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Trojan Virus Presented by Andy Lindberg & Denver Bohling.

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Presentation on theme: "Trojan Virus Presented by Andy Lindberg & Denver Bohling."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trojan Virus Presented by Andy Lindberg & Denver Bohling

2 Trojan War

3 What is a Trojan Virus? Software that disguises itself as something helpful and safe Not actually a virus Doesn’t replicate itself Usually performs background processes that are usually harmful (depending on the functional purpose of the Trojan)

4 Types of Trojans Remote Access Trojan Gives attacker complete control Access to the file system Password Sending Trojan Searches cached passwords watches for new ones to be entered to send that info to a target host

5 Types of Trojans Keylogger Trojan Records the users key strokes Destructive Trojan Deletes files from the system Denial of Service (DoS) Trojan Floods the internet traffic on the users computer

6 Types of Trojans File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Trojan Opens up a port to allow an attacker to make an FTP connection with the infected computer Hybrid Trojans

7 The Future of Trojans “Computer viruses are now airborne, infecting mobile phones in every part of the globe. Security companies, cellular operators and phone makers are moving to quash these threats before they spiral out of control.” – Mikko Hyyponen

8 Trojans & Mobile Phones First rogue program created in 2003 Did nothing but drain the battery of the phone Tried to spread itself through Bluetooth connections Smartphone applications & third party app stores As of 2006, 70% of Smartphones ran on a Symbian based operating system Many viruses are designed for this kind of system

9 Trojans & Mobile Phones “ Soundminer ” Developed by researchers from City University of Hong Kong Required a small amount of permissions (no internet, etc.) Recorded credit card information By keypad typing By voice Encodes the collected data In form of vibration setting

10 Trojans & Mobile Phones “ Deliverer ” Decodes the message from “Soundminer” Sends the decoded message to a remote server Vibration settings channel 87 bits 54 bits needed for credit card info

11 Prevention Mobile phones Mobile phone antivirus software is offered When downloading apps: Check permissions the app requires for use PC Update Antivirus software Check for unusual behavior Be careful of what you download

12 Sources Hypponen, Mikko. “Malware Goes Mobile”. Scientific American, INC. November 2006. April 16, 2011.. Kiran.Kola, Mahathi. “Botnets:Overview and Case Study”. Mercy College. 2008. April 16, 2011.. Kirk, Jeremy. “Soundminer Trojan horse steals Android phone data”. IDG News Service. January 20, 2011. April 17, 2011. _phone_data. _phone_data “Malware History – Trojan Horses”. Malware August 11, 2008. April 18, 2011. “New Trojan Horse Attacks Android to Steal User’s Information”. Mobile Phone Lover. February 18, 2011. April 17, 2011.. android-to-steal-users-information.html “Trojan Virus”. August 5, 2010. April 16, 2011..

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