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Photos: © IAS/Steve Shapiro – Brings together science, community and leadership 14,000+ participants from around the world Brings.

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2 Photos: © IAS/Steve Shapiro – Brings together science, community and leadership 14,000+ participants from around the world Brings together Science, Community and Leadership Photos: © IAS/Steve Shapiro,

3 Photos: © IAS/Steve Shapiro – 14,000+ participants from around the world World’s largest, most comprehensive AIDS conference Photos: © IAS/Marcus Rose – Steve Forrest/Workers’ Photos

4 As a delegate at AIDS 2014 you can expect to: engage with leaders on issues related to the three conference pillars: Science, Community and Leadership access new science take part in policy debates be exposed to new ideas and build your network develop synergies across disciplines increase engagement at a regional and global level.

5 AIDS 2014 Chairs AIDS 2014 will be chaired by two eminent scientists, two women who have been critical to the continued development of science to overcome HIV and AIDS Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, PhD AIDS 2014 International Chair President, International AIDS Society; Director, Regulation of Retroviral Infections Institut Pasteur, Paris; 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine for co-discovery of HIV Sharon Lewin, FRACP, PhD AIDS 2014 Local Co-Chair Professor and Head, Department of Infectious Diseases, Alfred Hospital and Monash University; Co-Head, Centre for Biomedical Research, Burnet Institute, Melbourne, Australia

6 AIDS 2014 Partnerships The International AIDS Conference represents a wide partnership with the International AIDS Society (IAS) as convener. The partnership includes: PERMANENT PARTNERS Global Network of People Living with HIV (GNP+) International Council of AIDS Service Organizations (ICASO) International Community of Women with HIV/AIDS (ICW) UNAIDS, the Joint United Nations Programme of HIV/AIDS NON-PERMANENT PARTNERS Positive Women’s Network (PWN) Sidaction AUSTRALIA BASED PARTNERS The Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) The Australasian Society for HIV Medicine (ASHM) The National Association of People Living with HIV in Australia (NAPWHA) REGIONAL BASED PARTNERS The AIDS Society of Asia and the Pacific (ASAP) The National AIDS Research Institute of India (NARI) The Asia Pacific Network of Sex Workers (APNSW)

7 AIDS 2014 in Melbourne AIDS 2014 will take place at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre, Australia’s most versatile convention and exhibition facility located in the heart of the vibrant and welcoming city of Melbourne.Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre Hosting AIDS 2014 in Melbourne will make it possible for those across the Asia Pacific region to attend the conference. AIDS 2014 is organized with support from the City of Melbourne, the State Government of Victoria, the Federal Government of Australia and various scientific and community leaders from Australia, as well as from Asia and the Pacific.

8 HIV and AIDS in Asia Pacific Region Nearly 5 million people are living with HIV across the Asia Pacific Region. The epidemic in this region is diverse, as HIV epidemiology varies greatly from country to country, location to location. For example, injecting drug use drives the epidemic in countries like Malaysia, but in others the marginalization of sex workers and men who have sex with men (MSM) translates into few from these groups accessing treatment and prevention services. Only 30% of pregnant women in Asia have access to HIV testing and only 16% have access to treatment to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV.

9 HIV and AIDS in Australia By the end of 2010, an estimated 30,486 cases of HIV infection had been diagnosed in Australia and an estimated 25,166 people were living with HIV infection. This corresponds to an overall prevalence of approximately 0.1 percent. The incidence of HIV infection in Australia is stable at approximately 1,000 cases per year. Mother-to-child transmission of HIV remains extremely low in Australia. In the period 2006-2010, an estimated 68% of new HIV occurred among men who have sex with men, 25% were attributed to heterosexual contact, 3% to injecting drug use and exposure was undetermined in 7% of new HIV diagnoses. Very few AIDS cases or HIV-related deaths are recorded each year in Australia due to the wide availability of multiple lines of antiretroviral therapy. A partnership approach is central to the development, continuation, implementation, surveillance and monitoring of HIV strategies in Australia. Governments, the community sector (representing people living with HIV and their communities), researchers, clinicians and the health sector workforce are all partners in Australia’s response to HIV. Statistics above from UNAIDS Australia Country Progress Report 2012

10 Key Topics at AIDS 2014 GLOBALLY: historic time for science in the global response against HIV and AIDS continued need to invest now or pay later End of Millennium Development Goals in 2015 universal access to treatment and care stigma and discrimination challenges Continuing vaccine and cure research. ASIA PACIFIC REGION: wide diversity in access to care success stories in prevention, treatment and care unacceptable discriminatory laws in some countries programmatic focus on disproportionately burdened populations.

11 AIDS 2014 Conference Objectives (1/2) To engage, inspire, innovate and advocate – in partnership with affected communities, government, scientists, clinicians and all stakeholders – working towards the end of AIDS through prevention measures and comprehensive care and treatment for all. To broaden the understanding that the same barriers that have fuelled the epidemic over the past 30 years still exist today and need to be broken down including stigma, discrimination and repressive policies, attitudes and practices. These impede the application of scientifically proven prevention and treatment options and violate the human rights of those affected. To raise awareness that progress in responding to the AIDS epidemic is being achieved at different speeds: in many countries – both developed and developing – the HIV response has made great advances while in many others, new infections continue to rise due to funding, structural, policy and political challenges.

12 AIDS 2014 Conference Objectives (2/2) To put focus on global HIV epidemic hotspots and scale up efforts within Key Affected Populations (KAPs) including men who have sex with men, sex workers, people living with HIV, transgender, and people who use drugs. It is clear that many people are still being ‘left behind’ in HIV prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care. Solutions require partnerships with KAPs. To acknowledge the pivotal role the HIV response has played in transforming global health over the past three decades and to build upon this momentum by: increasing funding for innovative HIV scientific research and programmes; involving a new generation of young scientists, community leaders, politicians and advocates; involving the cross fertilization of experience and expertise from other disciplines. To assist in fostering the current debate around a post 2015 Millennium Development Goals (MDG) scenario for HIV and AIDS, including the cross cutting issues of criminalization, gender based violence, sexual health rights and stigma and discrimination. Ensuring that HIV and AIDS remains a key focus of international development.

13 Stepping up the Pace - Theme of AIDS 2014 The HIV and AIDS field has seen renewed optimism over the past few years with substantial gains made in cure and vaccine research, growing numbers of people receiving antiretroviral treatment, falling rates of infection and more evidence on Treatment as Prevention. However, this progress has not been universal with many regions struggling to address their HIV epidemic among a backdrop of ever increasing infections and difficulties in funding, implementation and political challenges. Stepping up the Pace recognizes that we are at a critical time and we need to capture the optimism that has recently emerged and build on it to ensure that HIV remains on top of the global agenda. The pace needs to further increase to ultimately reverse the trajectory of the epidemic. Stepping up the Pace reminds us that we have to energize and revitalize our efforts to increase investments, collaborative research and political commitment. This can be done through controlled and coordinated action, including significant programme scale-up in resource-limited settings, commitment to evidence-based interventions, and more effective and intensive interventions in “hotspots” where Key Affected Populations (KAPs) are being left behind. Crucially there is the need to involve KAPs and address the stigma and discrimination which they face, including punitive government policies. Stepping up the Pace reflects the crucial opportunity that AIDS 2014 will provide for mobilizing stakeholders, joining forces and building on the present momentum necessary to change the course of the epidemic.

14 Principles of the International AIDS Conference Meaningful inclusion of people living with HIV and key affected populations, and optimize mechanisms for meaningful participation. Be accountable and transparent in planning and implementing the conference. Ensure gender equality in representation at all levels of the planning and in the implementation of the conference. Develop a robust, comprehensive programme to present the most current science, best medical practice information, and community experience.

15 AIDS 2014 Programme The Conference Programme is made up of three pillars: 1.Scientific 2.Community 3.Leadership and Accountability. Within the Scientific Programme there are multiple tracks: Track A: Basic and Translational Research Track B: Clinical Research Track C: Epidemiology and Prevention Research Track D: Social and Political Research, Law, Policy and Human Rights Track E: Implementation Research, Economics, Systems and Synergies with other Health and Development Sectors

16 AIDS 2014 Programme Overview Programme Sessions Opening/Closing Sessions Opening/Closing Sessions Plenary Sessions Symposia Workshops Abstract-driven Sessions Abstract-driven Sessions Bridging Sessions Special Sessions Programme Activities Youth Programme Global Village

17 Abstract driven sessions Offer the highest caliber of state-of-the-art knowledge and peer-reviewed research. Over half of all conference sessions will be abstract driven Oral Presentations Oral Presentations Poster Discussions Poster Discussions Poster Exhibitions Poster Exhibitions Late Breaker Presentations Late Breaker Presentations Track A: Basic and Translational Research Track B: Clinical Research Track C: Epidemiology and Prevention Research Track D: Social and Political Research, Law, Policy and Human Rights Track E: Implementation Research, Economics, Systems and Synergies with other Health and Development Sectors Track E: Implementation Research, Economics, Systems and Synergies with other Health and Development Sectors

18 Non-abstract driven sessions In addition to abstract driven sessions, AIDS 2014 will feature a number of different sessions including symposia sessions, bridging sessions and special sessions addressing a variety of current viewpoints and issues. DAILY PLENARY SESSION These sessions feature some of the world’s most distinguished HIV scientists, policy specialists and community leaders. Key note speakers will include world leaders, community activists and celebrities. Plenary sessions will bring together all conference delegates at the first session of every morning.

19 AIDS 2014 Global Village A diverse and vibrant space where community gathers to meet, share and learn from each other. Open to AIDS 2014 delegates and the general public. Admission is free. Promotes networking between north and south, east and west. Provides space for displays, discussions, performances from throughout the world and a marketplace. Invites participants to see how science translates into community action and interventions.

20 AIDS 2014 Youth Programme Almost half of all new HIV infection in the world are among people under 25 Globally, 5.4 million young people are living with HIV Young people remain the most vulnerable group to HIV infection due factors including lack of information, education, societal influences, and inability to access healthcare services. The AIDS 2014 Youth Programme strengthens the participation of young people and the profile of youth issues through: Youth website Youth pavilion Youth-driven sessions Electronic youth bulletin Youth opening and reception High-level youth leadership forum. Lower registration fees for all young people under age 26 and youth scholarships Statistics above from WHO

21 Register early for AIDS 2014! AIDS 2014 registration opens on World AIDS Day – 1 st December 2013 Early registration is encouraged to benefit from discounted rate Conference delegateStandard feeLate fee (after 20 Feb 2014) Last Minute fee (after 2 May 2014) Regular Delegate Middle/low income Countries* USD 575USD 690USD 765 High-income countries* USD 785USD 940USD 1045 Australian & New Zealand inc. ASHM Membership # USD 885USD 1040USD 1145 Youth (under age 26)/Student/Post-doc Middle/low income Countries* USD 150USD 180USD 200 High-income countries* USD 235USD 280USD 310 Australian & New Zealand inc. ASHM Membership # USD 275USD 320USD 350 * For definition of High/Middle/Low income countries, please go to # Australian & New Zealand delegates not wanting ASHM membership should simply use the high-income countries rate

22 Australian & New Zealand Delegates The Australasian Society for HIV Medicine (ASHM) is the local scientific partner and supporter of AIDS 2014 ASHM will not hold its annual scientific meeting in 2014, instead it is fully incorporated into AIDS 2014 ASHM is a multidisciplinary professional organisation that supports the HIV, viral hepatitis and sexual health workforce visit for more Australians and New Zealanders working in the HIV sector are strongly encouraged to attend AIDS2014 and to join or renew membership of ASHM at this discounted rate USD100 for full membership and USD40 a saving of $87 and $26 respectively, for the 2014-2015 membership year Australian and New Zealand delegates not wanting to join or renew ASHM membership should simply register using the high income countries rate

23 Be part of AIDS 2014 Don’t miss the AIDS 2014 Webinar Series! The webinars will provide updates on AIDS 2014 and will cover a wide variety of topics aimed at strengthening he participation and engagement of young individuals, communities, leaders, and scientists at the conference. For more information:

24 Follow AIDS 2014 Join the conversation and follow AIDS 2014 on Social Media! Get the latest conference updates and share your thoughts and ideas through the AIDS 2014 social media channels. Sign-up for monthly email updates (from November 2013)

25 Contact us Check regularly the AIDS 2014 website: for news and updates about the AIDS 2014 Local Secretariat – Melbourne, Australia Alfred Health (Old Baker Building – Level 1) PO BOX 25143 55 Commercial Road Melbourne Victoria, 3004 Australia Phone: +61 (0) 3852 79301 AIDS 2014 International Secretariat – Geneva, Switzerland Phone: +41 (0) 22 710 0800 Email: Media related enquiries should be sent to

26 Sponsors and Supporters (as of Oct 2013) Destination Sponsors

27 Sponsors and Supporters (as of Oct 2013) Major Industry Sponsors

28 Sponsors and Supporters (as of Oct 2013) Donors Official Transport Agent

29 Sponsors and Supporters (as of Oct 2013) With Support From

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