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Here are today’s Announcements Welcome Back Basha High School.

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Presentation on theme: "Here are today’s Announcements Welcome Back Basha High School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Here are today’s Announcements Welcome Back Basha High School


3 See Flier on the Website for More Information! -Training Dates & Location -Teen Education Materials -Teen Video Competition -Why Educate on Such a Dark Topic

4 Doubles Tennis Tournament Where: Basha High School tennis courts When: Saturday, November 1st, from 8 AM to 1 PM Who: Tennis players of all ages and skill levels High School tennis players (ages 14- 18) are required to partner with non- High School tennis players in this event; no two high school aged tennis players may compete on the same team.High School tennis players (ages 14- 18) are required to partner with non- High School tennis players in this event; no two high school aged tennis players may compete on the same team. Entry Fee: $20/team or $10/Individual (We will match you with a partner). The winning team will be awarded a $50 gift certificate to Apple Dumpling Café.Entry Fee: $20/team or $10/Individual (We will match you with a partner). The winning team will be awarded a $50 gift certificate to Apple Dumpling Café. Contact Coach Johnson in Room F220, ext. 2258, or at Johnson.Charles@cusd80.comContact Coach Johnson in Room F220, ext. 2258, or at

5 BHS Freshman Girls Tennis #GoBears

6 PSAT Test Basha High School will be giving the on Saturday, October 18 th

7 Maricopa ACE PLUS Scholarship Program For Sophomore students only Earn up to 24 college credits-free of charge See Mrs. Cunningham in Guidance for details and an application Applications due NO LATER than December 12 th at 11:00 a.m.

8 2014 BASHA BEARS HIGH SCHOOL BOYS AND GIRLS TENNIS CLINIC Who: 7-12th Graders When: Tuesdays & Thursdays October 21 st to December 11 th Time: 3:00-5:00 PM Where: BHS Tennis Courts Entry fees: $200.00 Why: Either for fun or to improve your game to compete at the JV or Varsity level in the Spring. Instructor: Basha Varsity Girls Coach Johnson Register at or see Coach Johnson in F220 for more

9 “It’s New to Me!” Teen Book Trade Bring the books you no longer want to keep and TRADE them for something NEW to YOU! Wednesday, October 15 2:15-3:15 p.m. Basha Library Program Room TODAY!

10 Come to the next MEETING on Thursday, October 16 th 2:45-3:45 p.m. Basha Library Program Room Basha Library’s Teen Advisory Council Brainstorm ideas for teen programs at the library! Make new friends! Earn volunteer hours!

11 Wednesday, November 5 th Basha Library Program Room Basha Library Program Room 2:15 – 3:30 p.m. Registration required. Sign up now to participate!

12 BHSKDC2014

13 Attention Seniors and Juniors: The Career Center is planning its annual field trip to The University of Arizona on October 17th. Students may visit C-201 today to pick up a permission slip.

14 ATTENTIONUnderclassmen Classes of 2016-18 Your 2014-2015 school photos are in! See your English teacher for your pictures. If you don’t have an English class, pick up your pictures in the front office. Retakes will be Friday, October 17 th in the auditorium foyer during lunches. Your 2014-2015 school photos are in! See your English teacher for your pictures. If you don’t have an English class, pick up your pictures in the front office. Retakes will be Friday, October 17 th in the auditorium foyer during lunches.

15 Senior Ad information is available on the school website’s yearbook page. The due date for ads is Monday, December 1 st. Email if you have questions.

16 Admission Prices for BHS Sports 2014-2015


18 Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) Auditorium Pod B Conference Every Second and Fourth THURSDAY of Each Month

19 BASHA FCA Check Us Out Twitter: @bashafca Instagram: basha_fca Plenty of Outside of School Activities! Get Involved!

20 BHS Band 2014


22 BHS MATH CLUB! Are you BORED in your math class? Do you want to see the world in a NEW and EXCITING way? Do you want a fun way to improve your TEST SCORES? Stop By C-122 Weekly After School Meetings: On Thursdays Conference Meetings: 1st and 3rd Wednesday! Join the




26 Grizzly Shack Is Now Open! NOW OPEN Located near the F building across from the cafeteria. Open for all lunches (closed on Thursdays.) New Items! White Castle burgers Otis Spunkmeyer muffins Nerd ropes Laffy Taffy Sour Patch Straws (all flavors)


28 Attention All Students! Effective Now: All Students riding the Bus MUST show Their student ID or they will not let you on!

29 Tutoring Available Beginning Monday Oct 20 Every Monday & Wednesday Room C115 - 2:20-3:20pm Includes Honors Classes English: English 9, English 10, English 11, English 12 Math: Algebra 1, Geometry, and Algebra 2 Science: Investigative Science, Biology, Chemistry Social Studies: World History, AM/AZ History, & Econ/Gov’t Foreign Language: Depends on the level

30 LATE BUS will be available daily at 4:15pm Picks up in front of Admin daily Eligible to ride the bus and need to stay after school for an activity or tutoring?

31 Special promotion going on now! Go to for more info! Special promotion going on now! Go to for more info!

32 Attention All Parents & Students If so, please contact our front office to get his or her picture on our Wall of Honor! 480.224.2100 If so, please contact our front office to get his or her picture on our Wall of Honor! 480.224.2100 Do you have a Basha High School Alumni family member that is currently serving or has previously served in a branch of the US Armed Services?


34 Check out our QR Code! Visit

35 Want to know what’s happening around Basha each week? When School Starts Visit

36 Tours available for Incoming and prospective AMS and BHS Students Call the Main Office To schedule yours today 480.224.2100

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