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Describe the circumstances that led to war between the United States and Spain in 1898. Explain how the war made the United States a world power.

2 Main Idea Key Terms and Names
Main Idea The United States defeated Spain in a war, acquired new overseas territories, and became an imperial power. Key Terms and Names José Martí Jingoism Theodore Roosevelt Platt Amendment William Randolph Hearst Joseph Pulitzer yellow journalism 2:40 clip summarizing sp am war – skip?


4 The Coming of War: The Cuban Rebellion Begins
Cuba = a Spanish colony, provided wealth for Spain with sugarcane plantations In 1868 Cuban rebels declared independence & began a guerrilla attack against Spanish authorities  attack failed & Cuban rebels fled to the U.S. to plan a new revolution. Writer/poet José Martí, an exiled leader of Cuba’s revolution, fled to NYC. raised $ from Americans & began purchasing weapons/training troops to prepare for an invasion of Cuba began a new rebellion in Feb seized control of eastern Cuba, declared its independence  set up the Republic of Cuba (Sept. 1895). Image of jose marti In 1894, after the United States imposed new tariffs on sugar, the economy of Cuba was devastated. Martí and his followers began a new rebellion in February of 1895. They seized control of eastern Cuba, declared its independence, and set up the Republic of Cuba in September 1895.

5 The Coming of War: Americans Support the Cubans
At the start of the Cuban revolution, Americans were neutral. But after reports in two newspapers, the New York Journal owned by William Randolph Hearst & the New York World owned by Joseph Pulitzer, Americans began to side with the rebels. The newspapers, trying to outdo each other, began to use yellow journalism by running exaggerated stories of Spanish attacks on Cubans. 6 mins STOP AT 2:45 Hearst & yellow journalism 3:10 HEARST & Sp. Am. War – more than just money? Defense of Hearst.

6 The Coming of War: Americans Support the Cubans (cont)
The Cuban rebels attacked and destroyed American property, hoping for American intervention in the war. The Spanish appointed General Valeriano Weyler to serve as governor. He caused the deaths of tens of thousands of Cuban villagers by sending them to reconcentration camps. This led Americans to call for intervention in the war. Weyler

The Coming of War: Calling Out For War The Spanish ambassador to the U.S., Enrique Dupuy de Lôme, wrote a private letter, describing President McKinley as weak and seeking admiration of Americans. The New York Journal printed the letter, causing Americans to become angry over the insult. In February 1898, the U.S.S. Maine, anchored in Havana, Cuba, exploded, killing 266 American officers/sailors 3:28 remember the maine clip (skip if short on time) Although no one knows why the ship exploded, many Americans blamed Spain. “REMEMBER THE MAINE, TO HELL WITH SPAIN!”


9 The Coming of War: Calling Out For War (cont.)
President William McKinley did not want to intervene in the war, fearing it would cost the U.S. too many lives and hurt the economy. Within the president’s own political party, jingoism = aggressive nationalism, was very strong. In 1898, after much pressure, McKinley authorized Congress to declare war on Spain. VIDEOS COVER THE COMING OF WAR Part 1: 14:22 mins long – Sp v. Am war – Maine, reasons for it (McKinley/Roosevelt), link to industrialization/urbanization, issues with Spain, haciendas – weyler perfect villain -part 2: 15 mins – yellow journalism/hearst – jingoism (brought country together with war!) –assistant secretary of the navy TR v. McKinley no war, the Philippines

10 A War on Two Fronts: The U.S. Takes the Philippines
The U.S. Navy’s North Atlantic Squadron blockaded Cuba An American fleet in British Hong Kong was ordered to attack the Spanish fleet in the Philippines–a Spanish colony. In May 1898, Commodore George Dewey led a squadron that destroyed Spanish warships in Manila Bay in the Philippines. Troops sent to Philippines: the American army was untrained and unequipped. Poor conditions in training camps resulted in more Americans dying in training than in battle. McKinley sent 20,000 American troops to the Philippines and, along the way, seized the island of Guam–a Spanish possession in the Pacific.

11 A War on Two Fronts: Am. Forces Battle in Cuba
In June, Am. troops advanced toward Santiago Harbor in Cuba One group attacked the village of El Caney & another group attacked San Juan Heights Among the American troops were the “Rough Riders” led by Colonel Leonard Wood, with Theodore Roosevelt as 2nd in command About one-fourth of the Am. troops fighting in Cuba were Af Am Spanish resistance ended with the surrender of Santiago On August 12, 1898, Spain & the U.S. agreed to a cease-fire Both attacks were American victories – el caney and san juan heights Along with the Rough Riders were the all-black 9th & 10th Cavalry Regiments. 4:00 mins: Teddy’s the One – Rough Riders


Anti-imperialist League Rule of one people by another went against the most basic values of American democracy Possession of colonies would lead to rivalry & armed conflict Cheap labor from colonies would lead to lower wages in the U.S. (Samuel Gompers)

Emilio Aguinaldo leads guerilla warfare against American soldiers in Philippines. General MacArthur adopts many of same policies Spanish used in Cuba to fight guerillas. Reconcentration camps Americans build up infrastructure, schools, health services & the economy. 1901 Aguinaldo captured  Philippine-American war ends ( ) 1946 U.S. grants independence

15 GOVERNING PUERTO RICO 1900 Foraker Act = Puerto Rico unincorporated territory, no constitutional rights, Congress passes whatever laws it wants for the island 1917 U.S. makes Puerto Ricans citizens of United States – Commonwealth of U.S. Debate today over status – Independence? Statehood?

16 CUBA & PLATT AMENDMENT 1901 Platt Amendment  CUBA NOW AN AMERICAN PROTECTORATE 1. Cuba can’t make treaty with another nation that would weaken independence/allow foreigners territory 2. Cuba must allow U.S. to buy/lease naval bases 3. Cuba’s debts must be kept low to prevent foreigners landing troops to enforce payments 4. U.S. right to intervene to protect Cuban independence/keep order


Cuba = an important/highly profitable sugar cane colony of Spain. Beginning in the 1890s, the US & Cuba had an agreement where they would be allowed to set up sugar cane plantations, railroads & mines in Cuba (with Spanish permission). For a long time, trade with the US helped fuel the Cuban economy, until in the late 1890s Cuba hit a depression. Soon, Cubans started calling out for independence from Spain. Led by rebel Jose Marti, the Cubans began a revolution for their independence, free from Spain. But the rebellion was brutally crushed by Sp. forces; there were many war atrocities, including mass killings/concentration camps in Cuba. News of these atrocities reached the US via yellow journalism, & this angered Americans enough to hate Spain. In addition, many Cuban rebels purposely wrecked American-owned property in Cuba (railroads & factories) in order to influence wealthy business owners to cry for war. Many Americans wanted war with Spain & would use any excuse to start it. In March 1898, the USS Maine, an Am. navy ship, blew up off of the Havana Harbor, Cuba, & immediately the US blamed Spain. On April19, 1898, the US declared war on Spain. REMEMBER THE MAINE, TO HELL WITH SPAIN! COURSE: Fighting in Cuba for the Americans was not as easy as they expected. Many died from disease caused by unsanitary war conditions; more American soldiers died as a result of disease than actual combat. Soon, Teddy Roosevelt, then Secretary of the Navy, quit his high-paying job to start a group called the “rough riders,” a cavalry unit made up of cowboys & miners. Their courageous war efforts boosted the Am. advance and on July , along with the navy, helped defeat & make Sp. surrender on Aug Teddy Roosevelt would emerge with the medal of honor & labeled a war hero  becomes President. CONSEQUENCES: Philippines: The US also helped the Philippines gain independence from Spain. However, there was much disagreement between the US and the Filipinos as how the Philippines would be controlled, and if the US should stay behind. After much tension, the US, deciding not to annex the Philippines, left the island in 1902. Because of the Spanish-American War, the US was able to acquire Guam (territory), the Philippines, & Puerto Rico (commonwealth). Although it took until 1946 to finally grant them full independence, the US let the Philippines become its own independent country, without annexing it. More importantly, the Spanish-American war kicked out most of the original colonial powers from the Western hemisphere and solidified the United States as the dominant power of the hemisphere.


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