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What about the dogs Dogs welfare in pig hunting Zoe Sargent and Cheyanne Williams.

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Presentation on theme: "What about the dogs Dogs welfare in pig hunting Zoe Sargent and Cheyanne Williams."— Presentation transcript:

1 What about the dogs Dogs welfare in pig hunting Zoe Sargent and Cheyanne Williams

2 What is pig hunting? The dogs job What breeds are used? How old the dogs start training? Registration and pig dog equipment First aid available The good and the bad Our point of view

3 Pig hunting is all about finding the pig and catching them. The dogs are used to find and hold the pig until the hunter arrives. The pig is either shot or stuck with a knife and then carried back to the vehicles. If you would like to know more about pig hunting have a look at the site below. (The Rural, 2013). (Greg the Boar Hunter, 30 September 2013).

4 Generally there are two or more dogs that work together The bay dog: Can almost be any breed as long as it is able to pick up a scent and track a pig. They need to be able to follow the scent and find the pig. Once the dog finds the pig it will let off a distinctive howl or bark to let the hunters know they have got a pig. The catch dog: Needs to be a big strong dog with a good holding jaw to be able to hold down the pig. Their job is to meet with the bay dog and bite and hold the pig till the hunter comes. (Greg the Boar Hunter, 30 September 2013). (Monteria boar hunts, n.d.).

5 English bulldog/Irish wolfhound x Whippet English pointer x Dogo Argentino Elvinian mastiff Elvinian mastiff x pure grey hound Bay Dog Catch dog Bay Dog

6 American bulldog Catch dog Ridgeback x huntaway Catch dog Bay Dog Pit-bull

7 Start between 4-6 months. Trained for at least 6 months. Trained with pigs that are kept in a bush lifestyle block or in the wild with other trained dogs. (Greg the Boar Hunter, 30 September 2013).

8 Pig dogs are like any other dog. They legally have to be registered. If you are hunting in a private area you need to have a permit for each dog. Gear needed: Collars Rip collars Tracking collars Rip vests (Department of Conservation, n.d.).

9 First aid available for the pig dogs is usually stitching material and staple guns. Most pig hunters use a staple gun. There is first aid kits that can be purchased. These can include suture material, bandages, saline solution, iodine wipes and cohesive bandaging. (Treetool, n.d.).

10 Good: The dogs help the hunters. They make the job easier for the hunter. They make it safer for the hunter. The dogs are helping get rid of the pig infestations. Bad: Its dangerous to the dogs. The dogs don't really have a choice. Not Safe. No benefit to the dogs. There is no real support for the pig hunting dogs in New Zealand.!/BanTheUse OfDogsInPigHuntingnz VIDEO: S0cN_Us

11 Pig hunting is not all that bad as long as you do the right things for you and your animals. Make sure your dogs have the right safety equipment. Make sure your dogs are fit and healthy. Fully trained dogs. Make sure you get to the sight on time so that neither the dogs or pigs get hurt to much.


13 Department of Conservation. (n.d). Hunting with dogs. Retrieved from: Greg the Boar Hunter. (30 september 2013). Home. Retrieved from: Greg the Boar Hunter. (30 september 2013). The 13 Best Hog Dogs To Hunt Wild Boar. Retrieved from: Greg the Boar Hunter. (30 September 2013). Training. Retrieved from: Monteria boar hunts. (n.d). images of Monteria bred dogs. Retrieved from The Rural. (2013). History of wild pig in New Zealand. Retrieved from: Treetools. (n.d.). First aid for pig dogs. Retrieved from: / /

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