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The Alliance for Malaria Prevention Workshop on Behaviour Change Communications Bamako, Mali 21-24 September 2010 Martin Edlund, Malaria No More Anna McCartney-Melsted,

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Presentation on theme: "The Alliance for Malaria Prevention Workshop on Behaviour Change Communications Bamako, Mali 21-24 September 2010 Martin Edlund, Malaria No More Anna McCartney-Melsted,"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Alliance for Malaria Prevention Workshop on Behaviour Change Communications Bamako, Mali 21-24 September 2010 Martin Edlund, Malaria No More Anna McCartney-Melsted, JHU-VOICES 1

2  What’s at stake  Your role & responsibilities  Key Terms: ◦ Social Mobilization ◦ Behavior Change Communications ◦ Advocacy ◦ M&E  Within each category: ◦ Define the term (what it is/what it’s not); ◦ Preview upcoming sessions dedicated to each topic; ◦ Explain why each is critical to your success;  Question + Answer AMP BCC workshop Bamako September 2010 2

3  Why does communications matter for your LLIN campaign? 3 ◦ Make public aware of the campaign ◦ Convey key information (who, what, where, when) ◦ Mobilize communities ◦ Coordinate partner activities & messages ◦ Activate country leadership ◦ Engage media, spokespeople, private sector partners AMP BCC workshop Bamako September 2010

4 4 NMCP Messaging Partner Coordination Local Communities Country Leadership MediaSpokespeople International Partners AMP BCC workshop Bamako September 2010

5 5 1.Social Mobilization 2.Behavior Change Communications 3.Advocacy 1.M&E AMP BCC workshop Bamako September 2010

6 6

7  What is “Social Mobilization”? 7 ◦ All Relevant Groups  Leadership (political, social, religious)  Health Personnel  Households Objective: ensure that local communities are informed and involved in the campaign… ◦ All Phases of the Campaign  Planning  Execution  Follow-up AMP BCC workshop Bamako September 2010

8  What is “Behavior Change” Communications? 8 ◦ Multiple Levels  Individuals – Perceptions of risk & self-efficacy  Household and Community – routines/social norms  Society – Reinforcing social norms Objective: foster positive behaviors with regard to nets (hanging, using, repairing, and replacing). ◦ Multiple Channels  Interpersonal Communication  Mass Communication ◦ Local message development AMP BCC workshop Bamako September 2010

9  What is “Advocacy” Communications? 9 ◦ Local/National Advocacy  Engage community and political leadership  Policy change and accountability  Mobilize media and private-sector partners Objective: use distribution to engage leadership, build political will, and mobilize resources. ◦ International Advocacy  Support global resource mobilization  Shine a light on country success  Host VIP guests AMP BCC workshop Bamako September 2010

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11  M&E stands for Monitoring and Evaluation  Monitoring-to ensure that BCC activities are carried out as planned  Evaluation-To determine whether the messages were retained by the population and had an impact on behaviors 11

12 ◦ Pre (Formative) research—a combination of qualitative and quantitative ◦ Post Campaign evaluation-primarily quantitative and longitudinal ◦ Four Areas of Interest when it comes to BCC:  Knowledge/Attitudes/Beliefs/Practices  Exposure  Ownership  Useage 12

13 Any Questions? 13 AMP BCC workshop Bamako September 2010

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