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Supplementary Material Emission Computed Tomography

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1 Supplementary Material Emission Computed Tomography
Thanks to those that post interesting material on the internet. This supplement is a collection from several.

2 Emission Tomography f(x,y,z) f(x,y,z) Reconstruction projection Slices

3 SPECT Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography
only one gamma photon is detected per decay Rotating scintillator camera collimator NaI(Tl) crystal

4 PET Positron Emission Tomography
What do we want to detect in PET? 2 photons of 511 keV in coincidence, coming in a straight line from the same annihilation detector e- e+ unstable nucleus emits positron positron annihilates with electron two 511 photons are emitted simultaneously in opposite directions TRUE coincidence

5 Types of Coincidence True coincidence is the simultaneous detection of the two emissions resulting from a single decay event. Scatter coincidence is when one or both photons from a single event are scattered and both are detected. Random coincidence is the simultaneous detection of emission from more than one decay event. Coincidences: True Scatter Random

6 PET radiation detection
PET scanner Typical configuration: whole-body (patient port ~60 cm; axial FOV~15 cm) scintillator crystals coupled to photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) cylindrical geometry ~24-32 rings of detector crystals hundreds of crystals/ring several millions of Lines Of Response (LORs) (only a few are shown) Other configurations for special-purpose applications: - brain imaging animal PET mammography, other PET CT True True

7 PET/CT CT PET CT+PET General Electric Medical Systems

8 PET data acquisition Organization of data
True counts in LORs are accumulated In some cases, groups of nearby LORs are grouped into one average LOR (“mashing”) LORs are organized into projections etc…

9 PET data acquisition 2D and 3D acquisition modes
In the 3D mode there are no septa: photons from a larger number of incident angles are accepted, increasing the sensitivity. Note that despite the name, the 2D mode provides three-dimensional reconstructed images (a collection of transaxial, sagittal and transaxial slices), just like the 3D mode! 2D mode (= with septa) 3D mode (= no septa) septa

10 not detected (septa block photons)
PET data acquisition 2D mode vs. 3D mode 2D mode (= with septa) 3D mode (= no septa) True not detected (septa block photons) True detected

11 PET data acquisition Organization of data
In 3D, there are extra LORs relative to 2D oblique planes ... same planes as 2D + 3D mode

12 PET evolution: spatial resolution
Human brain Animal PET ~1998 Monkey brain Image credits: CTI PET Systems Image credits: Crump Institute, UCLA

13 “Part of the goal is to bring order to this alphabet soup.”
J. Fessler, 2002

14 PET image reconstruction
P(2 ,r) Radon Transform 1 2 P(1 ,r) f(x,y) r Projection Object

15 PET image reconstruction
Sinogram r Projection angle Projection bin Object

16 PET image reconstruction
Object Sinogram r

17 PET image reconstruction
Object Sinogram r

18 PET image reconstruction
Object Sinogram r

19 PET image reconstruction
Object Sinogram r

20 PET image reconstruction
Object Sinogram r

21 PET: 180º (2 opposite photons)
Sinogram Other representations can be used instead of the sinogram (linogram, planogram) PET: 180º (2 opposite photons) SPECT: 360º (1 photon)

22 PET image reconstruction
2D Reconstruction 2D Reconstruction Each parallel slice is reconstructed independently (a 2D sinogram originates a 2D slice) Slices are stacked to form a 3D volume f(x,y,z) 2D reconstruction Plane 5 Slice 5 etc 2D reconstruction Plane 4 Slice 4 2D reconstruction Plane 3 Slice 3 2D reconstruction Plane 2 Slice 2 2D reconstruction Plane 1 Slice 1

23 PET image reconstruction
2D Reconstruction Projection and Backprojection Projection Backprojection

24 PET image reconstruction
2D Reconstruction Object 4 projections 16 projections 128 projections Backprojection Filtered Backprojection

25 The Importance of counts
4.8mm 6.4mm 12.7 mm 7.9 mm 11.1mm 9.5mm counts 1 million counts 2 million counts

26 Noise In PET Images Noise in PET images is dominated by the counting statistics of the coincidence events detected. Noise can be reduced at the cost of image resolution by using an apodizing window on ramp filter in image reconstruction (FBP algorithm). counts Unapodized ramp filter Hanning window, 4mm Hanning window, 8mm

27 PET image reconstruction
Data corrections are necessary the measured projections are not the same as the projections assumed during image reconstruction integral of the activity along the line or tube of response Scattered coincidences component Attenuation Random coincidences component Detector efficiency effects True coincidences component projection assumed projection measured Raylman et al.: “An estimated 25% of women receiving mammograms have radiographically dense breasts, which make lesion detection difficult or impossible because the tumors are virtually indistinguishable from dense normal breast tissue. This number is certain to rise in light of the recent recommendation by the National Cancer Institute that women over the age of 40 and at average risk for breast cancer start regular mammographic screening; considering dense breasts are most common in women under the age of 50.” Object (uniform cylinder)

28 Analytical methods Advantages Disadvantages Fast Simple
Predictable, linear behaviour Disadvantages Not very flexible Image formation process is not modelled  image properties are sub-optimal (noise, resolution)

29 Iterative methods Advantages Disadvantages
Can accurately model the image formation process (use with non-standard geometries, e.g. not all angles measured, gaps) Allow use of constraints and a priori information (non-negativity, boundaries) Corrections can be included in the reconstruction process (attenuation, scatter, etc) Disadvantages Slow Less predictive behaviour (noise? convergence?)

30 PET Image reconstruction
Iterative methods Iteration 1 projection Estimated projection image space projection space Current estimate Measured projection Compare (e.g. – or / ) Error projection Update backprojection Error image

31 PET Image reconstruction
Iterative methods Iteration 2 image space projection space projection Estimated projection Estimated projection Current estimate Measured projection Compare (e.g. - or / ) Update backprojection Error image Error projection

32 PET Image reconstruction
Iterative methods Iteration N image space projection space projection Estimated projection Estimated projection Current estimate Measured projection Compare (e.g. - or / ) Update backprojection Error image Error projection

33 Algorithm comparison 600 000 counts (including scatter) original 3DRP
Hanning 3D OSEM + filt. 6 subsets 5 iter. Gauss .5cm FORE + OSEM 6 subsets 2 iter. 3D OSEM Image credits: Kris Thielemans MRC CU, London (now IRSL –

34 Reconstruction of a slice from projections example = myocardial perfusion, left ventricle, long axis
This image should be used to explain the principle of filtered back projection. Note that the image contains an animation. courtesy of Dr. K. Kouris

35 conventional iterative algebraic methods
Iterative reconstruction methods conventional iterative algebraic methods algebraic reconstruction technique (ART) simultaneous iterative reconstruction technique (SIRT) iterative least-squares technique (ILST) iterative statistical reconstruction methods (with and without using a priori information) gradient and conjugate gradient (CG) algorithms maximum likelihood expectation maximization (MLEM) ordered-subsets expectation maximization (OSEM) maximum a posteriori (MAP) algorithms

36 algorithm (a recipe) (1) make the first arbitrary estimate of the slice (homogeneous image), (2) project the estimated slice into projections analogous to those measured by the camera (important: in this step, physical corrections can be introduced - for attenuation, scatter, and depth-dependent collimator resolution), (3) compare the projections of the estimate with measured projections (subtract or divide the corresponding projections in order to obtain correction factors - in the form of differences or quotients), (4) stop or continue: if the correction factors are approaching zero, if they do not change in subsequent iterations, or if the maximum number of iterations was achieved, then finish; otherwise (5) apply corrections to the estimate (add the differences to individual pixels or multiply pixel values by correction quotients) - thus make the new estimate of the slice, (6) go to step (2).

37 Iterative reconstruction - multiplicative corrections

38 Iterative reconstruction - differences between individual iterations

39 Iterative reconstruction - multiplicative corrections

40 Filtered back-projection
very fast direct inversion of the projection formula corrections for scatter, non-uniform attenuation and other physical factors are difficult it needs a lot of filtering - trade-off between blurring and noise quantitative imaging difficult

41 Iterative reconstruction
amplification of noise long calculation time discreteness of data included in the model it is easy to model and handle projection noise, especially when the counts are low it is easy to model the imaging physics such as geometry, non-uniform attenuation, scatter, etc. quantitative imaging possible

42 References: Groch MW, Erwin WD. SPECT in the year 2000: basic principles J Nucl Med Techol 2000; 28: , Groch MW, Erwin WD. Single-photon emission computed tomography in the year 2001: instrumentation and quality control J Nucl Med Technol 2001; 20:9-15, Bruyant PP. Analytic and iterative reconstruction algorithms in SPECT. J Nucl Med 2002; 43: , Zeng GL. Image reconstruction - a tutorial Computerized Med Imaging and Graphics 2001; 25(2):97-103, Vandenberghe S et al. Iterative reconstruction algorithms in nuclear medicine. Computerized Med Imaging and Graphics 2001; 25(2): ,

43 References: Patterson HE, Hutton BF (eds.). Distance Assisted Training Programme for Nuclear Medicine Technologists. IAEA, Vienna, 2003, Busemann-Sokole E. IAEA Quality Control Atlas for Scintillation Camera Systems. IAEA, Vienna, 2003, ISBN , Steves AM. Review of nuclear medicine technology. Society of Nuclear Medicine Inc., Reston, 1996, ISBN , Steves AM. Preparation for examinations in nuclear medicine technology. Society of Nuclear Medicine Inc., Reston, 1997, ISBN , Graham LS (ed.). Nuclear medicine self study program II: Instrumentation. Society of Nuclear Medicine Inc., Reston, 1996, ISBN X, Saha GB. Physics and radiobiology of nuclear medicine. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1993, ISBN

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