the keys for a great electric boogie performance. A well-performed electric boogie dance allows for the audience to notice the outstandingly good body movement abilities of the dancer. Electric

66 65 Electric - elements electric shockIsolation robotterminator pantomimepopping lipsynchinterrogated walk animation puppet technique ticking shooting separate limb movement, etc. The presentation must include at least 3 well-known electric boogie styles.

67 66 Electric - music Solo - finals duo, couple Solo Qualifying round quarter and semi-finals 1’00”- 1’15’’ – own music 1’15”- 1’30’’ 1’00” federal music There are guidelines as for the music speed. The music is a mix of strong rythm and groove melody of „slower street dance” music.

68 67 Electric - not allowed -use of other dance techniques

69 68 Break Dance

70 69 Break Dance - style Break dance style is originating from various street and club dance styles, especially for force and acrobatic elements. Break dance is a sequence of improvisations which consist of special rotations, head and back turnings, turns, and acrobatic elements based on popping and locking, also characteristic for this style, which enables the performer to harmonise the dance with the music.

71 70 Break Dance - elements head rotations air freeze helicopter handspinhunchback holoback somersaults and combinations of figures, etc. The presentation must include at least 3 well-known electric boogie styles. headspin crown windmill uprock turtle

72 71 Break Dance - use of too complicated elements and dangerous combinations small group, formation duo synchrons, combinations and mirror positions may be connected with pop-locking, electric dance elements and other street dances, but they cannot be dominant should include constant movement of all dancers, and not only sequences of solo presentations

73 72 solo F, M finals duo, couple small group formation Solo F, M Qualifying round quarter and semi-finals 1’00”- 1’15’’ – own music 1’15”- 1’30’’ 2’00”- 2’30’’ 2’30”- 4’00’’ 1’00” federal music Break Dance – time durations

74 73 Street dance revue

75 74 Street dance revue Some kind of presentation like a background dance for up-to-date toplist street dance music. Dancer(s) present a cheerful, spectacular dance, with which they are having fun or which is funny for the audience, as if they were supporting dancers, a formation or a separate dance show performed to currently popular music. It is not allowed to perform a dance consisting only of break or electric techniques. However, elements and ideas from these dances are allowed in this discipline. The discipline is not an alteranative of a break or electric show.

76 75 Street dance revue - elements break electric disco dance funky hip-hip techno... in any possible combination Dance styles may be mixed or presented in one, pure form. easy to recognise

77 76 Street dance revue SDR It is not required for the dance to convey any emtions or to tell a story, but it is allowed dance styles can be mixed or in one, pure form spectacular performance of street dance with elements of role-playing DRAMA (has a specified beginning and end, well-fitting both the music and the story) cheerful dance break dance figures

78 77 Street dance revue small group formation at least 6 pattern changes cannot be dominant solo parts standing parts acrobatics

79 78 Street dance revue - music solo F, M duo, couple small group formation 1’15”- 1’45’’ 1’30”- 2’00’’ 2’00”- 2’30’’ 2’30”- 4’00’’ Any type of disco, hip-hop, funky, techno, pop, rave, remix, house, in pure or mixed form, even sound effects possible.

80 79 Street dance revue - not allowed - combinations of various break style elements and acrobatic jumps. - stage props and sceneries with the exception of such costumes as coat, hat, necklace, mask, etc. and other tools & additional items - max 2 liftings - max 1 force element - for the MINI category, use of acrobatic elements without support – both arms (somersaults, rolls without support)

81 80 Dance Show

82 81 Dance Show jazz classical modern contemporary characteristic dances traditional... from any epoch and culture Dance styles may be mixed or in one, pure form. easy to recognise Allowed dance styles:

83 82 Dance Show feelings or story drama definite beginning and end general synchronisation of the music, costumes, choreography and the performance

84 83 Dance Show - max 3 acrobatic jumps - fitness-type choreography - steps from other disciplines and the steps of: disco, hip-hop, break, funky, electric boogie and rock. - sceneries - stage props or tools larger than a chair - max 1 force element - max 3 flexibility elements - no playback NOT ALLOWED :

85 84 solo F, M duo, couple small grop formation 1’15”- 1’45’’ 1’30”- 2’00’’ 2’00”- 2’30’’ 2’30”- 4’00’’ Dance Show small group formation at least 6 pattern changes solo and standing parts cannot be dominant

86 85 Free Show

87 86 Free Show - elementy... from any epoch or culture... Dance styles may be mixed or in one, pure form. easy to recognise any dance technique acrobatic dance force elements flexibility elements...conveying feelings or a story is not obligatory USAGE OF ACROBATIC ELEMENTS IS OBLIGATORY

88 87 Free Show small group formation at least 4 pattern changes solo parts standing parts liftings cannot be dominant

89 88 Free Show - not allowed - steps from other techniques and the steps of: disco, hip-hop, break, electric boogie - acrobatics more than max. 40% of the entire performance time duration - for the MINI age group: use of acrobatic elements without support (somersaults, rolls without support)

90 89 solo F, M duo, couple small group formation 1’15”- 1’45’’ 1’30”- 2’00’’ 2’00”- 2’30’’ 2’30”- 4’00’’ Free Show - music and time Music of your choice (own music)

91 90 Fantasy

92 91 Fantasy - elements fantasy use of proper dance techniques, costumes, stage props. SCENERIES ARE OBLIGATORY! force and flexibility elements show with dance elements from a well-known film, of a character, story or hero sceneries should be an element of the choreography. Sceneries! acrobatic jumps musical or theatre performance any dance technique Use of jazz, ballet, ethnic, traditional and character dance elements is advised

93 92 Fantasy acrobatics liftings solo parts small group formation pattern change(s)

94 93 Fantasy - not allowed - steps from other techniques and the steps of: disco, hip-hop, break, electric boogie - for the MINI use of acrobatic elements without support – (somersaults, rolls without support) - fitness-type choreography and elements

95 94 solo F, M duo, couple small group formation 1’15”- 1’45’’ 1’30”- 2’00’’ 2’00”- 2’30’’ 2’30”- 4’00’’ Fantasy – music and time Music of your choice Own music

96 95 Diffences: DS, FS, Funtasy acrobatics sceneries stage props CRITERIA limited not allowed small props DANCE SHOW obligatory not allowed FREE SHOW as fitting to choreography obligatory FANTASY Dance types jazz, classical, traditional, character not defined musical, theatre (jazz, classical, traditional) emotions, story obligatory not required not defined

97 96 Caribbean/Latin Show

98 97 Caribbean, Latin Show Samba Tango Bachata Cha-cha Mambo Cuban Salsa Merengue Jive Puertorican Salsa Paso Doble CARIBBEAN All caribbean and characteristically latin dance technics.

99 98 Caribbean caribbean dance steps of Caribbean/ Latin-American dances CORRECTLY PRESENTED continuous dance with listed steps and elements and low liftings The performance reminds to a fiesta, Latino-American dance fiest or a latino style love-story A story is not required The dance is based on cheerful, dynamic or sad features of Latino-American spirit with show elements

100 99 Caribbean - not allowed - stage props and other additional items - sceneries - standing parts

101 100 couple small group formation 2’50”- 3’10’’ 3’00”- 3’30’’+ possibly 0’15’’ of enter and exit 2’30”- 4’00’’+ possibly 0’15’’ of enter and exit Caribbean – music and time any Caribbean music

102 101 Sports Rocky

103 102 Sports Rocky Special version of rock-type dances. The hobby version of a kick-step based sports dance according to the detailed regulations.. Adjudication is different in this discipline due to the fact that this type of dance should be performed strictly according to defined techniques. The adjudication of technique is done separately, while that of choreography and presentation are summarized, and the final score is given after deductions for time beat mistakes.

104 103 KEY explanation notice elements obligatory non-standard idea exceptions not allowed differences own music

105 104...see you at the tournament...

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