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COP4020/CGS5426 Programming languages Syllabus. Instructor Xin Yuan Office: 168 LOV Office hours: T, H 10:00am – 11:30am Class website:

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Presentation on theme: "COP4020/CGS5426 Programming languages Syllabus. Instructor Xin Yuan Office: 168 LOV Office hours: T, H 10:00am – 11:30am Class website:"— Presentation transcript:

1 COP4020/CGS5426 Programming languages Syllabus

2 Instructor Xin Yuan ( Office: 168 LOV Office hours: T, H 10:00am – 11:30am Class website: Blackboard and

3 Teaching Assistants Jiefei Cai,  Office: Lov 020  Email:  Office hours: TBD Carlos Sanchez  Lov 171 (mobile lab)  Email:  Office hours: TBD

4 Course Objectives  Understand concepts in programming languages  Be able to explain common language constructs and features  Be able to explain the subtlety in language features such as scoping, binding, and parameter passing.  Be able to simulate useful features in languages that lack them  Understand the general approach to implement a language.  Be able to write a programming language translator (compiler/interpreter).  Be able to program in procedural, object-oriented, functional, and logical programming languages  Functional programming, logical programming  Ultimate goal: be able, in principle, to design a new programming language

5 Prerequisites  COP 4530 Data structures  Working knowledge of the UNIX environment  Proficiency in C or C++

6 Course Material  Lecture notes (posted at the class website)  Textbooks:  Michael Scott, Programming Language Pragmatics, 3 rd Edition

7 Class Grading  Midterm (20%)  Final (30%)  Covers the whole course  Programming projects (25%)  Oral presentation and paper (10%)  Quizzes and homework assignments (15%)

8 Presentation  Oral  Written (paper)  Must pass (70% or above) the oral and written presentation in order to pass the course  This is a cornerstone requirement from the upper level.

9 Programming projects  Programming projects (25%)  Language implementation (partial compiler)  Alternative programming  Complete project within due date  10% penalty each day for up to two days for late submission

10 Letter grades  A : 94-100% C+: 77-79% D-: 60-62%  A-: 90-93% C: 73-76% F: 0-59%  B+: 87-89% C-: 70-72%  B: 83-86% D+: 67-69%  B-: 80-82% D: 63-66% To get C- or above, you must have a C- for the project and the combined grade.

11 Computer Accounts  Computer science account  Various tools  SSH, E-mail, text editor, g++, make  All programming assignments should be done on the CS servers (linprog).  FSU account  Receiving class emails  Please communicate with the instructor and the TA using a fsu account (cs or FSU). Emails from outside fsu (yahoo, hotmail, gmail, etc) may be ignored (or filtered).

12 Tentative schedule  Week 1: Introduction (Chapter 1)  Week 2: Syntax (Chapter 2)  Week 3: Syntax (Chapter 2)  Week 4: Names Scopes, and Bindings (Chapter 3)  Week 5: Semantics (Chapter 4)  Week 6: Semantics (Chapter 4)  Week 7: Axiomatic Semantics  Week 8: Control Flow (Chapter 6)  Week 9: Midterm  Week 10: Spring Break  Week 11: Subroutines and Parameter Passing (Chapter 8)  Week 12: Exception Handling (Chapter 8)  Week 13: Functional Programming (Chapter 10)  Week 14: Functional Programming (Chapter 10)  Week 15: Logic Programming (Chapter 11)  Week 16: Logic Programming (Chapter 11)

13 Academic honor policy  Read the student handbook  All violations will be processed by the university  Step 1 penalty: 0 grade for the particular homework/project/exam AND 1 letter grade downgrade for the final course letter grade (e.g. B->C).

14 Your Responsibilities  Understand lecture and reading materials  Attend office hours for extra help, as needed  Uphold academic honesty  Turn in your assignments on time  Check class Web page and your email account and regularly

15 Dos and Don’ts  Do share debugging experiences  Do share knowledge of tools  Do acknowledge help from others  Do acknowledge sources of information from books and web pages

16 Dos and Don’ts  Don’t cheat  Don’t copy code from others  Don’t paraphrase code from others either  E.g., changing variable names & indentations  Don’t leak your code to any place  There is no difference in terms of penalty between copying and being copied.  All honor code violation will be resolved through the Office of the Dean and the Faculties.  Zero for the particular assignment/exam AND one letter grade deduction for the level 1 agreement (first violation).

17 Course Policies  Attendance mandatory  There are no make-up exams for missed exams unless one (1) has a good excuse AND (2) notices the instructor before the exam.  Students with disabilities  Report to Student Disability Resource Center  Bring me a letter within the first week of class

18 To see or not to see me & TA  We are not psychics  Please let us know if…  Class is too hard  You don’t have the background  Class can be improved in certain ways  When in doubt, email us…

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