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Infrared imaging Eugen Kvasnak, PhD. Department of Medical Biophysics and Informatics 3rd Medical Faculty of Charles University.

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Presentation on theme: "Infrared imaging Eugen Kvasnak, PhD. Department of Medical Biophysics and Informatics 3rd Medical Faculty of Charles University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Infrared imaging Eugen Kvasnak, PhD. Department of Medical Biophysics and Informatics 3rd Medical Faculty of Charles University

2 Herschel 1800 - thermal radiation of the sun IR radiation - longer wavelength than light - mostly heat effects - invisible, not ionizing near IR 0,8 – 25 μm - medical applications far IR25 μm – 1 mm – meteorology, astronomy

3 Transmission principle IR laser tomography Emission principle IR photography thermography liquid crystals thermovision - b&w - colour thermovision camera - digital IR imaging technique

4 Technical thermography : noktovision, meteorology Medical thermography – thermovision: Noninvasive detection of human body energy Recording of body surface distribution of temperatures no radiation X thermometry – point temperature recording

5 Planck’s law Wien law E = k.T 4 Physical principles of thermovision

6 IR detector – semiconductor InSb - cooling by liquid N 2 (-196 o C) Technical scheme of thermovision

7 Clinical aplication Inflamatory proceses – joints, soft tissues Phlebology – vein trombosis Vascular cancer Ischemy of the limbs … Sudeck syndrom Head zones

8 Thermoregulation isothermal areas 37 o 40 o C


10 Thank you for your attention!

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