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Prepare for class… Please head a clean sheet of lined paper with a proper heading…

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1 Prepare for class… Please head a clean sheet of lined paper with a proper heading…

2 Let’s envisage for warm-up…
To contemplate or conceive of as a possibility or a desirable future event; form a mental picture of something not yet known. Enjoy this little ditty from schoolhouse rock…

3 Once the contiguous United States is complete…
On your headed paper respond to the following with complete sentences: What do you envisage the next step will be for the United States?

4 Birth of American Empire: The Spanish American War

5 Political Cartoon Analysis
In your readings you come across the term Yellow Journalism. 2. Using complete sentences, envisage what you believe Yellow Journalism, might be and how or for what it is used. Directions: In your table groups analyze the political cartoon #1 from Use the provided discussion questions to aid in your analysis.

6 Cartoon 1 What roles has the artist assigned to each of the countries?
What symbolic elements does he use to characterize each of the three countries? In what direction is the artist hoping to influence public opinion in the context of 1896?

7 Video and Further Cartoon Analysis
Watch the Video on the Spanish American War. Directions: In your groups analyze the remaining political cartoons from Use the provided discussion questions to aid in your analysis.

8 Cartoon 2 Cartoons 2 and 3 date to 1898, shortly after the end of the war What symbols are used to represent the various nations involved in the unfolding drama of the birth of the American empire? What is the significance of these symbols and how do they contrast with the portrayal of Cuba in Cartoons 1 and 4?

9 Cartoon 3 Compare the ostensible editorial intentions behind Cartoons 2 and 3. Is there a contrasting underlying message in Cartoon 3? 3. In complete sentences, explain what you envision as the differences in editorial intention and the underlying messages.

10 Cartoon 4 In Cartoon 4, as well as in Cartoon 1, a woman represents Cuba. What is the significance of this symbol? What is the significance of Cuba being represented as white and attractive or voluptuous? 4. Explain the apparent intention of the artist producing Cartoon 4 in the context of 1901, when the Spanish troops had left Cuba and the United States continued its military occupation of the island.

11 Cartoon 5 Cartoon 5 represents Cuba entering its second year of independence. How is Cuba characterized? What do you suppose is the artist’s attitude toward the possibility of Cuba being annexed as a state of the United States? What symbols does the artist use to represent stability, order, and prosperity?

12 Cartoon 6 Cartoon 6 dates to 1905 and purports to contrast Cuba and Puerto Rico after Spanish colonialism. What symbols are used to create the contrast? Note the racial representation of both islands. 5. What is the historical context behind these seemingly opposite outcomes?

13 Empire Today? Envision TODAY! Independently or with your group draw a political cartoon about American Empire today. (no stick figures) Be prepared to present your cartoon.

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