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Official Soviet stats stated that the volume of industrial production in 1940 was 642% of that of 1928. This was annual increase of 17%. Tank.

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8 Official Soviet stats stated that the volume of industrial production in 1940 was 642% of that of 1928. This was annual increase of 17%. Tank production started from scratch in 1930 with model being based on the Vickers tanks from Britain and the Christie tank from the USA. The T-34 Russian Tank was in mass production by 1939 was superior to any German tank in speed and firepower. The industrial output of consumer goods per head increased 49% between 1928 and 1937 but real wages declined by 43%. By 1940 two thirds of all children who attended the top three forms of a seven year school cycle from the ages of 11 to 13. in urban areas this figure was almost 100%. By mid 1936 20% of workers were classified as Stakhanovites Robert Conquest quotes up to 200,000 died building the White Sea Canal In 1931 45.1 per cent of new female workers were of urban origin compared to 31.1% of new male workers. In 1929 a survey of Donbass miners and iron and steel workers found that 40% had less than 2 square metres of space each. In Moscow working class consumption of meat fell by 60% and dairy products by 50% between 1928 and 1932. By 1940 two thirds of all children who attended the top three forms of a seven year school cycle from the ages of 11 to 13. in urban areas this figure was almost 100%. Infant mortality rates increased from 174 in 1926 to 182 in 1940. (out of every 1000 born) The T-34 Russian Tank was in mass production by 1939 was superior to any German tank in speed and firepower. By 1937 the percentage of women in the industrial workforce had surpassed the World War One level by 40%. The quality of education got worse in some important respects. In secondary education a broad technical education gave to way to very narrow specialist training. In history the party line was towed Official Soviet stats stated that the volume of industrial production in 1940 was 642% of that of 1928 The urban population went from 26 million in 1926 to 56 million in 1939 Specialist teachers in higher education quadrupled between 1928 and 1940 60% of the workforce at Stalingrad in 1932 were under 23 and in the Kharkov Tractor Plant the percentage of workers 23 or under was a massive 70%. The first combine harvesters did not surface until 1931 and peaked at 43,900 produced in 1937. Self sufficiency in steel production was started in 1931 in the Izhora Works near Leningrad. In Leningrad there were only 4 women who were head doctors even though 60% of all doctors were women In 1927 61.7% of the labour force was employed in large scale industries (employing more than 1000 people). By 1936 it was 79%. The conversion form tractor to tank factory was more costly and complicated than was originally envisioned. The Stalingrad Plant conversion went from a cost of 11 million rubles conversion to 90 million rubles in 1932 By 1930 women comprised 29% of the total workforce and by 1934 that percentage was 43%. The biggest impact of the decline of small scale industry was consumer goods. By 1937, for example, textile manufacture had declined to 38% of 1927 levels. In Moscow the per capita norm for space fell from 5.44 square metres in 1929 to 3.94 metres in 1931. The production of tractors went from 1300 in 1928 to 112,900 in 1936 Food consumption per head fell in the towns and the countryside and by 1940 food consumption per head had not even returned to 1928 levels. The youngest workforce was found in the mining industry were 40% of their total workforce was 23 or under. On the eve of the German invasion one year later the Soviet economy was able to convert 62% of its production to armaments 123456 2 1 5 3 4

9 Venn Diagram Darts Now look again at your examples. What I would like you to think about now are other ways of looking at your examples. As you may have experimented with in maths or science I would like you to attempt to place your examples somewhere on your Venn Diagram. The idea of the game is to get as many points as you can with your evidence. 20 point zones 40 point zones 60 point zone

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